Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 902 Drawing the sword to seal the demon and kill it

Chapter 902 Drawing the sword to seal the demon and kill it

Each of the three major special effects is extremely terrifying.

The suppression effect can immobilize a person, fear can weaken the defense, and stun can immobilize the opponent and increase the attack power!
  Triggering any one of the three special effects will make this martial skill extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the suppression and fear effects are still 100% triggerable!
  With these two special effects attached, Tang Yi's use of this martial skill to sneak attack others will bring a greater success rate and cause huge damage to others!
  However, the probability of triggering the stun effect is a bit low, with a probability of 0%. In other words, it takes 001 times to succeed once.

Of course, in fact, this has no impact. After all, even if the stun effect is not triggered, there are two other special effects, which cause enough damage and control. If the stun effect is triggered to increase the damage, then it is regarded as a bonus. If it is not used, it will not affect anything.

All in all, this martial skill is very powerful, very easy to use, and very suitable for Tang Yi. Tang Yi likes it very much and feels that this martial skill is very suitable for the next battle in Tianqi Mountain. Then, he bought the martial skill. Come down.

The price of a low-grade Saint-level martial skill in the system store is 6400 points. Tang Yi spent 6400 God of War points to buy this martial skill.

After purchasing the death tombstone martial skill, Tang Yi basically has all his martial arts skills, whether they are long-range attacks, single-target attacks, or group control. In terms of methods, Tang Yi no longer has any shortcomings and has become Perfect.

Of course, Tang Yi feels that the current level is not enough.

In order to cope with the next battle in Tianqi Mountain, Tang Yi decided to purchase another martial skill.

After all, Tang Yi doesn't know what kind of strong people there are in Tianqi Mountain and what kind of strength these strong people have, so he must be fully prepared.

He does have everything now, but he still lacks a trump card and a skill to win over others.

With the powerful skills at the bottom of the box, Tang Yi can have enough confidence to cope with the next battle in Tianqi Mountain.

Quickly entering the system store, Tang Yi started browsing.

At Tang Yi's current level, the highest level of martial arts that can be purchased in the system store is the middle-grade holy level. The martial arts of high-grade holy level or above are still dim and cannot be purchased by Tang Yi. Therefore, this is a way to keep the bottom of the box. Tang Yi could only purchase martial arts at the mid-level holy level.

Of course, the martial arts at the middle level of the holy level are enough for Tang Yi. After all, Tang Yi only has the martial arts of the lower level of the holy level. Being able to possess a middle level holy level can improve his strength a lot.

  The martial arts of the middle-grade saint level are already top-level, top-level, top-level, top-level martial arts.

The top experts in the four realms have the highest level of martial arts, which is the upper-grade heaven level. They are basically low-grade or mid-grade heaven-level martial arts. Being able to possess high-grade heaven-level martial arts is already an extremely great thing. matter.

However, Tang Yi possesses several high-grade heaven-level martial arts in his body, and the high-grade heaven-level martial arts are still the lowest level. For him, after purchasing the death tombstone, the saint-level martial arts can That’s four!

If the martial arts of the four holy classes were known to others, it would probably shock others' attention, make them envious, jealous, and hateful, and even lead them to be jealous and hunted down.

In addition, although the martial arts learned in the God of War system also have proficiency, proficiency can only increase some attack power. Once learned, the martial arts are already in a state of mastery, and there will be no jerky feeling when used.

In this way, others know that Tang Yi possesses several high-level martial arts at the Heaven level, and several low-level Holy level martial arts. Moreover, these martial arts are all in a state of mastery. I am afraid that others will be shocked and their jaws will drop.

From the perspective of others, a teenage boy can suddenly learn N heaven-level martial arts and N holy-level martial arts, and master them all. How much talent does it take to do this? If this were known to others, Tang Yi would be regarded as a monster by others.

This is true even for the high-grade Heavenly Grade and low-grade Saint Grade, let alone the martial arts of the middle-grade Saint Grade.

After selecting in the system store for a moment, Tang Yi finally selected a mid-level holy-level sword skill as his trump card.

[Drawing Sword and Sealing Demon Slash]: Saint-level mid-level sword skill, draw a sword horizontally and stimulate an arc of sword light, causing 1000% damage to all enemies within 10000 meters in front.

Tip: This skill can be charged, and the maximum charging time is 10 seconds. Every second it is charged, the damage will be increased by 1000% on the original basis, up to a maximum of 20000% damage.

There is nothing fancy about this skill, but when he saw this skill, Tang Yi opened his mouth and was shocked. His expression was full of horror, as if he was shocked by the attributes above.

Of course, can Tang Yi not be shocked?
  Pulling out a sword directly can cause 100 times the damage, and charging it for ten seconds can increase the damage by 100 times. The total damage can reach 200 times!
  200 times the damage!
  Can Tang Yi not be shocked?
  This is the most powerful single attack martial skill Tang Yi has ever seen so far!

There is no need for anything fancy, just 200 times the damage is enough to satisfy Tang Yi!
  This made Tang Yi feel that this martial skill was worthy of the middle-grade holy level.

200 times the damage.
  With Tang Yi's strength, who can resist this martial arts?

I'm afraid even a five-star God of War or even higher cannot resist it, right?
  This power is too terrifying.

With such a martial arts skill, who should Tang Yi be afraid of next when he goes to Tianqi Mountain? Who can block his sword?
  Moreover, this martial skill is a large-scale attack. Any enemy within 1000 meters in front will be attacked.

This is simply invincible!

It’s useless if the strong ones add a few more!

Tang Yi was very satisfied with this martial skill and bought it on the spot, without looking at other martial arts in the system store.

Although the price of this martial skill is very high, reaching 12800 God of War points, Tang Yihua didn't even frown at the 12800 God of War points.

Of course, this is not because Tang Yi has too many God of War points, so he doesn't care about 10000 God of War points, but because he is really satisfied with this martial skill.

After buying this martial skill, Tang Yi was very satisfied. He kept looking at this martial skill in the system panel, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

After admiring it for a moment and regaining consciousness, Tang Yi continued to update.

Next, what Tang Yi needs to update is his equipment.

However, Tang Yi did not open the equipment bar in the system store at this moment, but quickly opened the drawing bar.

(End of this chapter)

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