Chapter 1265 Life after Life
  When Qiu Yixun heard this, he shook his head hastily. He looked at Wang Ye and said anxiously.

"No, those are true, you have to believe what I say."

Qiu Yixun's face showed a bit of helplessness.

But after these words of explanation came out of his mouth, Wang Ye just smiled perfunctorily.

Now, Wang Ye and Qiu Yixun came to the entrance, but besides them, there were many people standing here, with a bit of caution and nervousness on their faces.

They were wearing special clothes and holding some unique equipment in their hands. They seemed to be doing some research.

Wang Ye stood nearby and waited patiently.

Not long after, Qiu Yixun called Wang Ye in. When Wang Ye walked in, he discovered that they had lit a lamp in the passage.

The lamps along the way illuminated the entire passage, and in addition to this, there were candles lit in the corners.

Obviously, if the candle goes out, these people will immediately rectify it.

However, even if they stay here, they remain highly focused on this matter.

But it has no effect.

Wang Ye shook his head and looked at the people in front of him with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

Before Wang Ye could say anything, the people in front of him smiled and spoke to Wang Ye.

"Isn't this who he is?"

There was a bit of excitement in their tone, and the admiration in their eyes was not fake. When Wang Ye saw their postures, Wang Ye's face had returned to calmness.

When Qiu Yixun walked past them, Qiu Yixun just nodded calmly and didn't say much else.

Now, Wang Ye looked at Qiu Yixun beside him, and Wang Ye couldn't help but sigh with Qiu Yixun.

"It's good that you people have money, and you know how to repair this place, and make these lights in this place. It seems that everything here is arranged in order."

There was a bit of excitement on Wang Ye's face. When Wang Ye said his words, Qiu Yixun's face became extremely ugly. He frowned, looked at Wang Ye and couldn't help but speak.

"I don't understand what you mean."

Qiu Yixun said seriously, but unexpectedly Wang Ye pointed at the ship inside and at the same time, pointed at the machine placed on the shore.

That machine was used by them to catch strange animals in the river. Wang Ye looked at those people wearing strange clothes, standing there, looking at the documents in their hands, writing and drawing.

Wang Ye's face showed a bit of excitement. While he was waiting patiently here, he didn't expect that a group of people had already walked off the boat.

The faces of those people were full of rigor, because Qiu Yixun gave them a large sum of money, so they were willing to risk their lives, and once they died, the money would be given to their families.

So they were resolutely willing to do those risky things, but they didn't expect that after they walked around the ship, there was nothing wrong with them.

The bones were also collected by them, and each corpse was pulled outside for inspection.

What they did made Wang Ye feel a little shocked, and now he looked at the ship in front of him.

At this moment, Qiu Yixun also put on his clothes and walked up. Wang Ye also put on unique clothes, but he just put on a coat.

Wang Ye is not afraid of these things because he knows what is coming and will not block it just because the technology in his hands is advanced enough.

Wang Ye understood this, and now looking at Qiu Yixun beside him, Wang Ye couldn't help but say.

"Shall we light up the lamp above our heads?"

As Wang Ye spoke, he pointed in the direction of the bow of the ship. Listening to Wang Ye's words, Qiu Yixun frowned, with a somewhat complicated look on his face. He shook his head and rejected Wang Ye's proposal.

For Qiu Yixun, such a thing was inappropriate after all, not to mention that the lamp, whether it was lit or not, actually had little effect.

Thinking of this matter, Qiu Yixun's face showed some complexity.

Qiu Yixun walked to the side of the lamp, and then looked at the darkness around him. Although there were some lights on the wall, the place was still very dark, and it seemed that even the lights could not illuminate it.

While Qiu Yixun was thinking about these things, Wang Ye had already touched the lamp. But what Wang Ye didn't expect was that as soon as his hand touched the lamp, the lamp lit up instantly.

There seemed to be some remaining fuel inside, while the lamp was being lit.

At this moment, Wang Ye and Qiu Yixun also discovered.

The field of vision in front of them instantly became extremely wide, because this lamp illuminated a lot of darkness, and they also saw a lot of scenery that Gangtuan had not seen.

They suddenly discovered that the lights that were hung on the wall just now were actually just hung on a small pole.

Behind that small pole is an endless river, and the water here is rolling. They can also see clearly what is rolling in the river through this lamp.

Their faces became a little ugly. Wang Ye frowned, and his eyes flashed with a bit of complexity. While he was thinking about these things, Qiu Yixun suddenly smiled and said to Wang Ye.

"How does this light work?"

There was a bit of curiosity on his face. Wang Ye looked up at the lamp with a bit of complexity in his eyes, and then smiled softly. The workmanship of this lamp was very fine.

The most important thing is that this lamp has no place to store fuel, that is to say.

At the bottom of this lamp, there is actually no burning substance at all.

But why he was able to light it up when he touched it, the main reason may be due to the peculiarity of this lamp and its weird production.

This lamp is airtight. Does Wang Ye know how the things inside are lit and how they consume oxygen?
  But what Wang Ye can say is that this lamp is definitely not an ordinary lamp, and the fire lit inside may not be the fire they imagined.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's face was full of complexity. He looked at Qiu Yixun beside him. Even though Qiu Yixun was eager for knowledge, Wang Ye was not prepared to tell him.

For Wang Ye, these things are not important.

Apart from this, Qiu Yixun is not worthy of Wang Ye's trust.

He is so cunning that no one can handle him.

But when Wang Ye was studying this thing, what people didn't expect was that the screams of those people suddenly came from behind him. Wang Ye was startled by them, and Wang Ye looked back at them.
  At this time, Wang Ye suddenly realized that his boat had already started sailing, and he and Qiu Yixun were on the boat.

