Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 1187 The real resistance

Chapter 1187 The real resistance

Amid people's congratulations, Zheng He's ocean-going fleet sailed smoothly and headed towards the deep sea.

Everything went well in the beginning.

Because all kinds of supplies are available on board, and every ship in the fleet is a newly built large ship, it has extremely strong sailing capabilities.

Therefore, Zheng He was a little arrogant, thinking that ocean navigation was nothing more than this.

But he soon ran into difficulties.

After the team advanced for a certain distance, they encountered extremely bad weather on the ocean.

The wind was strong and the waves were rolling.

Zheng He almost thought he was going to die here.

Fortunately, the crew and captain he recruited were very reliable, and the journey finally passed without any danger.

After that, Zheng He calmed down his mind.

I studied navigation knowledge seriously from the captains and practiced while learning. I made rapid progress.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

After so much time, Zheng He's ocean-going fleet has penetrated deep into the ocean and is very far away from the land.

Next is the time to really test them.

Of course, Lin Yu has been observing them from high in the sky.

But for him who has activated the law of time, a month is only four or five hours.

"Soon." Lin Yu murmured to himself, "It is estimated that they will reach the border in another month."

"We don't know if they will be able to move on once they reach the border."

"We'll see then."

Lin Yu continued to observe from the air.

On the sea, Zheng He's ocean-going fleet cut through the waves and moved forward bravely.

Ten days passed quickly.

On this day, the sea was calm.

But for some reason, all the crew members could faintly hear a strange sound.

The sound was like a legendary siren singing, or an unknown sea beast chirping.

This movement aroused everyone's alert.

Even the old captains were worried.

After all, they have never sailed this far. Who knows what kind of sea monsters are in the depths of the ocean?
  For a moment, people's hearts surged, and fear spread among the crew.

At this time, Zheng He's role came into play.

Zheng He is naturally bold, and he has dreams in his heart, and he wants to explore the distant boundaries of the world.

Inspired by this indomitable spirit, Zheng He convinced each crew member one by one that they should not worry.

They said that even if they are in danger, they will take good care of their families when they return.

After such hard persuasion, everyone's emotions were gradually calmed down.

Zheng He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to direct the fleet forward.

But for the next time, the strange sound kept ringing.

As time went by, everyone got tired and gradually stopped taking this kind of sound seriously.

But things are obviously not that simple.

A new vision appeared again.

It was one night two days later that a night shift crewman reported to the captain of his ship that he saw a huge sea monster on the distant sea.

The sea monster flashed across the sea and then submerged into the water. I don’t know where it went.

The captain hurriedly followed the crew member to check.

The result is naturally unsuccessful.

But word of the sea monster soon spread among the crew.

Another night later, the sea monster appeared again.

This time, more crew members were seen, and crew members on almost every ship claimed to have witnessed a huge sea monster.

Now no one dared to take it seriously.

After all, no one knows what kind of horrors lurk in the deep sea.

The team was once again panicked.

The next night, Zheng He personally worked the night shift and observed the sea surface under night.

It was not until early in the morning that an amazing scene finally appeared. I saw a huge sea monster as big as ten whales leaping high from the sea.

Leap into the air.

Then it hit the sea hard with a loud noise.

"Help! Help! The sea monster is coming to eat people."

Heart-rending shouts were everywhere in the fleet.

Most of the crew were terrified.

This is different from the strange sounds that appeared a few days ago. This is a real scene, accompanied by huge movements.

Zheng He was also a little undecided, and he didn't know what to do now.

After all, it was his first time to see such a scene.

A few days ago, the sound could be said to be an auditory hallucination. How to explain this amazing scene now?

Is it an illusion?
  Obviously not.


Lin Yu also looked at the scene in front of him.

He could see clearly that the sea monster was not a real thing, but a scene similar to a mirage.

As for the voice, it was an auditory hallucination.

Of course he knew exactly what was going on.

This is an invisible force in this world that is stopping Zheng He's ocean-going fleet from moving forward.

"Sure enough, it won't go so smoothly." Lin Yu thought to himself.

He did not interfere in the affairs of the fleet because he felt that the situation might get worse if he intervened.

Everything that follows can only be dealt with by Zheng He himself.

If he copes well, then his dream has a chance to come true, but if he fails, then perhaps this is his fate.

Lin Yu continued to observe from the air.

on the sea below.

Zheng He shouted at the top of his lungs and gathered the people on his boat together.

He said to everyone: "Although there is a sea monster in front of us, the sea monster has not attacked us yet. There is no need for us to be afraid and panic."

"Just keep going forward like this. If there are signs that the customs are attacking us, we will turn around and go back."

"If not, then it means everything is just a false alarm."

After saying this, he used all methods including motivating generals to encourage everyone.

Eventually, the crew reluctantly accepted his story.

After all, he was the one who paid the wages, and everyone was ready to work hard when they came out.

Later, Zheng He asked the crew on the ship to signal to other ships to inform them of their decision.

At his strong request, the fleet continued to move forward without turning back.

This night was spent again without any danger.

The next day during the day.

Zheng He summoned the captains and asked them to find those who took the lead in shouting yesterday.

After finding them all, they were imprisoned on charges of disturbing people's hearts.

Lin Yu in the air looked at this scene and felt very comforted.

Because the people Zheng He locked up were the people he saw at that time who were pretending to be false.

It seems that Zheng He is still calm and knows what the problem is.

In fact, the problem lies in people's hearts.

Now that the people who lead the trouble are locked up, the remaining elite crew members will be less easily swayed.

that's the truth.

In the following days, the fleet sailed smoothly.

Even if they encountered a sea monster again, the crew would not be as confused as last time.

Finally, after another 20 days of sailing, the team finally reached the border.

Here, the team encountered real resistance.

All the ships were blocked by a transparent wall and could no longer move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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