Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 907: Rain of Light Balls, 4 Xifu warships, all dead

Chapter 907: Rain of Light Balls, Four Xifu Warships All Died
  The stone door of the Shaking Light Spirit Cave, which even the powerful War Emperor could not open, at this moment, slowly opened under the scattering of smoke and dust in the sky.

Seeing the stone gate open, the eyes of tens of thousands of people waiting outside shone with excitement, and everyone looked extremely excited.

However, it was at this time that the stone door had just opened and had not yet been fully opened.

Suddenly, a strange strong wind blew in mid-air. This strong wind was so violent that it caused the clothes of everyone present to fly and made it difficult to open their eyes.

It stands to reason that the wind is sunny today, the clouds are light and the wind is light. A strong wind like this should not occur. However, at this moment, such a violent wind blows, which is really weird and makes everyone present. Everyone was puzzled.

What's even more strange is that when the strange strong wind blows, an extremely dark cloud also floats in the sky.

The dark clouds were as black as ink, looking particularly strange in the endless clear sky.

However, just when everyone was wondering why a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky and why a dark cloud appeared.

Suddenly there was a soft sound somewhere.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light shot out from the dark clouds. This ray of light became brighter and brighter, becoming more and more dazzling, like a small sun.

After flying out of the dark clouds, this light, which looked like a small sun, quickly fell towards the warriors in front of the Yaoguangling Cave in Tianqi Mountain.


"No, hide quickly!"

"Enemy attack!"

Seeing this 'little sun' falling downwards and feeling the powerful power carried by the 'little sun', some people thought something was wrong and immediately issued a loud reminder.

However, it's already a bit late.

This 'little sun' quickly fell into the crowd with lightning speed.



A sky-shaking explosion exploded, and at the same time, an astonishing explosion occurred at the location where the 'Little Sun' landed. Rubbles flew, air waves rolled, the ground shook, and countless people were swept away by the powerful explosion force. .

The 'little sun'-like ball of light was not big, about the size of a fist. However, it caused extremely terrifying destructive power. After the explosion, a large ball of light hundreds of meters wide and dozens of meters deep appeared on the ground. pit!

The door of Yaoguangling Cave was blown up like this. At least hundreds of people died in the explosion of 'Little Sun' just now!

This is not over yet!

At the same time that the door of Yaoguangling Cave was bombarded by the 'little suns', the strange dark cloud in the sky once again shone with dazzling light, and at this time, countless 'little suns' poured down.

At first glance, the 'little suns' falling from the sky seemed like a rain of light spheres. There were at least a hundred of them, covering the people in front of the Yaoguangling Cave below.

A ball of light can create a large crater hundreds of meters wide and dozens of meters deep, and can kill hundreds of people. So how terrifying will the hundreds of light balls pouring down at this moment be? How many people can be killed?

This is simply unimaginable!
  Many of those who were killed by light balls before were at the level of war kings or even war emperors.

The ball of light can kill even a strong person of this level, and they are in a group at a time. You can imagine how terrifying it is. Hundreds of light balls poured down like rain. At the same time, the strange dark cloud in the sky gradually dispersed after emitting hundreds of light balls, revealing the towering sky.

It was a huge, majestic warship with incomparable majesty and terrifying aura. The warship's flag had the word "West" printed on it.

This is the unique flag of Xifu!
  This is Xifu’s warship!
  Seeing this terrifying warship and this flag with the word '西' printed on it, the people below were shocked, their eyes widened, and they shouted with a horrified expression: "It's Xifu, It’s people from Xifu who are here!”

After saying that, seemingly because of fear, seemingly because hundreds of light balls were falling in the sky, and their lives were at stake, the warriors in front of the Yaoguangling Cave began to flee one after another, and the scene instantly became extremely chaotic. .

"Boom boom boom boom!"

However, in this chaotic situation, the light balls fell into the crowd and exploded one after another, causing violent explosions one after another, followed by a series of deafening explosions.

At this moment, in front of the door of Yaoguangling Cave, there were people shouting, some yelling in fear, some running away in fear, corpses and flesh were thrown away, rubble was scattered, and potholes were blasted out one after another. The scene became extremely chaotic. , smoke billows.

There were tens of thousands of people below, but at this moment, they were all blinded and had no ability to fight back.

When they saw the warship and the terrifying attacks coming from the warship, the idea that came to their minds was not to resist and fight back, but to 'escape', as far away as possible.

However, it is disappointing.

In the sky above Tianqi Mountain, three more dark clouds floated in at this time, then dispersed, and then revealed the towering sky.

Similarly, these three dark clouds are also three huge, majestic warships with extremely majestic and terrifying aura!

The flag of the warship still has the word "西" printed on it!

This is still Xifu’s warship!
  Four warships from Xifu came from four directions, each warship occupied the sky in one direction, and surrounded Tianqi Mountain from the sky!


After all four warships were revealed, they launched an attack at the same time.



Countless balls of light poured down and covered the people below. Tens of thousands of people below were covered in the balls of light.

Some of the people below were wailing, some were fearful, some were desperate, and some were desperately trying to find a glimmer of hope. However, no matter what their performance was, under the omnidirectional coverage of the light ball, they could not escape. Apart from waiting to die, there is nothing else I can do, and I am very desperate.

Just like that, under the bombardment of light balls, there were constant explosions, smoke billowing, countless gravel flying, potholes appeared one after another, countless corpses were broken into pieces, flesh and blood flew, and the scene was a mess.

Finally, after the attack of the light ball, except for the Yaoguangling Cave, the Yaoguangling Cave, the stone gate and the cave house were all safe and sound, several hills of Tianqi Mountain were completely reduced to the ground, and countless monsters appeared in the mountains. The huge pit completely changed the appearance of the entire terrain.

In addition, the entire mountain was littered with countless broken corpses, stained red with blood. The breeze carried thick dust and filled the air with a strong and pungent smell of blood.

After the attack, the door of Yaoguangling Cave was silent at the moment. Except for the billowing smoke, except for countless potholes, except for scattered gravel, except for countless corpses and blood, there was nothing else.

At this moment, no one could stand, and there was not even a sound of wailing. The tens of thousands of people who were originally in front of the spiritual cave were completely wiped out by a rain of light balls, and they were all dead. No one was left!
  (End of this chapter)

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