Jidao martial arts modifier

Chapter 936 Both sides suffer losses

Chapter 936 Both sides suffer losses
  Soon, the energy supply to this blood vessel was also cut off.

Lin Yu immediately left the cave and went to find a new cave.

In this way, he searched for caves with blood vessels one after another, while the giant tiger and the giant turtle were still at a stalemate.

The loud rumbling sound resounded through the sky, spreading outwards in the vast mist, and it was unknown which corner of the abyss it finally reached.

In the end, Lin Yu found two more blood vessels, absorbing a total of 20,000 yuan spirit crystals of yuan energy.

Including the original ones, the total is the energy crystallized by thirty thousand Yuan Spirits.

These Yuan Energy are far from strengthening the Yuanling Divine Body again, and a new source of Yuan Energy must be found.

And just when Lin Yu had absorbed the energy from the last two blood vessels, the battle between the giant tiger and the giant turtle ended.

The giant tiger raised its claws high and prepared to slap the giant turtle on the head, but due to the exhaustion of its anima, it could only maintain this posture and could not make any new moves.

The same goes for the giant turtle. The anima energy is exhausted at the moment when the giant tiger lifts its claws, so the mouth that bites the giant tiger's throat cannot be clenched or released.

Just like this, the two giant beasts stood in this posture in the mist of the abyss, and the surroundings were quiet.

When Lin Yu saw the fight between the two giant beasts stopped, he hurriedly left the giant tiger's head and flew to high altitude to observe the situation.

He knew that the Abyss Supreme and the Great Master would definitely fly out from their respective behemoths next to communicate or directly start a fight.

Sure enough, the two figures left the giant tiger and the giant turtle and merged between the two giant beasts.

Lin Yu hurriedly pricked up his ears to listen to see what they would say.


The Abyss Supreme looked furious, while the Great Master looked a little lucky.

Originally, he thought he would be defeated miserably this time, but it turned out to be a tie.

This is the best situation for him, so he should be happy.

"Master, you old dog, is this the ending you want?"

The Abyss Supreme scolded: "You have made so many schemes and so many overt and covert means just to die with me?"

He couldn't figure out what the Great Master's motives were anyway.

Normally, a person would definitely do tricks to gain benefits, but the old dog, the Great Master, actually wanted to die with him? !

Now that the two giant beasts' anima energy has been exhausted, they can only remain in a stalemate like this. If they encounter any Abyss Meteor God driving a giant beast passing by at this time, they will definitely be killed in a matter of minutes.

On the other side, when the Great Lord saw the Abyss Supreme saying this, he secretly wondered in his heart, is he like this?

He had just lost some of his giant turtle anima, and the Abyss Supreme came over on a giant tiger. What else could he do?
  Die together is the best outcome.

"Hmph, Abyss Supreme, if you, an old man, hadn't taken the initiative to come here to cause trouble and wanted to take advantage of others' danger, do you think I would be willing to do this?"

The great master also cursed.

When the Abyss Supreme heard this, he suddenly became angry and cursed: "It was you, the old dog, who provoked me first. I was just here to see the situation."

When the great master heard this, he thought to himself that if he had not acted stronger at that time, wouldn't this old man have immediately discovered his guilty conscience?

"Abyss Supreme, don't pretend to be innocent, I don't believe it. The loss of my heart has nothing to do with you."

The Great Lord stared at the Abyss Supreme.

"Old dog, what are you talking about?" The Abyss Supreme was a little confused about the situation.

Seeing that he refused to admit it, the Great Lord sneered: "If you really don't know, then why did you hurry over as soon as my beast's heart stopped beating?"

"You asked me this, then I have to ask you carefully, did you deliberately stop the heart of the beast to trick me into coming over to check the situation?" The Abyss Supreme had already concluded that the Great Master was designing to frame him, so he felt that The giant tortoise's heart stopped beating on purpose, in order to trick him into coming over to check on the situation.

"Then after I came over, you took advantage of the giant beasts' battle to send spies over to destroy the giant tiger's blood vessels, causing me to lose my anima..."

Hearing this, the Great Master interrupted the Abyss Supreme and said: "Wait a minute, what is the spy you are talking about?"

As soon as he was reminded by the Abyss Supreme, he immediately remembered the spy who was searching everywhere at that time.

It was precisely because of the spy's troubles that the giant turtle lost a lot of anima for no reason.

Otherwise, why would he be in this situation.

"Still want to pretend not to know?" The Abyss Supreme sneered.

He only thought that the great master was deliberately pretending not to know.

The Great Master hurriedly explained: "The anima of my giant turtle was destroyed and lost by a guy who came out of nowhere. Where did the spy you just mentioned come from? Could it be the same person?"

Upon hearing this, the Abyss Supreme was slightly stunned and calmed down.

"Is everything you said true?"

Abyss Supreme asked.

He found that the Great Master didn't seem to be lying to him.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why would I die with you?" the Great Master said.

At this time, he had already seen that the loss of the giant turtle's anima seemed to have nothing to do with the Abyss Supreme.

On the other side, Abyss Supreme also came back to his senses.

There are indeed many doubts about this whole matter, at least it is indeed impossible for the great master to choose to die with him for no reason.

Thinking of this, the Abyss Supreme said sternly: "When I controlled the giant tiger to fight with your giant turtle, I received messages one after another that the artificial blood vessels were destroyed. Later I went out to check and found that there was an unidentified guy wreaking havoc everywhere."

"Huh?" The Great Master snorted coldly and said, "It seems they are the same guy."

"The same person? Then what is his purpose? What benefits does this do to him?" Abyss Supreme asked curiously.

"It must be beneficial." The great master said with half-squinted eyes: "If there is no benefit, I won't start early. This anima must be of great use to him, otherwise he would never be able to do it with me and then go to your place."

The Abyss Supreme nodded slightly when he heard the words: "It makes some sense."

The great master continued: "I guess this mind power will help him practice. Maybe this is how his divine body came about."

Upon hearing this, the Supreme Lord of the Abyss asked doubtfully: "You mean, he only cultivated his divine body after coming to the Abyss?"

It is very difficult to cultivate a divine body in the abyss, and almost no one can do it.

"I'm not sure, but this is the most likely possibility." The Great Master replied.

After saying that, he changed the topic and said: "I won't guess this in advance. The top priority is to quickly find out where this person is, find him, and see if we can make up for some losses."

"Do you still want to get back the lost anima from him?" Abyss Supreme asked.

"How will you know if you don't try." The Great Master's eyes were half-squinted, "Even if the loss cannot be undone, we must find him and execute him on the spot."

"That's natural. It's hard to vent your hatred without killing this person!"

Abyss Supreme gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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