Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 142, Crisis in the Royal City

Chapter 142, Crisis in the Royal City

As the two were walking, they saw a slender figure suddenly rush out from the side and hugged Xiaoya.

It was Nami who rushed back. With tears in her eyes, Nami said with a choked voice: "Xiaoya, are you okay? Why are you so stupid?"

Xiaoya was at a loss and allowed Nami to hold her and cry. After she recovered, she gently patted Nami's back and said.

"Sister Nami, am I okay? Thanks to this old gentleman for saving me. He said he knew Brother Longwu."

"It's dangerous here, let's go back to the ship first, just in time to entertain the old gentleman."

Nami came back to her senses and then noticed the smiling old man standing next to her. She bowed suddenly and said gratefully: "Thank you for saving Xiaoya."

Fujitora shook his head slightly, indicating that this was not necessary.

Nami happily hugged Xiaoya and returned to the boat together.


In the Royal City of Alabasta, from a distance, countless ant-like people gathered at the foot of the Royal City with weapons in their hands. They raised their weapons with anger.

Weiwei on the city wall anxiously shouted to the bottom: "Everyone, listen to me, the mastermind behind the dancing fans is Crocodile, and he controls the water sources in the country."

"The Royal City has never controlled the water source. Brother Kosha, please believe me. Let everyone go back."

At the same time, Cobra, who was imitated by Fon Clay on the other side of the city wall, said cruelly: "Hahaha, all that was done intentionally by the king. You untouchables, so what if you die of thirst."

Weiwei looked at her father in disbelief, never thinking why he could say such a thing. In her impression, her father was a good king who was diligent and loved his people.

It was definitely not what he looked like now, but that familiar face made her unable to ignore his presence.

Kosha frowned under the city. To be honest, he was willing to believe Princess Vivi, but Kobra's performance ignited the anger of countless people.

The situation was out of his control, and there were villains in the crowd trying to confuse him, so different voices appeared in this huge team.

Some pirates arranged by Crocodile in the team kept inciting the civilians around them, and bursts of shouts rang through the sky.

"Kill the tyrant Kobra and overthrow his rule. We need water. We can't wait to die any longer. Kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill."

Looking at the rioting civilians below, Feng Clay raised a mocking face, and then quickly disappeared.

He knew it was safe, and he just had to wait for them to attack the royal city. He changed his face and calmly retreated, and the mission was completed.

Weiwei anxiously walked up and down the city wall. The curly-haired uncle beside her reached out and wanted to say something, but then put down his hand with an expression of pity.

He knew she wouldn't run away. She loved this country so much, how could she let others destroy it.

Weiwei was despairing at this moment. She had no way to stop these countless angry civilians, and tears could not help but fall from the corners of her eyes.

I recall that I followed my father since childhood and saw scenes of happy smiling faces. I don’t know where the smiles on people’s faces started to stop.

Yes, everything has changed since Crocodile arrived and since he became a hero of this country.

While Weiwei was still crying silently, a figure came to her side at some point and faced the curly-haired uncle who wanted to remind her.

Long Wu tied his fingers on his lips to signal him to be silent. In the horrified eyes of the curly-haired man, Long Wu's big hand covered Wei Wei's head.

"Hey, what's wrong with our maid?"

Long Wu watched the flirtatious words coming out of Chengxia's mouth, and rubbed his head with his big hands, teasing the helpless princess.

As the victim, Weiwei had no intention of resisting Long Wu and let him do whatever he wanted. She just stared blankly at the city with tears streaming down her face. Seeing this, Long Wu withdrew his hand, looked deeply, and said to himself.

"Look! Ordinary people are like this. In the eyes of the strong, weeds are plucked at will. They are stupidly but helplessly swaying in the wind, and are harvested layer by layer."

"Is it worth it to fight for these people? They have never remembered your good qualities. They only know that you suddenly treated them badly, and they started saying nasty things. The ugly face is clearly visible."

Weiwei wiped away her tears and listened blankly to Long Wu's taunting, and murmured: "So what, this is just Crocodile's push. In the end, they didn't do anything wrong, right?"

Suddenly, Weiwei came back to her senses and realized that since Long Wu appeared here, wouldn't Crocodile be the same.

He suddenly turned around and knelt down, crying: "Dragon...Master, please save this country, please."

Long Wu's pupils shrank and he quickly helped Weiwei up. He didn't really want her to be a maid, he just wanted to vent his anger.

However, it is extremely rare for this princess who is respected by the world to put down her dignity and ask him. Besides, he originally had the idea of ​​​​conquering this country.

After all, if you agree to Fujitora, you have to take some practical actions to prove it.

Long Wu muttered: "If you ask me, of course I can help, but there is no free lunch in the world. From now on, this kingdom must be loyal to me."

"Of course I won't be involved in everything in the kingdom. It's up to you to manage the kingdom and I won't interfere too much for the time being."

Weiwei thought for a while after hearing this, maybe this is okay, after all, most islands in the New World have the flags of the Four Emperors, which is no different from them.

The most important thing is that he did not ask for asylum money, which means that as long as you are loyal to him, it is much better than those islands under the Yonko who have to pay asylum money.

Weiwei nodded to indicate that she agreed to the request.

At this moment, conflicts began to break out below the city tower. In a short period of time, two to three hundred people had lost their lives, and their bodies were piled into small piles.

Blood was flowing, and the people behind stepped on the corpses one after another and rushed forward. There were sounds of fighting and screams everywhere.

Seeing the reply, Long Wu smiled slightly, and then his tall figure walked to the city wall step by step with domineering steps and jumped off.

  The people below only felt a black shadow falling, and the terrifying impact formed a small crater on the rocky ground.

Long Wu, who was dressed in noble clothing, stood in front of the rebels with a smile, his left hand in his pocket, and he calmly looked at the chaotic scene.

Some people in front of him stopped attacking due to the impact, and looked curiously at Long Wu falling from the sky.

But they soon realized how terrifying it was to stand here.

As a flash of black light flashed across Long Wu's pupils, a terrifying overlord-colored domineering power swept over him.

Countless small black auras shuttled through the huge rebel army, and countless people felt as if their heads were hit by heavy hammers.

A depressing feeling enveloped the capital, and the entire capital fell silent for an instant. As a civilian with white eyes fell, it seemed like a chain reaction started, and people continued to fall.

Nuo Da's rebel army was completely defeated by just a few people.

Feng Clay on the wall of the royal capital showed his original appearance in shock, with his mouth wide open and his eyes almost bulging out.

The fear in his heart caused his legs to tremble, but he had no extra thoughts to escape, because Long Wu had already warned him with his eyes when he arrived.

If he dared to move, he might be dead in the next moment.

Weiwei, who was watching Long Wu's great power on the city wall, gave Long Wu a complex look, with a domineering look. Although she had experienced it once, she still couldn't help being frightened when she saw this terrifying scene.

But soon she breathed a sigh of relief. All the problems were solved. As long as the evidence of all Crocodile's conspiracy was found after the rebels woke up, it would be a perfect ending.

(End of this chapter)

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