Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 153, Long Wu is ready to cause trouble

Chapter 153, Long Wu is ready to cause trouble
  Carrera Company Shipyard, Bingshan was slightly surprised and asked Adam to be pulled into the shipyard, and said to Luo with a smile.

"Mr. Long Wu is really surprised that Adam wood was auctioned so quickly. Please tell Mr. Long Wu that we will build the ship as soon as possible."

Luo nodded and said no more, turned around and walked towards his pirate ship.

He went back to disband the pirate group. After all, he promised Long Wu, and he also brought his stupid bear with him.

Although it is not of much use, it is still the bear he is closest to.

On the Heart Pirates' submarine, Luo said with an apologetic look: "Peijin, Xia Qi's Heart Pirates have been disbanded. I'm sorry, everyone. From today on, I will join Ryumu and the others who just killed the Shichibukai."

"Take care of yourself from now on. Bebo will follow me from now on."

"Captain, what nonsense are you talking about? The pirate group we have established for such a long time has been disbanded. What's going on?"

Pei Jin said with excitement.

Unlike Pei Jin's anxiety, Xia Qi said calmly: "I don't know what made the captain make this decision, but the Heart Pirates cannot be disbanded casually."

"We can become his subordinate pirate group. This way there is no conflict. You are still our captain. Contact us more when you have time."

Luo looked at the calm Xia Qi and muttered: "That's fine. I'll ask you to maintain it in the future. Bebo, let's go."


Bebo looked around and trotted behind Luo.


On the Longwu pirate ship, a tired-looking Tiris roared: "That's enough of you humans. I'm very tired. Can you let me down?"

Nami happily stroked Tilis's hair, ignoring her shouts and saying "kawaii" from time to time.

"Hey! Long Wu, can't you take good care of this woman? I can't breathe."

Tiris broke free from the restraints, tried hard to breathe fresh air, and shouted to Ryuwu who was drinking tea with Fujitora.

Long Wu glanced at him and said with envy: "You are a guy who knows no blessings despite being blessed. How many people are eager to take your place, just stay here."

Tillys: "Meow meow meow???"

Yin Yang said angrily: "Then do you want to give it a try?"

Hearing Long Wu's sudden outburst, he choked on the tea in his mouth, waved his hands repeatedly, and said in embarrassment: "Spare me."

After hearing this, Nami's eyes flashed with sadness, and then disappeared. She said happily: "I'm going to find Xiaoya. I'll ask Xiaoya to make something if you want to eat."

Long Wu tidied his eyes, paused and said:

"No, Xiaoya has been very tired recently, so don't make things for her. And Nami, I have to go out in the next few days."

"You guys train well on the ship. Uncle Fujitora is watching over me. Don't worry. It's best not to fall behind in training, although I haven't entered the sight of all the forces yet."

"But there will always come a day when you will be in great danger and fighting is inevitable. You should be able to feel this based on your experience, so I won't say more."

"Well, I understand, please be careful." Nami nodded and said.

Hearing Nami's response, Ryūwu felt a little relieved, and then said to Fujitora, who was quietly sipping tea: "Uncle Fujitora, get ready, we are going to have a big fight." Ryūwu leaned on the table with both hands and stood straight, serious. The atmosphere made Fujitora subconsciously put down the tea cup in his hand.

Then he said: "I believe Uncle Fujitora has read the content in the newspaper, about the arrest of Fire Fist Ace, although this is a conspiracy against Whitebeard."

"But we have to count our share in rescuing him. Firstly, because this guy's brother had helped me in the past, so I should treat it as a favor. Secondly, we made an agreement with Whitebeard to shock the world after his death. The fruit belongs to us, and thirdly, the effect of fame.”

"This will be of huge benefit to us entering the second half of the Grand Line. In other words, we have reasons to participate in this war."

"Let's ask Uncle Fujitora to help train them during this time. They need to participate in the war, and we need the team to shock them."

Fujitora smiled slightly and said: "This is not a big problem. There is no difference between training one and training several."

"But, does the captain really have the heart to let them fight?"

Long Wu sighed slightly, "I can't protect them for the rest of my life. No matter what kind of world, strength is always respected. Big fists are the last word. There is a difference between having strength yourself and being protected by someone with strength."

Fujitora was startled, and then as if he thought of something, he suddenly clenched the tea cup in his hand.

He said in a heavy tone: "You want to build a country where all people have armed force? Is this what you think? Do you know how much pain it will bring to the world?"

"Of course I know that heroes use force to break the law, but in troubled times, we should use strong medicine. Find a group of people with integrity in their hearts and restrain their inner malice with faith. Let them maintain the hard-won peace. Use force to suppress their evildoers. idea."

"Uncle Fujitora, you don't know how big the world is, so I won't tell you my arrangements for them for the time being."

"There will never be a shortage of evil in this world. Even if you overthrow the Celestial Dragons, a group of beings similar to the Celestial Dragons will still appear. Dragon slayers will eventually become evil dragons."

"We can only say that we should control it within a controllable range. There will be stability for so many generations. When this generation passes away, chaos will eventually happen again."

"As some pirates said, people's dreams will never disappear. As I said, people's desires are like rolling stones on mountains. Once they start, they can never stop."

"As long as the desire is still there, the fight will never stop, so this is inevitable."

Fujitora fell into deep thought. He had to say that he already agreed with Ryuwu's idea, but he still felt it was a bit cruel.

Because that means that Longwu will monopolize all top combat forces, leaving the world with only one voice.

He didn't know whether the civilians would be better off as he said.

"Mr. Fujitora, you don't have to think too much. You can use our force as a weapon to monitor the world. All members must be selected by character. Mr. Fujitora should understand what kind of people do not need to appear in our team. "

"Unless there is a large-scale rebellion, all abilities and physical skills are not allowed to appear. Of course, it is just an idea now, and we will find ways to improve it in the future."

"Okay, I agree with your idea for the time being. I hope nothing like what I imagined will happen." Fujitora said with some relief.

"All of this is just repeating. If you observe carefully, you will find that the world repeats in a strange way. Take you today as an example. You seem to be doing different things throughout your day, but you You will find that it seems chaotic but actually has very clear rules.”

"What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again."

"The world seems to have written a script for you to repeat. Only the strong can derive countless possibilities, but they cannot break through its existence."

After Long Wu said these words, he looked up at the sky. He seemed to have known that his existence had been arranged for a long time, but he just didn't know what existence could do this.

(End of this chapter)

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