Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 909 An undercover agent of the Heaven-Eating Clan?

Chapter 909 An undercover agent of the Heaven-Eating Clan?

Although Wang Tianba was not that wise, he was not stupid either. As soon as he heard Gong Tianchun's analysis, he immediately realized that things seemed to be a little weird according to what Gong Tianchun said.

However, just when Wang Tianba frowned and thought about what was wrong, suddenly, he felt a warning sign, and a strong sense of crisis came from the side.

Feeling the strong sense of crisis, Wang Tianba was very confused. He didn't understand why such a sense of crisis suddenly appeared. After all, he was surrounded by disciples of Xifu, and beside him were his old friends who had known each other for decades. , At this moment, all the people in Tianye Clan have been wiped out, so there shouldn't be any crisis. However, there was a suffocating sense of crisis at this moment, which was really strange.

Of course, although I don't know why this sense of crisis suddenly came from the side, Wang Tianba is a War Emperor after all and has extremely rich experience. He relied on his survival instinct to react quickly.

At this moment, the sense of crisis came very violently and quickly. It was already too late for Wang Tianba to take out any treasures for defense, counterattack, or avoidance. Therefore, although he reacted, It's just a matter of protecting your chest with both hands and using all your strength to defend passively.

However, just when Wang Tianba was on defense.
  "Killing Palm!"


As a loud shout rang out, a violent palm wind struck instantly, followed by an incomparably vast and powerful terrifying force. This force destroyed the world and destroyed the earth. It was very violent. The bullet hit Wang Tianba's hands protecting his chest.

Although Wang Tianba is the Nine-Star War Emperor, and although he reacts quickly to defend, this force is so powerful that even if Wang Tianba is the Nine-Star War Emperor, he cannot resist it.

Suddenly, Wang Tianba's body was blasted dozens of meters away by this violent force, and hit the wall of Tianqi Mountain heavily, creating an extremely huge hole.

What happened at this moment was just a blink of an eye, and none of the thousands of Xifu strongmen present could react.

Although Gong Tianchun, a strong man from the Xifu who was at the Nine-Star War Emperor level, reacted the fastest, it was already too late. The moment he reacted, Wang Tianba had already been hit hard and was unable to help.

As for Gong Tianchun, although he was too late to help Wang Tianba, he immediately saw the person who made a sneak attack on Wang Tianba.

And this person was none other than one of the three leading War Emperors standing next to Wang Tianba, the very handsome Zhen Tianfeng with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes.

Seeing that the person who attacked Wang Tianba was actually Zhen Tianfeng, Gong Tianchun's eyes widened in disbelief. He pointed at Zhen Tianfeng and said in disbelief: "Old Zhen, what are you doing?"

At this time, the Xifu strongmen in the audience also reacted. However, when they saw that the person who attacked Wang Tianba was actually Zhen Tianfeng, everyone's expression was the same as Gong Tianchun's, full of disbelief, and some He was at a loss and didn't know why Zhen Tianfeng would take action against Wang Tianba.

Seeing the unbelievable expressions on Gong Tianchun and all the Xifu strongmen present, Zhen Tianfeng raised the corners of his lips and smiled sarcastically: "What are you doing? It's so obvious, can't you tell? Of course I want to kill Wang Tianba, haha, but I didn’t expect that Wang Tianba, a reckless man, could react so quickly and resisted, so that I couldn’t kill him at once.”

When he said this, Zhen Tianfeng seemed to be talking eloquently, with a look of pity on his face, but most of all it was sarcasm, as if he was mocking Gong Tianchun and all the strong men in Xifu. "You, what do you mean? You want to kill Lao Wang? Why?"

Gong Tianchun stared at Zhen Tianfeng with some disbelief. In any case, he never expected that his old friend Zhen Tianfeng would do this.

"Old Town, cough, I need you to give me an explanation."

At this time, Wang Tianba climbed out of the pothole, staggered back to Zhen Tianfeng, looked directly at Zhen Tianfeng, his face was very gloomy, although his pale face was still calm, and although his eyes had no fluctuations , but in this calm face and unwavering eyes, there is an invisible fire of anger.

He really couldn't believe that his old friend who had known each other for decades had just made a sneak attack on him!
  Although the blow just now was not fatal, it had already seriously injured Wang Tianba!
  Even though he can still walk and stand up now, in fact, Wang Tianba's situation is very pessimistic. His internal organs have been extremely seriously injured, several meridians have been completely shattered, and his qi and blood are blocked. , I don’t know how many bones in the chest were shattered, it was very serious.

In addition, there was an unknown gray energy raging in Wang Tianba's body, destroying Wang Tianba's body crazily and gradually worsening his injuries.

Although Wang Tianba has the strength of the Nine-Star War Emperor, his body is very powerful, and his recovery ability is also very amazing, but the recovery speed at this moment is completely unable to compare with the destructive speed of that gray energy!

His strength has been reduced to a tenth after being so seriously injured, and he can no longer display it, which is equivalent to losing his combat effectiveness.

Wang Tianba's situation is very pessimistic.

As time goes by, if some treatment is not carried out and some means are not used, I am afraid that Wang Tianba's complexion will become worse and worse, his body will become worse and worse, and eventually, he will die and fall here.

In short, Wang Tianba's current situation is very bad, and he himself knows his current situation, so Wang Tianba is very angry at Zhen Tianfeng who made a sneak attack and seriously injured himself.

"Haha, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? You still ask why? Do you still want an explanation? Look at where this place is and who your opponent is? Isn't the reason still unclear? Hehehehe." Zhentian Feng glanced at Wang Tianba and Gong Tianchun with disdain, and laughed coldly.

"Are you a member of the Heaven-Eating Clan?"

Hearing this, Gong Tianchun was not stupid. He guessed something right away. After guessing the fact, his face became extremely ugly.

"Old Town, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just say it directly. There is no need to make other excuses or make up any identity. With our friendship, we can discuss any matter carefully. Even if you hurt me, even if I am at this moment I am very angry, but as long as you give me an explanation, this matter can still be dropped." Wang Tianba said.

(End of this chapter)

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