Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 711 Guess everything

Chapter 711 Guess everything

Lin Yu could easily tell that everything was caused by the ancient devil.

Obviously, the ancient demon god does not want to see humans in this universe embark on interstellar voyages, because this will bring instability to the entire universe.

There are two reasons. First, interstellar voyages will lead to collisions between different human civilizations, leading to the outbreak of various disputes.

Once a war breaks out due to disputes, the population in the universe will inevitably decrease sharply.

Moreover, it would be difficult for them to control the development speed of various civilizations, because the invasion of lower civilizations by higher civilizations will inevitably accelerate the development of lower civilizations.

Of course, the real key factor is not these, but the second reason.

When different human civilizations come into contact with each other, people will be surprised to find that they are exactly the same creatures. This will definitely make people suspect that there is something wrong with the universe.

After all, from a scientific point of view, there cannot be only one intelligent creature like human beings in the universe.

The intelligent civilizations bred in different galaxies should be different from each other.

If there are only intelligent creatures like humans in the entire universe, it only means that this universe was not born naturally, but was designed by humans.

With this major premise in mind, it is easy to understand why the high-tech civilization to which these people belong has never been able to successfully sail away.

It's all because the demon puppet arranged by the ancient demon god is blocking them.

Whether it's the various navigation accidents the fleet commander just mentioned, or what he called certain political factors.

The culprits behind this are all demon puppets.

It's just that they don't know the existence of the demon puppet, so they think everything is accidental.

"But why did the ancient demon god suddenly no longer prevent human civilizations from contacting each other?"

Lin Yu thought quickly and quickly came to a conclusion.

"It must have something to do with me!"

"My appearance has brought huge unstable factors to this universe. In comparison, all other unstable factors are not worth mentioning. Naturally, there is no need to be so strict."

"If they have a choice, the best way is to get rid of me and completely eliminate this biggest factor of instability, but unfortunately, they have no choice..."

Lin Yu knew very well that those ancient demon gods wanted to kill him on the spot.

But if you want to kill him, you must pay the price of destroying the entire universe.

After all, he couldn't just surrender and let them kill him without any resistance.

As long as he resists, the universe will be unable to withstand the powerful force he releases when he explodes with all his strength.

The destruction of the universe is unacceptable to the ancient demon god who has been carefully preparing for so long.

Unless they successfully create the Eternal Paradise and open the door to the Eternal Paradise.

"It seems like they are not far from success."

Lin Yu figured out all the causes and consequences.

The ancient demon god must be willing to let go of control over the entire universe and allow the human civilization inside to develop freely and interact with each other because that powerful existence similar to the Yuanzu is about to completely awaken and open the door to the eternal paradise for them.

"I don't have much time left."

"I must improve my cultivation before that powerful existence fully awakens, or find the lair where the ancient demon god is hiding, and end it with them."

Lin Yu quickly thought of countermeasures.

After thinking for a while, he found that the latter idea was not feasible because he had no way of knowing where the ancient demon gods were hiding.

"Although the guy who looks like the Yuanzu has not fully awakened, he can already activate the power of laws, including the laws of space and the laws of time."

"So the place where they are hiding must be an independent space created using the laws of space. I can't even hope to find it."

Lin Yu immediately gave up the idea.

Now all he can choose is to seize the time to improve his cultivation. Only in this way can he usher in a turning point.

"No...improving your cultivation is not enough."

"Just improving my cultivation will only give me the strength to face the ancestors, but it will not save the people on the earth." Lin Yu knew in his heart that once the plans of the ancient demon gods succeed, the universe will most likely be sacrificed. , then people living in this universe will be in danger.

"I must find a way to repair the Dantian Universe. Only the Dantian Universe can help me save people."

"And as long as I have Dantian Universe, I can use my Yuan Power to activate various laws and regain control of the power of the laws."

Everything is back to square one.

Lin Yu's main purpose of coming here was to find a way to repair the Dantian universe.

As a result, after a preliminary interaction with the ancient demon god here, I regretfully found that there was no room for cooperation at all.

The other party does not need his help and does not value his help.

Therefore, he has to find a way to repair the Dantian Universe in the end.

None of the problems were solved, but new ones were added.

"Forget it, there's no point in rushing. Let's do everything step by step first."

Lin Yu took a deep breath and threw away the worries in his heart.

He has sent many puppet clones out to look for the demon puppet. This matter is now being carried out in an orderly manner. I believe that obtaining Yuan Energy will only be a matter of time.

So next we just need to find a way to ensure that the earth is not destroyed by other human civilizations or ancient demons.

As for repairing the Dantian universe, we can only take it one step at a time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu touched the soul-soothing stone he carried close to his body.

The soul stone is the cornerstone for the existence of all worlds. It is an important trump card that can definitely turn the situation around when necessary.

"Excuse me, do you have any more questions?"

At this time, the fleet commander asked cautiously.

He had a bold idea in his mind. If the mysterious man in front of him finished asking questions, could he also boldly ask him questions?
  For example, ask the other person why humans can be seen everywhere in this universe, whether this universe was really created by gods, etc.

"You know too little to answer the questions I really want to know."

Lin Yu didn't want to ask any more questions.

As he said, these people themselves are kept in the dark and cannot answer the real questions at all.

In fact, the two questions he just asked were not to seek answers, but mainly to verify the conjectures in his mind.


The fleet commander had the courage to speak, wanting to see if Lin Yu was willing to answer some questions for him.

On the one hand, it was naturally because he was really confused, and on the other hand, it was because he didn't want the conversation to end so quickly, for fear that the other party would kill them all after the conversation.

As a soldier, he has never been so scared.

He would do anything to offset this fear.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, before he could say the next words, he suddenly found that the flagship he was on was moving.

And not only is the flagship moving, but other warships outside the portholes are also flying in space together.

"how come?"

The officers present looked at each other, full of questions.

But they soon realized that all this must have been done by the mysterious man in front of them.

"Since you're here, come and sit at my place first."

Lin Yu said calmly.

This fleet with interstellar navigation technology has a certain value, so he decided to recruit these people to work for him.

(End of this chapter)

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