Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4037 Chu Qing’s speculation

Chapter 4037 Chu Qing’s speculation

Hearing the questions from the team members, Chu Qing didn't know how to answer.

After all, even she herself doesn’t know why she does this!
  The moment she saw Tang Yi, she instinctively wanted to go over and have contact with him, and she instinctively wanted to make friends with him.

At the same time, he instinctively told Tang Yi everything.

Chu Qing didn't know why she had to talk so much to a five- or six-star true god.

But there is a vague feeling in my heart that I must tell this person, saying this to him will have a huge effect.

Although Chu Qing didn't know why he felt this way, the feeling was very clear and was not an illusion.

"I don't know why I have to say this to him, but I think saying this to him is beneficial to our Realm Palace!"

Chu Qing said.

"Is it beneficial to our Realm Palace?"

"A six-star true god with two supreme levels, what can they do? How can they be beneficial to our Realm Palace?"

The team member asked in confusion.

"Yes, captain, how can a six-star true god with two oil bottles be beneficial to our realm palace? Even a foreigner with such strength cannot defeat him."

"Let's not talk about the aliens at the peak of the True God Realm. Even if they are on the same level as him, he may not be able to defeat them."

"With such strength, on such a battlefield, you really can't do it. Sister Chu, I'm afraid your efforts will be in vain."

"To give him time to explain, it might be more useful to rest for a few more minutes."


The team members said one after another.

"Although he is only in the six-star true god realm, and even carries two supreme-level oil bottles, such strength is really nothing in the battlefield of ten thousand races, and may not even be comparable to the aliens of the same level. guys Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Chu Qing asked.

"Strange? What's strange?"

The team members asked in confusion.

The other team members also looked at Chu Qing, wondering what was strange.

"You must have seen it just now. The three of them came here alone. And this location is not a place where our realm palace often moves. There are a lot of aliens around here, and at this time, there will be a steady stream of people. The aliens are approaching here. The density of the surrounding alien teams will be even more astonishing. Can you tell me, how did a six-star true god realm, plus two supreme beings, avoid the alien teams and arrive here? "

Chu Qing asked.

Hearing this, the team members were all stunned and looked at Chu Qing in surprise, as if they had never thought about this problem.

At the same time, I can’t think of an answer to this question!
  As Chu Qing said, there are many foreign races near this location, and it is a place where foreign races often move.

And because of the spiritual curtain, a large number of alien races will gather here.

Because of this relationship, there will be a large number of aliens rushing here from various routes around, and the density of the alien teams will be very high. I am afraid that if you want to come here to gather, you will definitely encounter aliens. And under such circumstances, how did the three opponents, one a six-star true god and two supreme beings, get over?
  Why were the three of them able to get here safe and sound?

This question was full of doubts, and it immediately stumped the members of the Yuanque Team.

"Could it be...could it be that the three of them were so lucky that they came here safe and sound?"

One of the team members said.

"Look at the density around you. Will you be so lucky?"

Chu Qing asked.

Hearing this, the team members all fell silent.

Later, another team member speculated: "They may have followed other realm palace teams and were protected by other realm palace teams, so they were safe and sound."

"But didn't you see it? There were only three of them when they came over, and they didn't follow other Realm Palace teams. And when they first arrived, everyone looked at them with doubts. So this reason doesn't make sense."

Chu Qing said.

Hearing this, the team members fell silent again.

After all, what Chu Qing said did make sense. For a moment, everyone really didn't know what to say or what reasons should be used to explain this problem.

At this time, Chu Qing continued: "Besides, don't you think it's strange? Why is a mere six-star true god so arrogant? Why does he dare to enter the battlefield of all races? Why does he dare to wander around the battlefield? Isn't it weird to just wander around the battlefield without joining any team? What's even more arrogant is that he also brings two Supremes with him! A mere six-star true god, with two Isn't it weird for the Supreme to wander around the battlefield of all races? Isn't it very arrogant? Isn't it because he dares to do this because he doesn't want to die fast enough? If someone else had done this, he would have died countless times, right? But What about them? Not only are they safe and sound, but they even came to this place of right and wrong safe and sound! With only six-star True God Realm and two Supreme Beings with him, why did he get here through the blockade of countless alien teams? Why did he dare to come here? A place of right and wrong? Have you thought about these issues?"

Hearing Chu Qing's questions, the members of the Yuanque Team were all stunned, and everyone looked at Chu Qing in surprise.


Being able to come to this area with the Six-Star True God Realm is a huge problem in itself!
  With the strength of the six-star true god realm, how could it be possible to come here alone?

Not to mention bringing two Supremes with him!

And how can an ordinary six-star true god realm have such courage to enter the battlefield of all races?

It is even less likely that he would have the courage to lead two supremes into the battlefield of all races.

All of this is unreasonable!
  All of this is full of doubts.

"Captain, what you said makes perfect sense! There is indeed something very wrong with this Tang Yi!"

The team member said: "According to the captain's analysis, Tang Yi is very likely to be hiding his strength. Or, he may be the heir of a big family with many mysterious and powerful people protecting him, otherwise he would not be able to do this! Captain! , do you think he is the former or the latter?"

"I can't see it! But I think it's possible!"

Chu Qing thought for a while and said: "Did you just see it? There was no feeling of nervousness or panic on him. Even if he knew about the spiritual curtain, except for a little surprise, he didn't have much reaction, even if he just listened When I said that the situation in the Realm Palace was not optimistic, his reaction was not too big and he maintained a calm and calm attitude from beginning to end. Such an attitude is very abnormal."

After a pause, Chu Qing continued: "If you were in the ordinary six-star true god realm, you would have panicked when you heard me say that the situation in the Realm Palace was not optimistic. Not to mention the six-star true god realm, even if we heard Upon hearing this news, I am afraid everyone would frown and look solemn, but he did not have such a reaction. He was very calm and calm! There was even an incomprehensible confidence on his face! I want to ask which six-star Can the True God Realm do this? So I think the possibility of Tang Yi hiding his strength is very high! Only with strong strength can he maintain such a calm posture."

(End of this chapter)

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