Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 131, Fighting against the Golden Lion

Chapter 131, Fighting against the Golden Lion
  He was somewhat interested.

Of course, Long Wu had noticed him a long time ago and flew towards him with a cold expression.

Soon, a huge object came into the eyes of the golden lion from a distance and came to them with a terrifying aura.

A young man walked out, a suit of armor covering his body, making his face invisible.

The next moment, Long Wu's questioning voice sounded.

"Where's Nami, hand over Nami. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The golden lion laughed, and then his face darkened.

"Hahahaha, are you ordering me? I am a golden lion."

Long Wu looked coldly and said, "It seems like we can't be kind anymore?"

The air suddenly became thicker, and invisible pressure came from the two of them.

The expressions of the people around Golden Lion changed, and they thought that this guy was not weak, which made them feel a little frightened.

  A terrifying overlord-colored aura enveloped the golden lion, and the black aura hovering in the air was extremely heavy. This was because Long Wu couldn't wait any longer, even though he was here to save Nami.

But giving Nami a Piaopiao fruit is also part of his plan.

Long Wu chuckled.

"Nebula Arms."

In an instant, seven different lights and shadows unfolded from the void and crashed into Long Wu's body. The terrifying aura shook the void, forming ripples that turned into strong winds and spread around, and countless trees were bent.

Seven star-like light spots of different colors rotated quietly around Long Wu. At this moment, Long Wu upgraded himself to the strongest state.

At this moment, the golden lion looked solemn, looking at the soaring Long Wu in front of him. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little pity for his talent. With such strength at such a young age, who would be his opponent in a few years.

Unexpectedly, first a talent like Nami was discovered in the East China Sea, and now a guy who is more terrifying than her has arrived, so I will conquer him first and then think of ways to win over him.

boom! The two auras attacked each other, but the golden lion's domineering aura could not be stimulated because of the rudder above his head. He only used his aura to temporarily withstand Long Wu's domineering aura.

At the same time, he was hovering in the air and his feet were waving.

"The power of the lion, the valley of thousands of cuts."

Densely packed yellow slashes struck Long Wu from the front.

Long Wu drew his sword, and countless thoughts came to his mind in an instant.

He shouted: "One move of the Heavenly Tyrant Sword, covering the sea."

The afterimage of Long Wu's right hand shook, and countless black slashes came from his hand. This was the first time he used the Cangtian Ba ​​Dao.

Facing this kind of enemy with super beast weapons would probably be a living target. Although the attack power is strong, the Piao Piao Fruit is too flexible, so Long Wu never thought of using super beasts from the beginning.

One after another slashes passed by the two of them and struck into the ground beneath their feet, leaving patches of barren land behind.

The two men's tentative attacks ended here.

"The power of a lion, the imperial scroll"

Accompanied by the sound of the golden lion.

The earth shook, and several huge earth lions gathered together and moved towards Long Wu, intending to bury him.

In response to this, Long Wu's supernatural energy surged, his physical fitness increased, and he rushed out of the encirclement in an instant. He touched Wei Feng's body with his left hand, covering it with supernatural energy, and burst out.

"The second move of Cangtian Ba ​​Dao, cut off the river."

A huge black slash rushed towards the golden lion, and there was a roar in the air along the way, which was the sound of the air being detonated.


The same huge slash flew out from the golden lion's feet and was offset by the collision.

At this moment, Long Wu's legs were wrapped in energy, and he stepped on them with force, and a circular air flow appeared from under his feet.

  Long Wu disappeared from the spot, and the knife in his hand appeared in front of the golden lion's head. The golden lion's pupils shrank, and its head twisted strangely to barely avoid the fatal blow.

So much so that if he only cut off a few strands of hair, if he hadn't reacted quickly, it would have killed him. He quickly distanced himself. After all, he and Ying Ju now had two famous swords instead of their feet. He would definitely suffer in the close combat.


After pulling away, Golden Lion suddenly used the poisonous snake to harass Long Wu.

Long Wu felt the air around him twisting and groaning.

"Hanying Jue, Binglan."

Water molecules in the air quickly freeze and turn into ice crystals that gather together to cut off the twisting air.

"The power of the lion, the imperial scroll."

Seeing Long Wu using a devil fruit-like ability, the golden lion quickly used sea water to form two huge lion heads and hit Long Wu.

At the same time, the golden lion was also shocked by Long Wu's monster-like fighting power, and the opponent also had a devil fruit ability similar to Aoki Pheasant.

Long Wu looked at the big sea lion in front of him with a solemn expression, holding a single sword across his chest.

"Hanying Jue, Zero Dimension Space."

The front was covered with frost, and a ray of cold light shot out, hitting the water lion, and immediately two huge lifelike ice sculptures froze in mid-air.

The next moment, Long Wu sprinted, holding the knife in both hands.

"The four styles of Cangtian Ba ​​Dao, Hengyu."

A blurry shadow floated behind Long Wu, doing the same movement as him, and a huge knife shadow passed by.

  The golden lion shrank and dodged in an instant. A black thread streaked across the sky behind him, and a knife shadow streaked across the sea somewhere in the East China Sea. The sea was divided into two, and the bottom of the sea was clearly visible. It took a long time to heal.

The golden lion looked ferocious, knowing that he could not hold back.


"The lion is powerful over thousands of valleys."

The feeling of being restrained came again, and at the same time countless yellow slashes came from all directions.

Long Wu looked anxious. For a strong person, one or two seconds is enough to determine the outcome.

Long Wu struggled to break away from the restraints and used Wei Feng to resist. One after another slashes were blocked, but there were also many slashes on his body.

Every time he was hit, his face turned pale. He struggled to offset the remaining slashes, and finally managed to survive.

This move really made Long Wu more experienced. Why didn't he use it when fighting that guy Luffy?
  "Thunder Running Technique, Explosive Foot. Fire Cloud Technique, Burning Flame. Three Heavenly Tyrant Sword Techniques, Lifting the Sky. Blazing Flames Sweep."

A roar of thunder, Long Wu flashing with electric light, holding Wei Feng filled with flames, swung out with a horizontal slash, and a huge sword shadow appeared above the golden lion in the sky.

Invisible pressure fell, and the golden lion was fixed in place, unable to move. He watched helplessly as the flaming strike got closer and closer.

With a crazy look on his face, he stretched his hands to his head and pulled out the rudder on his head, and a trace of blood spurted out.

  The terrifying overlord-colored domineering energy suddenly swept across the world, and he also used this to escape the lock of the sword shadow.

  Overlord-colored domineering energy suddenly wrapped around the two swords under his feet, and a terrifying blow flew out from under his feet.


The black-red slash made the sky turn red, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept over him.

The moment the two terrifying slashes collided, the land with a radius of hundreds of miles evaporated and shattered. The island was covered with cracks and could no longer withstand the attacks of the two.

At this time, the golden lion looked ferocious and gave up using the Piao Piao Fruit to maintain the island's suspension. Suddenly, the island began to shake violently and began to decline sharply.

Countless modified animals on the island were almost wiped out in one blow by the two men. Only a group of seriously ill people were left, quietly looking at the two black spots in the sky in the distance, but showing relief. expression.

They don't have long left to live, because countless poisons have already invaded their internal organs due to Golden Lion's animal experiments, so this can be considered a relief.

A girl with a conspicuous short orange hair in the crowd looked at the fight between the two in shock. Yes, this person was Nami who escaped.

Although she knew that Long Wu was very strong, the movement caused by the two people still shocked her from ear to ear.

(End of this chapter)

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