Chapter 109, Big Boss of the Six Domains

After Long Wu comforted several girls, he came to the secret room where he lived alone. Thinking about what else he could improve, he opened the panel and took a look.

Name: Long Wu

Age: 14
  Realm: Level 69 Soul Emperor (Level )

Soul rings: purple, purple, black, black, red, red (the soul rings are being superimposed, and five hundred thousand year soul rings are required for fusion)

Martial Spirit: Super Beast Arms (six statues, second form activated)
  Soul Curse: Fusion of belief phantoms, (six saints, no need to recite them) can communicate with powerful people who exist in the dark.

Artifact: Throne of Technology (the highest crystallization of a certain technological civilization!!!) The information is unknown and you can explore it by yourself

Weapon: Overlord Color Awakening Gift: Dragon Pattern Alloy Tang Dao (Unsealed) Second Sword Technique (Cangtian Ba ​​Dao) Overlord Color Intermediate Unsealed.

Soul skills: Fire Cloud Technique, Cold Shadow Technique, Thunderbolt Technique, Death Moon Tribulation, Tsunami Tribulation, Seven Injury Tribulation. (The soul rings are unified and enhanced)

Talent: Primary level of domineering color and domineering (a symbol of the king of a certain pirate world and the cornerstone of the road to strength).

Star Wish: Ask for divine magic (comprehension of stargazing rituals, system changes) to summon powerful people from time to bless you. (Note! It requires the same belief or a certain event to be recognized by a strong person.)
  Extraordinary energy: 0.06 black holes (soul power is changing)
  God's Heritage: In the second stage, defeat the ninety-two-level titled Douluo, obtain four hundred thousand year soul rings, and one light attribute soul ring.

Long Wu sat cross-legged, looking at the data on the panel in a daze.

"Overlord-colored domineering energy? Can this thing also exist? Uh-huh, I awakened it myself? Why didn't I know?"

"What the hell are you asking for divine magic? What I understand is obviously the formation ritual?"

It turns out that when Tian Longwu saw that the ritual used by Nalan Mili was very powerful, he thought about whether the seven of them could form a similar formation to enhance their strength, so he gave all the information to Xiao Hei for calculation.

In the end, what I didn't expect to get was this divine magic.

As for the overlord color, he was a little confused, but after thinking that the things produced by the system also came from different worlds, he didn't think much about it.

After thinking about it for a while, he came to the conclusion that since magic can summon strong men from time, it means that he can get support from strong men with the same belief in super beasts and weapons.

In this way, not only can you feel their beliefs, but you can also speed up the conversion of supernatural energy, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

The fierce Long Wu suddenly thought of a possibility and asked in his mind: "Xiao Hei, I have a question, that is, if I use the magic of inviting gods to summon powerful people from other worlds, is it possible to summon powerful people from Zhetian or other worlds?" The great god of the world?”

Xiao Hei's cold voice sounded: "As long as the host can do it, anything is possible, but such a powerful existence may not necessarily repay you."

"In other words, asking for magic is like a way to say hello. Whether the other party agrees to lend you his power depends on the other party."

"If you annoy those beings, be careful that they use divine magic to find this world and destroy it."

"So the host please use it with caution. Please don't disturb Xiao Hei unless necessary. Xiao Hei is breaking into the rules of the world and cannot escape for the time being."

After speaking, silence fell again.

Long Wu didn't care and continued to study the art of inviting gods. He was already used to Xiao Hei.


At the same time, a pair of angry purple eyes in the vast universe scanned all the worlds around it.

The will turned into an astonishing message that spread throughout the universe.

"Who dares to steal the original rules of the universe? If the rats catch you, you will be annihilated." After this will disappeared, a human figure appeared in the void, as if it was another dragon warrior, covered in black dragon robes, graceful and luxurious, The invisible momentum shook the void.

The void seemed to be unable to withstand this man's power and let out a fragile moan.

This person who looks exactly like Long Wu is Xiao Hei. At this moment, he seems to be the other side of Long Wu, calm and wise, cold and cold, exuding an aura that no strangers should enter.

Looking at the disappearing giant eyes, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then his body slowly disappeared into the void.

Just after he disappeared, six more figures came. They all carried great power, were huge, and were surrounded by the aura of various rules, like wisps of smoke surrounding them affectionately.

The divine weapon armor on his body exudes a terrifying aura, as if it can destroy a world with a single blow.

One of them, with a resolute face and square appearance, filled with a sense of justice, was the first to speak: "What's going on with Heavenly Dao? Last time he came to a small world for no reason, and this time he got angry again. Who provoked him again?" ”

"I said it couldn't be you, Xia Wujie."

The big man's eyes moved to a person dressed as a scholar and asked him.

The scholar Xia Wujie fiddled with the fan in his hand and said politely: "Xing Li, can you use your brain? I have that ability."

This Renren who destroys the gentle aura when he opens his mouth is the ancestor of the Great Xia Divine Realm.

At this time, a woman dressed in white palace clothes, with long flowing hair, tall figure, cold and delicate appearance, seemed to have a beautiful figure carved by God. His body exudes the aura of the Nine-Five Supreme Being.

His brows furrowed and his red lips slightly opened, he said, "Alright, Xing Li, although Xia Wujie often gets into trouble, this matter is related to the law of heaven, and he still doesn't have the ability."

"Look, look, Miss Wu Jing is still smart, not as stupid as you."

Xia Wujie's mouth seemed to have completely opened the valve, and he fired at Xing Li, which made him blush and want to fight, but he didn't dare.

Although he looked down upon this gangster named Xia, he had to agree that this guy named Xia was a step above him in strength.

"Okay, okay, they are all ancestors of the same domain, how can they behave like this?"

An old man punched the void twice with a cane, and suddenly several cracks appeared in the void that could not bear it.

At the same time, a large portion of the creatures spying on this place in the void evaporated, and the remaining ones fled frantically.

Zhao Yunnan, the ancestor of the Great Zhao God Realm, and the beautiful woman behind him is his daughter Zhao Ning, who has the same ancestor-level combat power.

This person has a gentle and elegant temperament, a ladylike temperament, and often holds a dazzling book in his hand.

At this time, Xia Wujie stood up straight like a good baby. It was not because the old man was powerful, but because Xia Wujie was coveting his daughter, just because his daughter said that he liked elegant scholars.

No, this guy is dressed up in a nondescript manner.

The last one seemed to be hiding in the darkness, his figure completely covered by the dark hooded clothes. There was a spear floating behind him, and only a pair of bloody beast eyes could be seen.

It exudes a terrifying power that makes people shudder.

The aura around him was extremely dark but not evil, which showed that although he was in darkness, he was not a bad person.

This person is none other than the Lord of the Chaos Realm, Mo Wushuang, a character who grew up through countless killings. He was affected by the killings, but still remained a true and strong man.

(End of this chapter)

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