Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 923 Why didn’t you tell me earlier!

Chapter 923 Why didn’t you tell me earlier!
  Tang Yi held the giant sword of thousands of incarnations, standing proudly and floating in the air, like a young god of war, majestic.

After killing eight Nine-Star War Lords from the Heaven Devouring Clan, the Thousand Incarnation Giant Sword in his hand was not even stained with a drop of blood. It was still clean and tidy, exuding a golden luster.



The people below looked at Tang Yi's proud and composed figure, and then looked at the eight Heaven-devouring Sect members who were divided into two halves and were falling from the sky. The Nine-Star War Lord was stunned.

At this moment, everyone looked in disbelief.

If Tang Yi killed the first Nine-Star War Lord before, because the process was too fast, no one saw it clearly. They questioned Tang Yi's strength and felt that he had done it by other means or a sneak attack.

So, at this moment, no one questions Tang Yi's strength anymore.

Even if you want to question it, it is useless in the face of the reality of Chi Guoguo.

After all, everyone present just now saw Tang Yi take action with their own eyes and very clearly, and saw that he was holding a giant sword and cut the eight nine-star war masters of Tianye Clan in half with one sword. It was so clear Such an intuitive scene, how could anyone still question it.

However, everyone present did not expect that the special envoy of the West Mansion in the sky, who was only a teenager, had such powerful strength that he could kill eight Nine-Star War Lords with one sword?

And, you can’t even resist? Can’t even resist it?
  In addition, no matter what kind of attacks the eight Nine-Star War Lords from the Heaven-Devouring Clan launched before, none of them could hurt him?
  Isn't this too exaggerated? Is it too strong?

What kind of strength do you have to achieve this?

Why does a young man, a special envoy of the West Palace, have such great strength?
  If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one present, whether they were from the Xifu or the Heaven-devouring Clan, would believe that a teenager who was only a teenager and whose identity was just a special envoy could actually kill eight Nine-Star War Lords with one sword. !

This is really an exaggeration.

"How can it be."

"Zhen Tianfeng, who is this special envoy from Xifu, and why does he have such great strength?"

Seeing Tang Yi kill eight Nine-Star War Lords, Emperor Wen frowned and asked Zhen Tianfeng dissatisfied.

At present, whether it is the information of Gong Tianchun, Wang Tianba, or the information of the dozens of war masters in the Xifu, the Tianye Clan has a clear grasp of it. However, only this special envoy of the Xifu who suddenly appeared, they did not Get any information.

This Xifu special envoy is so powerful and so young, and his future achievements will definitely be unimaginable. For the Heaven-Eating Clan, it is simply bad news that the Xifu has a disciple with such amazing talent and strength.

However, Zhen Tianfeng, as an undercover agent, did not provide his information to the Heaven-Eating Clan. This was simply a serious dereliction of duty!

"I...I don't know either."

Zhen Tianfeng was also a little shocked and said: "As far as I know, this Xifu special envoy Tang Yi just joined Xifu this year. He is a newcomer. He has joined Xifu for less than a year! Because of his outstanding talent, he was also cheated. The management of the mansion valued him, so he was promoted exceptionally, from a foreign disciple to a special envoy, and his strength is said to be at the level of the Zhan Zong. At this moment, I don't know why he has such a strong strength. .”

"Oh? Just joined this year? Was he promoted from a disciple of the Foreign Palace to a special envoy? In other words, when he entered the Western Palace, his strength had not reached such a level? Did he improve through acquired skills? And then he became the Special Envoy of the Western Palace? Became a special envoy of the Western Palace? When he was a special envoy, was he at the Zhan Zong level of strength?"

Emperor Wen asked.

"That should be the case." Zhen Tianfeng thought for a while and replied. "How long has he been the special envoy of the Xifu?" Emperor Wen asked again.

"About a month or so." Zhen Tianfeng replied.

After all, Zhen Tianfeng is the Nine-Star War Emperor and has a distinguished status in the inner palace. Even if he does not leave the palace, the information he gets through his ears and eyes is very detailed, so he still knows a little bit about Tang Yi.

"One month? Are you sure?" Emperor Wen frowned and asked again.

"I am sure."

Zhen Tianfeng nodded.

Hearing this, Emperor Wen looked very ugly and said, "Why didn't you report this news earlier?"

"I...I didn't expect it. After all, he is just a special envoy of the Xifu, and he is only sixteen years old. With such status and strength, I didn't think he would cause any hindrance to our Heaven-Devouring Clan, so..." Zhentian Feng Nuonuo replied.

"Huh, don't you think it can cause an obstacle? Now that he has killed eight of our nine-star war masters from the Heaven-Devouring Clan with one sword, he can't still cause an obstacle? This is a serious dereliction of duty on your part. I will argue with you when I get back."

Emperor Wen snorted coldly.


Zhen Tianfeng responded, not daring to have any dissatisfaction.

Although Zhen Tianfeng and Emperor Wen were both Nine-Star War Emperors, Emperor Wen's status in the Heaven-Eating Sect was much higher than that of Zhen Tianfeng.

Moreover, although the two seemed to be of the same level, their strength was not directly proportional at all. Emperor Wen's strength was at least several times stronger than Zhen Tianfeng.

After all, it has only been a few years since Zhen Tianfeng entered the level of Nine-Star War Emperor, while Emperor Wen has already been at the level of Nine-Star War Emperor for more than 20 years!
  He has already stepped into the God of War level, but due to various reasons, he was not able to advance. It can be said that he is a veteran nine-star war emperor and has accumulated a certain amount of strength.

Although Emperor Wen's strength has not been promoted to the God of War, the ordinary one or two-star God of War is not his opponent at all. Therefore, how can Zhen Tianfeng, who has just entered the Nine-star War Emperor for a few years, be the opponent of Emperor Wen? At this moment, again How dare you disobey Emperor Wen?
  "In just one month, his strength has actually improved from the War Sect level to this level. This is amazing. If he continues to grow like this, he will definitely become a serious problem for us." Emperor Wen frowned. Na said.

After saying that, he asked Zhen Tianfeng: "What else do you know about this person?"

"I do know a few more."

"He just became the special envoy of the Xifu just a month ago, and then the senior officials of the Xifu sent him to lead a team to Ziyunmen for exchanges. At the same time, the higher-ups also assigned him a task, asking him to go to Feilu Mountain after the exchange to encircle and suppress our Tiantianmen people. ." Zhen Tianfeng thought for a while and said.

"In order to confuse the public, he led the team that surrounded and suppressed Fei Locust Mountain?" Emperor Wen asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Zhen Tianfeng nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Emperor Wen said angrily.

"I...I thought this news was of no importance at all. Moreover, I concealed the news that Fei Locust Mountain is the headquarters of the Heavenly Thieves. The senior officials of Xifu did not know about it. This time, Xifu only sent a special envoy to Feilocust Mountain. , I thought they would be wiped out by the sky thieves there, so I didn’t report the news." Zhen Tianfeng explained.

(End of this chapter)

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