Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 945 How can it be so strong?

Chapter 945 How can it be so strong?
  "So what if I force you."

Tang Yi sneered.

As he said that, he raised his giant sword with thousands of incarnations, and struck at Emperor Wen with one sword, but he was still avoided by Emperor Wen with a light movement.

"Force me, and you will die!"

After avoiding Tang Yi's attack, Emperor Wen said coldly.

Seeing that Tang Yi was so aggressive and refused to let him go, Emperor Wen no longer hesitated. He turned his heart, then flipped his wrist and took out a golden pill from somewhere.

This pure golden pill is the treasure of Emperor Wen. It is called Shen Shen Dan. After taking it, you can be promoted to the level of God of War in a short period of time and possess the powerful power of God of War.

However, the Ascension Pill can only be used if one has reached the level of the War Emperor. Otherwise, eating the Ascension Pill will have no other result than exploding to death.

Moreover, the Ascension Pill has a huge side effect, that is, when the effect of the Ascension Pill ends, the strength of the person taking the Ascension Pill will be reduced by half, and will not recover in a short time. It will take at least several years to recover. , and talent will be greatly affected and cannot be improved in the future.

Generally speaking, the restrictions on using the Shen Shen Dan are very high, and the side effects are very serious. If it is not necessary, Emperor Wen will generally not use this elixir. After all, this is an elixir that can kill a thousand enemies and damage itself by eight hundred. If you use it, In the end, although he was able to kill powerful enemies, he was still semi-crippled.

Of course, although the Ascension Pill has huge side effects, the effect is also extremely powerful.

After all, it is already an amazing thing to be able to promote someone to the God of War and bring out the strength of the God of War.

Although the Nine-Star War Emperor is only one level away from the God of War, the strength of the God of War is not comparable to that of the Nine-Star War Emperor. The two sides are worlds apart!

The strength of the God of War is at least a hundred times that of the Nine-Star War Emperor, or even more!

Therefore, this God Ascension Pill is equivalent to being able to increase one's strength a hundred times.

In Emperor Wen's view, although Tang Yi was very powerful, no matter how strong he was, he could never be stronger than the God of War. So when he swallowed the Ascension Pill, he would definitely be able to defeat Tang Yi, the God of War!
  Emperor Wen didn't want to do this originally, but this was all forced by Tang Yi!

After taking out the Shen Shen Pill, Emperor Wen glanced at Tang Yi, then showed a decisive and fierce look, gritted his teeth, and swallowed the Shen Shen Pill into his mouth.

After swallowing this divine elixir, the next moment.


Countless air currents began to circulate around Emperor Wen's body, and one invisible powerful force after another, like a strong wind, swarmed towards Emperor Wen, and then entered Emperor Wen's body!
  In the blink of an eye, Emperor Wen's whole body became golden, and a powerful aura burst out from his body!

At this moment, his momentum has officially entered the level of God of War from the Nine-Star War Emperor level!
  Although it has only been upgraded by one level, its aura is hundreds of times stronger than before.

If you want to use a metaphor... Emperor Wen's momentum before was like a small stream, but now, his momentum is like a big river, extremely vast and terrifying!
  "You forced me to do this. Since you are looking for death, I will help you!"

After the Shen Shen Dan took effect, Emperor Wen said coldly to Tang Yi. Then, he clenched the green sword in his hand and rushed towards Tang Yi.

This time, he won't run away, he will decide the outcome with Tang Yi!
  Tang Yi looked at Emperor Wen quietly, watching his aura rise from the Nine-Star War Emperor to the God of War, without any reaction.

Even if Emperor Wen rushed towards him at this moment, he did not react at all and just waited quietly in mid-air.

With the outbreak of Emperor Wen, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer. Before, Tang Yi rushed towards Emperor Wen, but at this moment, Emperor Wen took the initiative to rush towards Tang Yi. The positions of the two sides changed, one changed from active to passive, and the other changed from passive to passive. initiative.

"Go to hell!"       "Baihong Sha!"

After approaching Tang Yi at a certain distance, Emperor Wen clenched the green sword in his hand and stabbed towards Tang Yi.

On the way out, there were bursts of sound piercing the air, and the green sword was like a shooting star, drawing a white rainbow.

Bai Hong Sha is a heaven-level high-grade sword skill with extremely powerful power. It is one of the few most powerful martial arts in the Heaven-Eating Sect.

With this martial skill, even a warrior at the War Lord level can defeat the extremely powerful War Emperor.

At this moment, when this martial skill is displayed in the hands of a strong man like Emperor Wen, the power is even more astonishing. In addition, Emperor Wen has been promoted to the God of War through the power of the elixir, not to mention the power that the God of War can unleash.

Generally speaking, the power of this martial art is very powerful and terrifying. In the hands of a strong man like Emperor Wen, the power it can unleash is extremely astonishing.

However, facing Emperor Wen, the God of War, and facing such powerful martial arts, Tang Yi showed no fear on his face and remained calm.

When Emperor Wen and the cyan sword he held in his hand flew towards him like a white rainbow, Tang Yi took action.

"Draw your sword to seal the demon and kill it!"

Tang Yi shouted loudly, and saw him clenching the giant sword of thousands of incarnations in his hand, and swiped forward with force, drawing a semicircle.


With a sound of 'wow', a sword light flew out and headed towards Emperor Wen.

Just like that, Tang Yi's sword light and Emperor Wen's white rainbow met in mid-air!

A loud noise erupted, and then a figure was blown away by powerful force.

That's right, the figure that was blasted away was undoubtedly Emperor Wen!

After the sword light collided with the white rainbow, his body flew back for at least a hundred meters before he came to a halt, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, causing him some damage.

"How is that possible! How can you be so strong!"

After being blasted hundreds of meters away, Emperor Wen looked at Tang Yi with wide eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

He didn't expect that he had already used drugs to be promoted to the God of War and possessed the terrifying power of the God of War, but he still couldn't defeat Tang Yi. He was actually blasted hundreds of meters away by Tang Yi's sword light and was even injured!

This is incredible!

This is too strong!
  Is that human being?
  How could a teenage boy be so powerful?
  In addition, at the moment of the collision, if Emperor Wen hadn't felt something was wrong, he relied on his combat experience to run a defensive formation for himself in time, which increased a lot of defense. At the same time, he slightly deflected the attack to the right without going. Attacking the center of Tang Yi's sword light, but only attacking the edge of the sword light, the consequences are simply unimaginable!
  If he hadn't increased his defense, if he hadn't used his attacks cheaply, he might have been seriously injured in that blow just now!

It's just a minor injury at the moment, which can be considered a great fluke!

(End of this chapter)

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