The two of them looked at each other, and each other's faces showed a bit of complexity, especially Qiu Yixun at this moment. He covered his mouth and looked at Wang Ye and said with shock on his face.

"We can't go back, right? Shouldn't this lamp be lit? Once it's lit, the boat will move forward." Qiu Yixun's face was full of weirdness. When he spoke, Wang Ye frowned. Wang Ye didn't know how to answer, but he looked at the people beside him.

Wang Ye also found that they were anxious to come over, but no matter how they jumped over, they could not get close to the ship.

Wang Ye could also feel that the ship was moving very slowly. The most important thing was that when there was water flowing next to it, there was no way to interfere with the ship's route.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Ye's face showed an embarrassed expression.

Wang Ye frowned, never thought that such a thing would happen. When Qiu Yixun saw Wang Ye's look, Qiu Yixun stared at Wang Ye and said with a strange expression.

"I don't understand, what's going on?"

Qiu Yixun said while holding the tool in his hand. He held the knife and prepared to attack those attacking dangers.


These dangers never came close. On the contrary, their ship was so calm and waveless, swimming forward, a little slow, but if it was fast, there would be problems.

Wang Ye frowned, his eyes full of complexity.

When Wang Ye was curious about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yihai suddenly let out a scream at this moment. Wang Ye's eyes were full of curiosity when he saw Wang Yihai's appearance.

But Wang Yihai waved to them, so he threw the rope directly in front of Wang Ye, and asked Wang Ye to pull the rope.

But Wang Ye is not a fool. How could he pull this rope and stay on this boat? Although it seems a little strange, at least he is violating these rules rashly.

There is definitely something wrong.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye's face showed some confusion. He looked at the rope without moving, but at this time Qiu Yixun quickly tied the rope to the railing next to it.

After completing this series of things, Qiu Yixun also waved to them.

But what Qiu Yixun didn't expect was that when he waved, Wang Ye was also looking at him, but he didn't expect that Qiu Yixun fell directly to the ground the next second.

Wang Ye's face was full of shock when he saw Qiu Yixun's appearance. He covered his mouth, looked at Qiu Yixun, and said with confusion.

"What's going on with you?"

He pushed Qiu Yixun's hand, but Qiu Yixun didn't react at all. Moreover, Qiu Yixun's face became extremely pale, and his heartbeat was losing little by little.

Wang Ye was startled. He looked at the lamp in front of him, thought about it, and touched the lamp without hesitation.

The light went out, and then the boat turned around and drove back slowly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Ye's face was full of complexity. Wang Ye frowned, never having thought that such a thing would happen.

But Qiu Yixun's condition was still very weak. Although it was not as bad as before, he was still unconscious and the people around him were extremely anxious.

But Qiu Yixun, who was in a coma, saw a woman waving to him. The woman was wearing revealing clothes.

Moreover, she was an ancient woman who was extremely beautiful. When Qiu Yixun looked at her, Qiu Yixun's face was full of excitement.

Except for that, the woman was still smiling at him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qiu Yixun couldn't help but smile softly. At this moment, Qiu Yixun couldn't help but forget to leave, but he didn't expect that when he walked in front of the woman, he was still drinking tea slowly.

It's just that there were still a lot of noises in Qiu Yixun's ears. He couldn't understand what those sounds were about. He just touched his ears like shooing away flies.

But when the woman saw that he had not drank tea for a long time, her face became extremely ugly for a while. He stared at Qiu Yixun with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

While he was looking at Qiu Yixun, Qiu Yixun's face also became extremely ugly. He sighed softly, looked at the woman and said helplessly.

"Wait a minute, let me see what's going on with those voices first? They're always chattering and it's affecting both of us."

Qiu Yixun laughed as he spoke. Before he touched the woman's hand, the woman lowered her face, and then punched Qiu Yixun in the chest.

The next second, Qiu Yixun fell directly to the ground. Qiu Yixun's eyes widened, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth, and he vomited it out. He did not expect that the woman came over with a fist and punched out all his internal injuries.

For a moment, Qiu Yixun's face became extremely ugly. Seeing Qiu Yixun's look, the woman's face was filled with pride.

The woman raised her chin, stared at Qiu Yixun, and said impatiently.

"Would you like to drink?"

When these three words were spoken, Qiu Yixun nodded at the end. He had no choice. But when Qiu Yixun became cautious, a sound suddenly sounded from behind.

When Qiu Yixun's eyes fell on this woman's feet.

His face became extremely ugly. He frowned and stared at this woman, unable to say a word.

His feet were actually bones. Seeing the scene in front of him, Qiu Yixun's face turned pale. Qiu Yixun hurriedly shook his head, stared at the woman, and spoke with fear on his face.

"Who are you anyway?"

His face was full of nervousness. When he asked his question, the woman laughed. She covered her mouth, looked at Qiu Yixun, and said in a haughty tone. .

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you have to promise me to drink this thing. After all, I prepared it specially for you."

As he spoke, he patted Qiu Yixun's hand. Seeing his appearance, Qiu Yixun shook his head hurriedly. At this time, Qiu Yixun was also woken up by Wang Ye.

Qiu Yixun's eyes widened. At this time, Wang Yihai also blew out the rhinoceros horn in his hand. He looked at Wang Ye beside him and said to Wang Ye helplessly.

"I knew a long time ago that he must be trying to attract evil. You still didn't believe me, but the rhino horn lit up. You must have been slapped in the face."

Wang Yihai raised his chin as he spoke.

There was a hint of impatience in his tone.

But when Qiu Yixun heard their voices, Qiu Yixun's face became extremely ugly. He stared at Wang Ye and Wang Yihai and said with a strange expression on his face.

"What's going on? Why did I faint just now?"

When he asked this question, the woman's voice was still echoing in his ears. The woman seemed to be very impatient with what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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