Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 135, Meeting Weiwei for the first time

Chapter 135, Meeting Weiwei for the first time

A series of small incidents were easily resolved. At this moment, the pirates who realized that Long Wu and the others were not easy to mess with consciously distanced themselves, for fear that the ship would be destroyed and everyone would be killed.

Kurokas stared blankly at the ship floating in the sky in the distance, and murmured in silence: "Is the Golden Lion dead too? There is another top powerhouse missing on the sea. This little girl is still very immature. ah."

But then he thought of the information Bucky brought him two days ago, and recalled that Shanks said many years ago that he had found the guy who inherited the captain's will.

I heard Bucky said that he had been given a map and it should arrive soon, but why hasn't it come yet?

In fact, the red-haired man was quite frustrated back then. The devil fruit that he had put in well was intended to be left to the captain's son. Who would have thought that it would be eaten by Garp's grandson.

So he had no choice but to brainwash Luffy into wanting to be the Pirate King. If it weren't for the fact that there was only one fruit, Luffy wouldn't be able to find it after he died, and he probably wouldn't provoke Luffy.

But Luffy would never have imagined that his life would have been clearly arranged after eating the Devil Fruit. Shanks would lead the way, Bucky would escort him, Kurokas would give him the Eternal Pointer, and Rayleigh would teach him. Domineering.

If all this is a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence. They are all crew members of the Pirate King.

Who would believe it if it wasn't premeditated?

But these things are not important to Long Wu. He is just a passerby and has no intention of getting involved in their plan.

But when Kurokas looked over, he felt someone peeping at him and glanced lightly.

Soon Nami successfully reached the first island based on the eternal pointer she snatched.

Soon, countless enthusiastic people swarmed around Long Wu and the others, offering them all kinds of food and wine, and inviting Long Wu and the others to the tavern.

Deep inside the tavern, Miss.3, whose head was burning with flames, looked at Long Wu and the others who were eating and drinking outside and said solemnly to Miss.5.

"This is the strongest pirate hunter in the East China Sea. Boos asked us to catch him alive as much as possible to see if he can join us. Have you given the medicine?"

"Of course, it's all in Miss Wednesday's wine. Now that she has passed, she will never escape our grasp as long as she succeeds."

Miss5 floating in the sky said confidently.

Long Wu sat in front of the table and thought with his mouth twitching as he watched the poor acting skills of these pirates.

Do you really think I am a fool (=_=)? Look at Princess Weiwei, she is trembling. Those two guys are hiding behind as if no one else is around, thinking they can’t sense the domineering power of what they see and hear?

What about this little bit of drug use that fools ghosts? It's not even enough to serve as a sleeping pill for me.

However, he didn't expose them, he just took care of himself, eating and drinking as he should.

Nami and the two didn't have to worry, because they were not prepared to stun them at all. They always thought they were just two ordinary people following the pirate hunter.

Weiwei, who was in a complicated mood, had a smile on her face and helped Long Wu fill up the wine. She couldn't bear it. She felt at ease with the pirate, but the other party was a pirate hunter.

He was so handsome, and just when she was thinking about reminding him, a burly figure with curly blond hair next to her gently pulled her and shook her head.

In this way, as Long Wu ate more and more, even drinking several bottles of drugged wine, the group of pirates finally realized that something was wrong.

miss3 turned to look at miss5 and asked: "Didn't you say it's okay? He has already drank eight bottles. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"How do I know that it is indeed the drug that I carefully prepared? Has it been switched by someone?"

miss5 also frowned and looked at Weiwei who was still pouring wine for Long Wu. She suspected that this guy had changed her drug.

But she gave up the idea the next moment, because Long Wu looked in this direction, and she was so surprised that she drifted back for a while.

Then Long Wu's magnetic voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

"Hey! I said your acting skills are really poor. Didn't that Crocodile guy teach you how to act?"

Then Long Wu touched his belly and said. “But thank you very much for saving me money. I haven’t had such a full meal in a long time.”

Yes, this was Long Wu's first full meal after a huge change in his body. Some ordinary food could no longer bring him energy. He had always been a Neptune type these days.

Even Nami and her body strength increased significantly due to their frequent consumption of Neptune species.

Hearing what Long Wu said, Nami and Benchia stood up alertly and looked around, seeing that the originally enthusiastic people began to have dark faces.

And they surrounded the three of them step by step. Miss3 and miss5 who were hiding behind finally came out, looking extremely ugly.

After doing it for so long, everyone knew about it, and they continued to cooperate with them. Now that they are full, they don't care anymore, and they get slapped in the face.

"Fuck me."

Following miss3's order, these pirates revealed their true colors and drew out their swords to attack Long Wu.

Just when she was about to attack Long Wu, Weiwei couldn't help but said: "Be careful."

The next moment, her eyes widened.

  An astonishing aura burst out from Long Wu, and a dark aura raged in the small tavern.

Countless pirates fell down with white eyes.

There were only two people still standing there, one was miss3 and the other was Weiwei. Miss3 was a little resistant because she had experienced the baptism of overlord color before, so she was not in a coma.

As for Weiwei, needless to say, although the ancient weapon Pluto has not yet awakened, it is not something that can be intimidated by a mere domineering aura.

Miss3 said tremblingly: "Ba, Bawang looks domineering." Then he collapsed on the ground, lying down as if resigned to his fate, ready to die here.

Weiwei on the side obviously didn't know what overlord domineering was, but looking at miss3's expression, she knew that he was very strong, at least to them.

The cadre who defeated BOOS effortlessly, I am afraid that even Crocodile may not be his opponent.

Weiwei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she wanted to go forward and ask Long Wu to help deal with Crocodile, but then she thought about why the other party helped her for no reason.

After hesitating for a long time, watching Long Wu lead Nami and Benqia away gradually, he still couldn't help but follow him.

  Long Wu felt the little tail behind him in confusion, and thought, why are you following us? Do you think I am a good person because I didn't kill anyone?

Long Wu didn't look back and continued walking regardless, but Nami and the others didn't think so.

Nami thought to herself, what does she want to do! Brother Longwu is mine, and having Benqia is enough to annoy me. If it doesn't work, I can't let her follow.

Benchia didn't have so many thoughts. She just thought Nami was weird and changed her face several times in a while.

Nami looked at Weiwei, who was still following, and turned around and said angrily: "Hey! What on earth do you want, you keep following us. If you are still with us, just follow closely, hide here and there, do you really think we are watching? Not enough."

Weiwei put down the barrel lid in embarrassment, holding the corners of her clothes with both hands and looking at them at a loss.

Nami ignored her, turned around and hugged Long Wu's arm and walked forward. As a result, there was a lot of noise along the way, and Nami couldn't bear it anymore.

Nami covered her face and looked at the bewildered Weiwei and said, "I admire you very much. How can you make everything in the street rotten by just following her?"

"Okay! Come on, let's go together."

Nami said helplessly, she really couldn't bear it anymore, who are these people?

(End of this chapter)

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