Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 140, Destroy the Sand Crocodile

Chapter 140, Destroy the Sand Crocodile

Long Wu seemed to feel something in the smoke and let out a low groan.

"Hanying Jue, Ice Wall."

At the same time, a tornado sandstorm swept over and hit the ice wall violently, constantly eroding the thickness of the ice wall.

Seeing that the ice wall could not hold up, Long Wu detonated the abnormal energy form, and the whale shark super beast jumped out in the desert. Long Wu merged into it and plunged into the desert and disappeared.

  The ice wall couldn't bear it and turned into ice crystals and dissipated, and the sandstorm also disappeared. Sand Crocodile frowned as he looked at the disappearing Long Wu.

Suddenly, he suddenly elementalized his body.

A huge mechanical whale shark rushed out of the earth and bit him. Fortunately, he reacted in time and transformed into elements. The whale shark that took a bite of sand did not stop and plunged into the ground again.

The sand crocodile watched with lingering fear as the giant thing disappeared. He was a little confused, when did such a thing exist in the desert?
  He really didn't expect that it was Long Wu, so much so that he was curious about where Long Wu went.

However, as the whale shark attacked again and again, he gradually understood that this behemoth might have something to do with Long Wu.

It's not a good feeling to have someone take away the home court. The opponent is like a fish in the sea, too flexible for him to catch.

Press your hands to the ground, hiss, wow!

A hoarse voice sounded.

"Desert Sunflower."

A huge quicksand area appeared on the ground, covering everything around him. Yes, he was restricting the whale shark's movement and forcing him to come out.

At the same time, Long Wu underground felt the flow of sand and was dragged uncontrollably toward the center of the quicksand.

Long Wu snorted coldly, strange energy surged, and at the same time, the whale shark super beast emitted an astonishing rhythm.

"The Black Sea Abyss."

Suddenly, the quicksand that was originally controlled by the Sand Crocodile began to grow violently, gradually beyond his control.

A deep black hole appeared in the middle of the quicksand. Silks of black aura rotated with the quicksand, and an even more powerful devouring force emitted from the rotating quicksand.


Sand Crocodile said in shock. He felt that his ability to release was out of control, and it was getting more and more powerful, gradually covering him.

Fortunately, as a natural devil fruit user, he transformed into a cloud of sand and quickly distanced himself.

But how could Long Wu let him go? An astonishing giant shadow rushed out from the center of the quicksand.

The earth returned to its original state, Long Wu removed his super beast state and shouted loudly.

"Tsunami disaster, water country."

He pressed his hands in the air to communicate with the elements. With Longwu as the center, water flowed like a spring.

The face of the sand crocodile who was watching underground changed drastically. This guy actually summoned water in the desert. That was his nemesis.

Then he pressed his hands to the ground and said hoarsely: "Erosion of reincarnation."

The endless yellow sand turns into windy sand, forming a realm-like existence, forming a confrontational posture with the water flow in the sky. The endless water flow is guided underground through the replacement of wind and sand.

Seeing this scene, Long Wu twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed in his heart, "Oda is definitely cheating Luffy. His setting is obviously to be afraid of water, which is a weakness. How could he not take precautions? There is no way to resolve it. water?"

This is the real Crocodile. How could the blood on Luffy's fist possibly hurt him?
  The two were in a stalemate here for a while, but although Long Wu was a little resentful, he still had some ideas.

As the amount of water increases, the earth has gradually become wet. Long Wu's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Crocodile's expression is gloomy underground. He is constantly consuming his energy and using sand to kill the water vapor.

He couldn't last long if this continued, but Long Wu didn't want to waste it anymore.

"Hanying Jue, Binglan." An astonishing cold air followed the water flow and turned all the water into ice layer by layer.

Crocodile's pupils shrank, and he thought to himself that it was not good, because the ground would be frozen, and he would have no way to resist the water.

Although he could create sand out of thin air, it was extremely energy-consuming, and he didn't have much energy left.

Since being defeated by Whitebeard, he has long lived up to his former domineering power and begun to pursue strengths other than his own. His armed domineering power and knowledge-based domineering power have all declined due to a long period of comfort.

All his ambitions were pinned on Hades, so much so that now he regretted it and his physical strength could no longer keep up.

His body suddenly turned into a cloud of sand and he quickly retreated. Long Wu was stunned for a moment.

He actually escaped, but this move had no effect. He has never been afraid of anyone faster than Long Wu. Want to escape? dream.

Long Wu yelled loudly: "Thunder Running Technique, violent feet."

Suddenly a lightning-like figure rushed out, following Huang Sha closely, and the distance between the two was still getting closer.

The two chased each other one after another, and patches of yellow sand rose up in the desert behind them.

Crocodile looked at Long Wu who was following closely behind him. He felt cruel and stopped running away.

With little energy left, his body turned into yellow sand and he turned back to fight back with a sword.

"Desert Diamond Sword."

Behind him, Long Wu saw and heard that his expression was full of domineering, and his eyes flashed scarlet.

A terrifying overlord color poured out, and at the same time, his body was covered with a hazy layer of supernatural energy, and he grabbed the desert diamond sword with his bare hands.

In the horrified eyes of Sand Crocodile, he punched him in the chest.

  A line of blood spurted out, and the sand crocodile rolled far away like a ball and hit a rock heavily.

  Countless gravels scattered everywhere, Crocodile quickly propped up his body, coughed twice, and spat out two mouthfuls of blood with internal organ fragments.

Looking at the approaching Long Wu, he said weakly: "You don't know how to be armed and domineering, but you can actually capture my body. What ability did you use? Can you tell me."

Long Wu looked at Crocodile calmly, suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, let me ask you a question, what do you think armed domineering is? Yes, as you think, it is physical energy."

"Since it is a type of energy, it can naturally hit you who are in the elemental energy body. The highest level of Armed Color Haki is only separated from the body."

"And my body is different. You can think of me as a body made of a special kind of energy. It's similar to a person with natural fruit abilities. The difference is that I can't elementalize. But my energy coverage is no different from domineering. "

"Okay, please feel free to go on your way."

Long Wu raised the Wei Feng in his hand and swung it down, cutting off the Sand Crocodile's head as he looked like he was like this.

At the same time, the terrifying overlord color field unfolded, and a pile of fruits like hills in the space ring were piled next to the sand crocodile.

Soon, as a piece of fruit changed its appearance, Long Wu put it in a special box and put it away.

When he established his force, he planned to recruit loyal subordinates and reward them to create a terrifying team.

He didn't even let go of this guy's head and just found a box to put it in, even though the Shichibukai was not increasing the reward.

But no one has ever exchanged the heads of the Shichibukai for bounties. The main reason is that those who can become the Shichibukai are powerful beings that ordinary people cannot defeat.

Who cares about their little bounty if they can fight, that is, Sand Crocodile meets Long Wu, a guy who is blind to money.

In fact, he is not very short of money, but most of the money has become a card, and he only has a few gold soul coins. How can he spend it and give others cards? Isn't this a joke?

So this guy has long been eyeing Sky Island's gold. Even if it wasn't for Nami's Thunder Fruit, wouldn't so much gold be attractive?

(End of this chapter)

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