Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 146, Duel with Green Pheasant

Chapter 146, Duel with Green Pheasant

Based on the route of Long Wu and the others, Qingzhi roughly knew that their next stop would probably be the Capital of Seven Waters, so he was waiting on the islands along this route in advance.

Sure enough, several ships came in the distance, but the flags were just some pirates, noisily boarding the island, and they immediately saw Aoki pheasant lying on a boulder, sleeping with a blindfold on.

Suddenly he felt picked on, and he waved the knife in his hand to give him a good look.

Next moment, brush! Lifelike ice sculptures in various shapes and forms cover the edge of the island, and even a large area of ​​​​the sea is covered with solid ice.

Ryūwu, who was approaching the island, instantly jumped up from his recliner and looked over. Fujitora turned his head slightly and stopped paying attention.

After all, the four girls in front of him are enough to give him a headache. Although they are also very serious and can endure hardship, the amount of training is not too much that their weak bodies can bear.

Fortunately, except for Nami, all of them are fruit users with strong recovery ability and can still persevere. Yes, Weiwei ate the sand crocodile fruit.

Nami's fruit was already in Longwu's reservation. After arriving at the Capital of Seven Waters, he headed to Sky Island by himself. I have no money now, so I need money to change the ship (=_=).

However, the feeling of rising yin and declining yang was too strong, which made Fujitora feel like he was on a pirate ship, and he discussed with Ryuwu to recruit several male members.

Of course, you can still roughly feel what their character is like and how domineering Fujitora is. He would never raise a villain.

Today, several girls can already roughly feel the domineering power. Of course, this is inseparable from Longwu's continuous supply of Neptune-type packages.

Their physical fitness increased rapidly, and since they were both fruit ability users and Fujitora's gravity fruit training, their growth increased at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

At least now I have the strength to fight against pirates worth tens of millions of beliries. Of course, if I use my abilities, I can easily defeat pirates worth fifty to sixty million.

It can be seen that Fujitora also worked hard, otherwise they would not be able to grow so fast. Of course, Nami and the others also know that if they do not grow quickly, they will become a drag on Ryuwu, and they are also working hard to become stronger.

"Mr. Yixiao, please take care of them. I'll be right back."

After giving some instructions to Fujitora, Long Wu summoned the whale shark super beast to stand on top and rush towards the cold place.

The blue pheasant with the blindfold on the boulder seemed to feel something. He sat up, pushed up the blindfold, and looked at the black shadow that was getting closer and closer to the coast.

He said lazily: "Ah la la, it's finally here."

At the same time, Long Wu raised his brows when he saw the cold ice sculpture, and twitched the corner of his mouth. He thought this guy wouldn't look for him.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated Qingzhi's love for his daughter. The good guy is waiting here.

The whale shark jumped out from under his feet and approached the ice before disappearing. Long Wu jumped onto the shore.

Looking at Aokiji who showed no interest in anything, he said: "Admiral Aokiji, suddenly appearing on such an unknown island has to make people doubt your purpose."

"Ah la la, it's not like you pirates are causing trouble everywhere and depriving me of my good vacation."

"Tell me, do I want to discuss life with you?"

Qingzhi looked down at Long Wu with a gloomy face. Although he came because of Robin, he was not satisfied with the mission assigned to him by Warring States. He came originally on the grounds of vacation.

In the end, I found something for him to do.


Long Wu scratched his head in confusion, didn't this guy come here because of Robin?

Before he could put aside his doubts, Aokiji spoke again: "Ryuwu, the Knight of the Waves, you maliciously protected Robin, the son of the devil, killed the Shichibukai, and blatantly provoked the world government."

"Each crime is enough to keep you in Impel Down forever."

"Is it?"

Long Wu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand was already on Wei Feng's handle, as if he was going to take action if he disagreed.

The two fell silent, and an atmosphere of terror surrounded them.

"The second move of Cangtian Ba ​​Dao, cut off the river."

Suddenly, Long Wu drew his sword and struck Qing Pheasant with a huge black slash. Half of Qing Pheasant's body turned into ice and cracked. The huge slash swept past his body, leaving a trail in the forest unabated. Huge marks.

Half of Qing Pheasant's body healed automatically and returned to its original appearance. He looked at Long Wu with sharp eyes.

"Ice knife." Green Pheasant spit out a breath of cold air and turned into an ice knife, disappearing suddenly.

Long Wu sensed his surroundings vigilantly, and suddenly raised his hand, Wei Feng raised it up.

  A crisp sound came, as a black ice blade and Wei Feng faced off against each other.

Qing Zhi was hanging in mid-air, holding the ice blade with both hands and pressing down.

At this moment, Long Wu realized how high the level of a general was. Although Qingzhi's swordsmanship did not reach the level of a great swordsman, it was almost there, and he also had this advanced level of armed domineering.

Taijutsu and fruit abilities are all so easy for Luffy to handle. As expected, Garp's face is still very useful.

Long Wu blocked the green pheasant, and the fiery red armor suddenly covered it, and the hot breath filled the air instantly.

"Fire Cloud Jue."

Long Wu's left hand instantly condensed a fireball and attacked Qing Pheasant while he was retreating.

Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.


The cold air surged out like a blizzard, and the two met in mid-air, canceling each other out and stirring up a thick fog.

Long Wu did not dare to neglect, and quickly covered Wei Feng with flames, and a series of fiery red slashes flew towards Qing Pheasant overwhelmingly.

"Fire Cloud Jue, sea-covering flame strike."

Aoki didn't dare to neglect the ice cones that appeared all over the sky. The dark ice tips made people shudder. Yes, domineering covered a little of the ice tips to increase the lethality and hardness.

Flames and ice chips were flying all over the sky. From time to time, one or two ice picks would break through and intercept, but Long Wu easily dodged them.

"Ice cube, violent pheasant mouth"

Qing Pheasant waved his hands, and a beautifully shaped ice bird seemed to fly towards Long Wu with a cry.

"Seven injuries, violent lion."

The earth cracked, and a roaring earth lion emerged, rushing forward to hit the ice bird.

Seeing the green pheasant's pupils shrink, he was moved in his heart. Sure enough, this guy has the ability to control multiple elements.

Immediately, he jumped into the sky, stretched his hands forward, and the turbulent cold air surged. A sky-high icicle quickly formed, poking at Long Wu with terrifying power.


"Pillar of Flame."

Long Wu squatted down, flames surged around his body, red light flashed, flame pillars rose into the sky, and the two collided with each other.

From a distance, it looked like the sky pillars made of half ice and half fire dissipated after a stalemate for about ten minutes.

Before Long Wu could take a breath, Qing Pheasant said: "Ah la la, it's really difficult to deal with. It seems I have to take action."

"Ice Age."

A terrifying cold air suddenly enveloped a hundred miles in radius, and it turned into a field of ice in an instant.

"Frozen time capsule."

A wave of cold air rushed towards Long Wu from the surge, and at the same time, the surrounding coldness kept attacking Long Wu. If Long Wu didn't have the ice attribute, ordinary people would have been unable to move.

Of course, the way he currently uses his ice attribute is still far inferior to Aoki Pheasant. If he takes it out forcibly, it will easily reveal flaws.

However, the fire attribute was enough to withstand it now. He pounded the ground with one hand and whispered: "Fire Cloud Art, Flame Domain."

The same astonishing flames spread, one cold and one hot collided violently, the flames covered the earth, and began to confront the ice.

The island was suddenly shrouded in ice on one side and flames on the other. Countless vegetation turned to ashes or became stiff and broken in the confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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