Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 929 Low-grade holy martial arts, death tombstone!

Chapter 929 Low-grade holy martial arts, death tombstone!
  There are more than 2,000 people, how can Tang Yi solve it?
  When Tang Yi said this, he definitely didn't mean to solve it slowly. When he said that everyone should hide behind him, he meant to create a relatively safe environment, which meant that he had to deal with more than two thousand people in an instant, and then for Xifu. Create a safe environment for people so that everyone can hide behind them.

To instantly eliminate 2,000 warriors above the Heaven Devouring Clan War Emperor... Gong Tianchun felt that he could not do it even if he tried his best.

If he wanted to get rid of so many warriors, he felt that he would definitely not be able to do it alone. He might even be held back by two thousand warriors from the Heaven Devouring Clan, and besieged to death in the end.

It doesn't take two thousand warriors, even one thousand, he may not be able to withstand it.

After all, the Nine-Star War Emperor is powerful, but he is not so strong that he is invincible. Two fists are difficult to beat with four hands. What's more, those people in the Heaven-Eating Clan are not mediocre. Everyone has a certain level of strength. At this level, Under the siege of warriors, even the Nine-Star War Emperor could not gain any favor.

Therefore, Tang Yi said that he wanted to get rid of the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Clan behind everyone in the Xifu. How could this be possible?

However, just when Gong Tianchun was confused, Tang Yi took action.

I saw that Tang Yi first received the thousands of incarnation giant swords into the system backpack, and then squatted slightly in mid-air, his eyes burst out with a strange red light, his hands were shaking rapidly, holding complicated magic formulas, and mouthing He was also muttering something quietly.

And just when Tang Yi was moving, the sky suddenly changed color. The originally sunny sky suddenly became dark, with dark clouds covering it, and it became gloomy, as if a heavy rain was about to fall.

The discoloration of the sky and the earth at this moment is of course not a sign of heavy rain, but a sign of terror and death.

This is a sign that the death tombstone is about to fall after Tang Yi used the low-level holy martial art Death Tombstone!

The wind howled, dark clouds swept in, and visions boiled.

Seeing the sudden change in the world, both the people in the Xifu and the Tianye Clan were slightly stunned. They didn't understand what happened and why it suddenly turned dark.

However, just when everyone was confused and puzzled.

"Death tombstone!"


Tang Yi shouted loudly, his body shook in vain, and a very strong momentum burst out from his body. The momentum shot straight to the sky, as if it was going to break through the clouds and break away from the shackles of heaven and earth.



At this moment, dozens of black dots appeared in the sky. These black dots fell from an altitude of thousands of miles and fell at an extremely fast speed. Because the speed was so fast, they burst out with streaks of light as they fell. The strong sound of breaking through the sky was very shocking.

At the beginning, these black spots appeared in everyone's eyes, only as big as a sesame seed. However, as time went by, these black spots in the sky became larger and larger, and their appearance became clearer and clearer. Only then did everyone slowly see clearly. These black dots falling from the sky.

These black spots are square and long black stones, which look like some black stone tablets.

On these black squares similar to stone tablets, there are also words engraved on them. Some are engraved with the word 'life', and some are engraved with the word 'death'. They look particularly weird.

The landing point of these black stone tablets is exactly behind the people of Xifu, where the two thousand disciples of the Heaven-Devouring Clan are located!

"Not good!" When he saw such a strange black stone tablet falling from the sky, and the target was a disciple of the Heaven-Eating Clan, Emperor Wen, the leader of the Heaven-Eating Clan in the distance, shrank his pupils and secretly said something bad.

Although he didn't know what these falling black stone tablets in the sky were at the moment, he could feel the terrifying power contained in these stone tablets.

This kind of power makes even a nine-star war emperor like him feel heart palpitations!
  Even he is like this, let alone the other war masters, war sects and war emperors of the Heaven-Eating Clan.

There is no way they can withstand such power!

And the most important thing is that just one black stone tablet has such terrifying power. The power of almost twenty black stone tablets falling from the sky is simply unimaginable.

If these stone tablets fall and fall into the crowd of Tianye Devouring Clan disciples, they will probably cause heavy casualties to the Heaven Devouring Clan!

However, even though he knew that these black stone tablets were extraordinary and powerful, Emperor Wen did not have time to rush over to rescue the disciples of the Heaven-Devouring Clan!

Moreover, even if he had time to rush over, there was nothing he could do.

Because in the face of these black stone tablets, Emperor Wen also had to avoid the edge for a while, and he did not have any confidence to resist them!

Let alone blocking twenty dollars, he didn't even have the confidence to block one block!

Therefore, at this moment, he could do nothing but remind him.

However, it was already too late for him to warn them. The falling speed of these black stone tablets in the sky was too fast and swift. In just the blink of an eye, they had already landed on top of the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Sect.

Before the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Clan behind everyone in the Xifu had time to react, the black stone tablet had been smashed down from above their heads!

The first black stone tablet fell into the crowd of Tianshou Clan disciples behind the West Mansion, erupting with a loud noise that shook the sky and stirred up countless dust.

Originally, when these black stone tablets were in the sky, they did not look very big because of the distance. However, when they actually fell down, everyone discovered that these black stone tablets were actually more than ten meters high, five meters wide, and thick. one meter!
  It is simply a giant stone monument!
  Such a huge stone monument, when hit on the head, dozens of disciples of the Heaven Devouring Clan were immediately hit from the front. The huge black stone monument smashed them into meat paste in an instant, and they died miserably on the spot!

Although these disciples of the Heaven-Eating Sect are all disciples above the level of the War Emperor, and their strength and body are extremely powerful, but no matter how strong they are, they cannot withstand the smash of the black stone tablet!
  The power contained in the black stone tablet is even more powerful and terrifying.

Hit from the front, the disciples of the Heaven-Eating Clan, whether they were at the level of the War Emperor, the War Sect, or the War Lord, would have no other chance than being smashed into pieces and smashed into pieces.

Even if you are not hit from the front, as long as you get closer, you will still be affected by the terrifying power of the black stone tablet!

Therefore, just one black stone tablet fell down, causing the death of at least hundreds of Tianye Sect disciples!

Just like that, twenty black stone tablets fell one after another among the crowd of Tianshou Clan disciples behind Xi Mansion!
  "Boom boom boom!"

Loud noises shook the sky one after another, and smoke and dust billowed up.

(End of this chapter)

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