Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 124, What is a real pirate?

Chapter 124, What is a real pirate?

Watching the two people put down their weapons, Long Wu waved his right hand, and all the remaining bodies were separated, and the ice on the ground gradually dissipated.

Long Wu ordered with a heavy heart: "Keep your captain's head, throw the others into the sea, and clean the ship."

After speaking, he stepped into the bottom of the ship without waiting for a few people to reply. The dim light shone on the slightly calm Long Wu's face. He sighed and opened the hatch on the bottom of the ship with a complicated expression.

A beam of light inside the cabin gradually illuminated the dim environment. Several girls with torn clothes raised their heads, and their empty eyes came into view. There were several female corpses around them, all of which were already stinking.

Long Wu clenched his fists when he saw this scene. He had already noticed this place when he turned on his sight. Although he knew that pirates didn't have many good things, he lived under the red flag.

Seeing this scene is still extremely heart-wrenching. Many sea fans are deceived by Luffy's naivety and think that pirates are nothing more than that. But can Luffy be called a pirate?
  They were just a group of adventurers. Real pirates were always bloody and cruel, a group of guys who robbed homes and plundered crazily.

When those women saw that it was not a pirate who came today, but a handsome man, a glimmer of hope once again filled their eyes.

And Long Wu naturally lived up to his expectations and said to them gently: "I'm sorry I'm late. From now on you are free. Please come with me and I will help you go home."

After that, Longwu turned around and left, preparing to ask Nami to help them find some clothes.

But they had no idea that their image had been deeply imprinted on the hearts of these women. They shed tears silently and opened their mouths to cry loudly.

Finally, he helped them out of the hatch. Originally, Long Wu wanted Nami to go in and help them, but thinking of the dirty environment and several female corpses inside, he still couldn't bear for Nami to see this scene.

At this moment, he was talking to Nami. If you listen carefully, you can hear Long Wu's plea.

"Nami, can you lend me your clothes? We'll buy them for you after receiving the reward, okay?"

Nami held the box and looked at Long Wu with a wary expression: "Whatever you want to do, it's all mine. Besides, what do you want to do with girl's clothes? You can't be..."

The next moment, Nami glanced at Long Wu with a complicated expression, took a deep breath, walked around him holding the box, and looked at the women supporting each other.

Finally, she understood why Long Wu wanted clothes. The pirate clothes given to them were obviously inappropriate. She tried her best to force out a smile and stepped forward.

"Sisters, please come with me. I will take you to wash up."

After that, he led the women indoors. Soon, under Nami's care, these women arrived in front of Long Wu cleanly.

Before Long Wu could react, he knelt down with a plop. Long Wu was so frightened that he hurriedly helped him up.

He also told: "Sisters, there is no need to do this. The pirates on this ship have been eliminated. After we arrive in Rogge Town in a few days, you can go home."

Nami on the side asked two teenagers to clean up the room, settle down the women, and came to the plywood. Looking at the silent Long Wu, Nami didn't know what to say.

She just stayed with him quietly, hesitated for a long time, and then flipped her hair and said, "That's why I hate pirates."

Long Wu smiled and said: "I'm not that emotional, but maybe I will be particularly bloody in the future. I hope the beautiful lady next to me doesn't mind."

Nami lowered her head in silence, then raised her head confidently and said, "I'm already used to it, haven't I?"

Longwu was startled, that's right, Nami has experienced pirates since she was a child, she has never seen anything, how can she bear this without a strong heart, she is stronger than anyone imagined.

"Haha, I was wrong Nami. The target is Rogge Town. In exchange for the bounty, you have to spend a lot of money. I haven't had a good meal for many days. Of course, the one I promised you is also within the purchase range."

Long Wu quickly adjusted his mentality and happily wanted to eat a delicious meal. You must know that except for the moo-eating banquet, Long Wu really didn't eat a delicious meal in this world. Everyone didn't have much. Bailey usually had a simple diet, especially these days at sea, it was just a mouthful of dry food. However, thinking about the future, he decided to at least find a cook.

Just like this, a ship flying a pirate flag gradually approached Rogge Town, and soon alerted the navy.

At the Rogue Town Naval Base, a figure wearing a navy uniform ran in, panting, and shouted at the same time: "Pirates are coming, please inform Colonel Smoker, they are the Tomahawk Pirates who have a bounty of tens of millions. "

In the base, Smog held two cigars in the corner of his mouth, listening to the words of the navy in front of him.

He slapped the table with a "bang" and said angrily: "I haven't found him yet, but he came to me. Let's call the navy to the dock. I want to see if he is seeking his own death."

After that, he exhaled a puff of smoke.

Soon, led by Smoker, the navy surrounded the dock layer by layer. Countless sailors nervously raised their guns and aimed at the slowly approaching pirate ship.

The two brothers who were cleaning up on the pirate ship saw countless navy guns pointed at them and shouted in panic: "Sir, there is a navy."

Long Wu, who had just woken up, had black lines on his face, thinking what were these two boys doing, what happened to the navy, and I am not a pirate.

So he scolded: "Why panic? You are not a pirate now, so why should you be afraid of the navy?"

Long Wu rubbed his brow and said, "Pull the boat over."

As the pirate ship approached the dock, Long Wu took the lead, jumped off the ship, and landed in the middle of the navy. He was suddenly surrounded by countless navy.

Long Wu looked around, and then saw Smoker holding a cigar behind the crowd, and immediately shouted: "Hey! Colonel Smoker, I am a bounty hunter. I am here to exchange for the bounty. You don't have to So welcome.”

Smoker's face darkened, God came to welcome you, I thought pirates were coming, so you didn't know how to take off the pirate flag.

Seeing that the other party looked familiar, Smoker then remembered that he was a new bounty hunter in the East China Sea recently. As for why he knew, it wasn't because his confused Dasqi subordinates were holding bounty orders all day long and saying that it was her. The most perfect knife I have ever seen.

Then he waved his hand and said: "Withdraw, what kind of pirate? Look carefully before talking."

Turn around and leave.

Seeing that Smoker was leaving, Longwu was not happy. He pointed at the money and said hurriedly: "Hey! Colonel Smoker, you haven't given the bounty yet. I've brought all the heads."

Smoker paused in his steps and twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking, if I hadn't felt the power of Ruo You Ruowu, I would definitely make you look good.

He turned around and roared loudly: "If you want any money from me, take him to the base to get the money."

Immediately, a soldier walked out aggrievedly. It was indeed the guy who greeted the pirates. Then Long Wu followed this guy and went to the base to collect the money.

Soon Long Wu happily walked out from the base carrying a box, playing a little tune to meet Nami and others who were disembarking from the ship.

In Nami's slightly resentful eyes, she took out one million Baileys and distributed them to several women and two boys, and said to them: "This money is for your travel expenses. From now on, you can go home by yourself."

After that, as Nami exclaimed, she took Nami's hand and ran towards the most prosperous place in the city.

As for not paying attention to a few people, after all, he has done all he can to be benevolent and righteous, and he can't control the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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