Douluo: Super beast armed guard Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 191, officially landed in all nations

Chapter 191, officially landed in all nations

The boat moved all the way towards the island. After a while, everyone looked at the messy sea surface and the floating fragments of light left by the collision of overlords, and their hearts were shocked.

Soon a small island came into view, and the huge crack that ran through the island made them feel so weak.

Just feeling the residual power of the two people's battle can actually feel a heavy depression.

Everyone clenched their fists tightly, suppressing their emotions, and their hearts, eager to become stronger, were beating crazily at this moment.

After searching, the group finally found Long Wu lying on the beach. They got the person on the boat with all their hands and feet. After Luo checked Long Wu's physical condition.

He smiled slightly and said: "The captain is fine. He's just a little exhausted, but it's not a big problem. But we have to get to the next island quickly."

"Because after the captain wakes up, he will definitely replenish his depleted body and eat like crazy."

The others nodded repeatedly, acquiescing to this decision.

Then Luo said: "In this case, Tilis and I will get off the ship first. We are going to go to Zou Country first to complete the captain's mission."

Nami frowned and said, "I don't object to Luo if you want to go, but there is no direction to guide you on how to get to Zuowu."

Luo smiled, pointed at Long Wu and said, "The captain has already given me the route to Zuowu. We just need to search in the designated sea area and direction."

That's right, this was all based on the location in Long Wu's memory for them to find. It was still more than a year away from two years ago, and Zuowu, as a country that lives on the elephant master, would inevitably move with the elephant master.

Based on the approximate location, he asked them to head back in front of the elephant owner. If nothing else happened, there was a high chance of finding him.

"Okay, you go to the next island. You can't bring much food and fresh water with the boat on the ship."

"When you get to the next island, pick a pirate group to attack and ask them to be obedient and take you to Zuowu. Anyone who doesn't obey will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish."

Nami has been wandering on the sea for so long, and her originally fiery and violent temper has calmed down a lot after meeting Long Wu, and it is now clearly revealed.

But no one thought there was anything wrong with it. After all, this morbid world was full of blood.

Luo nodded without saying anything, as he agreed with Nami's words.

Fujitora didn't say anything. Although he was the deputy captain, he would not be too involved in this kind of thing.

He is more like an old father protecting them, and besides, he is not a good man or woman.

Coco Island, as an island on the outskirts of Auntie's territory, Long Wu and his party arrived here after traveling for several days.

Watching Luo and Tilis retreat away, Long Wu stretched out, sat on the dragon's head and picked up the fishing rod skillfully, without showing any signs of weakness.

Sitting cross-legged next to him, Fujitora held a fishing rod and said, "Longwu-kun, how is your recovery going?"

"We have reached the realm of Wan Guo. I believe it won't take long for Auntie's people to find us."

Long Wu just responded lazily.

"I'm fine. They came just in time to save us from going to find them."

Fujitora smiled slightly at this. Ryūwu's reputation had already been established, and the newspaper had spread throughout the new world. He deserved to be taken seriously by the four emperors.

Just as Fujitora thought, the news of Ryuwu and the others had already reached Auntie's ears as soon as they landed.

cake island

Auntie's huge body sat at the head of the table, with the three dessert generals and her children standing in front of her.

The aunt's sinister face revealed a fierce expression, but her eyes reminded people of the old nun she once was.

It was obvious that the one who controlled the body was the person with the soul fruit ability, Carmel. This nun was not a kind person.

Back then, in order to find the most perfect and powerful person, she founded the Lamb House. As you can tell by the name, they were all the lambs she chose. After eating the Soul Soul Fruit, this person learned about the method of near-eternal life, so the house of this group of lambs was like a tool for her to raise.

One is to extract their lifespan, and the other is to find the body. Originally, her purpose was to find children with strong talents, until that day she saw the horror of Charlotte Lingling.

He endured the discomfort and took her body by force, then assimilated the memory and sealed Lingling's original soul.

Originally, her ability was enough to make her soul drift away, but what she didn't expect was that Lingling's soul was also different from ordinary people, and she was the owner of a domineering color.

So much so that she could only suppress or even block her own memory, but once she saw her own photo, the blocked Lingling would completely wake up and go berserk.

Moreover, she could not solve Lingling's biggest drawback, Sireia, and she was trapped in Lingling's body.

This leads to the strange thing that as the majestic aunt of the four emperors, she is moody and often influenced by her emotions. She is the possessor of a domineering color, so how can her soul and will not be firm?

The rough voice of the aunt sitting in the first place boomed.

"Katakuri, go inform that boy that I'm going to have a tea party and invite him to attend."

As he spoke, his eyes swept across the daughters.

"Garrett, he will be your husband from now on."

The eighteenth girl Garrett's face darkened, knowing that her aunt's words could not be refuted.

Respectfully: "Yes, Mom."

Katakuri's expression changed when he heard this, and he quickly said: "Mom, this matter is still..."

Unfortunately, I was interrupted by my aunt before I finished speaking. The heavy overlord color fills the hall.

"Katakuri, are you going against my will?"

Ka Er clenched his fists when he heard this, lowered his head and said, "Don't dare, Mom."

He didn't know what to say anymore. As the only sane person in the Big Mom Pirates, he knew how powerful the guy called the kid in Big Mom's mouth was.

He did not lose in the fight with Yonko Kaido and even injured the opponent. This shows that the opponent is at least as strong as the Yonko.

The aunt is probably waiting for a war to forcefully insult someone like this, and there is an old man on the other side's ship that he cannot see clearly.

Once the war begins, it will definitely give the other four emperors an opportunity to invade the nations, especially Blackbeard, who has not benefited much from Whitebeard's territory. This is definitely an opportunity.

But Katakuri didn't have a good solution. After all, the aunt had the final say here.

The pirate group with the Yonko Big Mom flag set sail. Katakuri, holding an invitation letter in his hand, frowned and stood on the deck staring into the distance.

At this time, Perospero, the one with the ability to lick the fruit, came over with his tongue sticking out, also looking into the distance, and said.

"Katakuri, I know what you are worried about, but now that mother has made her decision, it doesn't matter."

"No one can disobey her orders. You have to know that part of our souls is in mother's hands. She can extract our longevity at will."

"Don't think about those stupid things anymore. Get ready for war. I've contacted everyone and started gathering to all nations."

Katakuri's eyes fell on Perospero and said without surprise: "I won't care about these things. I just want to protect my brothers and sisters."

Hearing this, Perospero smiled knowingly and said: "It's up to you, you treat them as your younger brothers and sisters, what do they think of you?"

"Blood relationship? Sometimes it's funny."

(End of this chapter)

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