Chapter 138, Meeting Fujitora
  After Ace finished speaking, the tattoo behind his back gradually lit up with flames.


Without waiting for Long Wu to react, he quickly pulled out his hands and fired continuously like a gun, and flames enveloped Long Wu like bullets.

Long Wu's lips curled up. Standing still, not even trying to hide.

"It's far away, Cold Shadow Art, Ice Wall."

A crystal clear ice wall emerged out of thin air, and countless flame bullets shot at it, causing waves of heat, but the ice wall remained unscathed.

Seeing Long Wu's methods, Ace did not stop attacking. He held two flame spears in both hands and threw them at Long Wu.

"Sacred fire, Shiranui."

Long Wu smiled and said: "Is this the divine fire? I'm afraid you have never seen fire."

"Fire Cloud Jue, Flame Territory."

As Long Wu's words fell, the hot flames with him as the center spread wildly, forming a field of flames surrounding the two of them.

Ace's attack was assimilated the moment it hit the field.

He himself looked at Long Wu in shock, feeling the temperature many times hotter than his fire, and said in surprise: "What kind of fruit power do you have, is it stronger than the Burning Fruit?"

"If that's the case, then I'm serious."

Ace's eyes widened, and a terrifying power enveloped Long Wu. It was the domineering aura of a king, and at the same time, his body squatted slightly. The orange flame spread like a heat wave and suddenly began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Great Flame Ring, Yan ~ Yan Emperor ~?"

  A crow seemed to flash across the sky, and Ace stood awkwardly. He felt that the flame of his ability was assimilated and absorbed just as it condensed.

In other words, it was a trick he wasted his energy on. He was interrupted before he even started.

Long Wu looked down at the embarrassed Ace and said, "You're still chasing Blackbeard like this? Don't end up dying in someone else's hands."

"If your name wasn't Ace, just because you provoked me just now, your grave would be high tomorrow."

"If it weren't for Luffy and the others who saved me, would you still be able to talk to me now?"

Longwu said so much, but Ace only heard the word "Luffy", and then said excitedly: "Luffy? You know Luffy! Is he okay?"

At this moment, he suddenly gave up all precautions, put his arm around Long Wu's shoulders, and started talking about Luffy.

A black line crossed Long Wu's forehead, and suddenly the terrifying overlord-colored domineering energy spurted out, and the thick black aura acted on Ace's head.

Ace's eyes widened, he pointed his right hand at him and fainted without saying a word. It was obvious that he wanted to say why you have such domineering aura.

Long Wu picked up his back collar, returned to the sky, threw it on the wooden board, and then closed his eyes to rest, out of sight and out of mind.

He had no idea how much shock the fight between the two had caused. The sight, which was like a natural disaster, was shocking.

A flash of awe flashed in Robin's calm eyes, that was the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates! He actually won it easily.

How powerful this was. At this moment, she knew how terrifying the owner she wanted to find possessed.

And the ability to control ice and fire, similar to the natural devil fruit, also aroused her deep curiosity.

As we all know, you can only eat one Devil Fruit. Whichever of the two abilities displayed by Long Wu is used in others, it is a symbol of becoming a top powerhouse.

Unconsciously, Robin began to compare Long Wu and Qing Pheasant, and finally realized that maybe their combat power was about the same, but of course it was just a guess.

Long Wu has too many hidden tricks. If he reveals them, how many people can be his opponents?
  Weiwei trembled and looked at Long Wu, who had his eyes closed to rest. It was only at this moment that she felt the terror of Long Wu.

Seeing Long Wu deal with Ace, Xiaoya, who had recovered, continued to control the board and float towards Alabasta.

At the same time, in Alabasta's famous casino, a blind middle-aged man walked in with a knife.

It immediately attracted countless gamblers. Everyone looked at the blind man curiously, wondering what he was doing here.

"Hey! Blind man, this is a casino. What are you doing here? Leave quickly, leave quickly." The staff of the Baroque Studio in charge of the casino thought he had gone wrong, so they reminded him that this was a casino and asked him to leave quickly.

Fujitora smiled slightly, his eyes full of whites looked a little cautious, but he said politely: "I'm here to gamble, and I never make a mistake."

"Hahaha. Hahaha."

Suddenly countless gamblers laughed. What would a blind man bet on? What can I see to give money to? It's really funny.

A gambler couldn't help but said: "Hey! Blind man, can you see with those eyes?"

Fujitora said calmly: "I've never seen it, but don't worry, I'm still sure."

Seeing this, gamblers began to surround him to see if they could get some money from the blind man. After all, he couldn't see, right?

If you don't eat the big fat sheep that keep coming to your door, wouldn't you be sorry for yourself?

Soon Fujitora started playing dice with them.

With a cry of "big, big, small, small."

The dealer opened the dice cup and said to Fujitora: "Big or small?"

Fujitora said calmly: "I choose the big one."

The dealer was stunned for a moment and looked at the dice. Five, five, six, it was indeed a big one.

But the people in the casino didn't care so much, they all shouted.

"Blind man, you guessed wrong. This is obviously a small one. Do you think you are right?"

"Yeah, this is small, blind man, you lose."

Fujitora smiled and felt the desire in their hearts. Yes, this was a way for him to exercise his dominance, and he also wanted to see what the Shichibukai were like.

At this time, he had already thought about joining the navy, but he had deep opinions on the Shichibukai system.

Looking at Long Wu, the frowning brow is enough to start a fight on his own. As for why he's not a dick like Ace, he's been in showman mode ever since he woke up.

The little mouth kept talking. If Nami hadn't seen Long Wu's face getting darker and darker, and brought him to the topic, I'm afraid he would have spent another period of coma.

Even so, the way Nami spoke like she was mentally retarded was eye-opening.

Long Wu had the idea to throw him away, but thinking that this guy was looking for Blackbeard was obviously seeking death, for the sake of the will of the majority of netizens back then, and to return Luffy's favor.

He cannot die.

As they arrived in Alabasta, Long Wu ordered several girls to stay away from the Baroque Studio.

Said: "Miss Robin, please take care of them. As for what you want, I probably know what you want. It's not convenient to say it now. I'll go first."

"And you, Ace, have protected several ladies. If you run away, don't blame me for being rude."

Long Wu's eyes flashed coldly and he warned.

Ace was a little dissatisfied, but having seen Long Wu's combat power, he knew that he was no match, so it was very necessary to pretend to be grandson for the time being.

He quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I will definitely protect them."

Seeing his sincere look, Long Wu disappeared step by step from their eyes.

Soon he found someone to take him to the largest casino, but he had no choice but to find it himself.

Long Wu looked at the casino in front of him and sighed: "I've never been to a casino in my entire life. It's really noisy."

The moment Longwu stepped through the door, Fujitora, who was at the gambling table, looked back subconsciously, frowning slightly.

His Observation Color Haki sensed a powerful aura from Long Wu, and this aura was worth taking seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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