Chapter 194, Ace’s actions
  However, he is not someone who gives up easily. Instead, he is even more excited to meet a good opponent.

His eyes suddenly widened, and a terrifying overbearing look suddenly emerged, restricting Fujitora's movements.

His hands turned into rice cakes and formed several fists, like Luffy's machine guns, wrapped in armed Haki and charged towards Fujitora.

Fujitora held the sword in his backhand, his armed color wrapped around him with domineering aura. Facing the raging offensive, he blocked them all with one hand and one sword, and his whole body continued to slide backwards under the impact.

At the moment when the offensive disappeared, he held the staff sword in his hand and swung out five or six slashes with his backhand.

Katakuri formed a rice cake shield in front of him to cover the armed haki, easily blocking the slash.

Lifting the trident and placing his left foot on the ground, a terrifying explosion made him appear in front of Fujitora instantly.

The trident, which carried terrifying power, struck straight at Fujitora's chest.

He was taken over by Fujitora again, and as the weapons collided violently, the two quickly exchanged blows hundreds of times, and then also charged up a blow.

They retreated in unison with the help of the impact, and the two suddenly became quiet. Small wounds suddenly appeared on their bodies, and strands of blood dyed their clothes red.

They stare at each other, looking for each other's flaws.

On the other side, Wuge bared his terrifying fangs and swung his stick at Cracker, and a newly formed biscuit soldier instantly turned into pieces.

However, Cracker, who was hiding inside a certain soldier, reorganized the cookie soldiers again without taking any notice.

Wu Ge scratched his hair with a headache and looked helpless. The other party did not come out, but just used the cookie soldiers to drain his energy.

He took out the stick with his right hand and wrapped it with armed domineering energy. A white ball of light appeared on the top of the stick, and then he clenched his hands and struck the air in front of him.

Click, click, click!
  The white cracks spread crazily forward with the top of the stick as the center, and countless biscuit soldiers were cracked and shattered by the powerful earthquake cracks.

Cracker hiding inside frowned, and his armed, domineering and money-free madness surged out of his body, covering the possessed biscuit soldier.

At the same time, the layers of biscuit soldiers are combined together, and they are bloated like a giant, but the biscuits covering the outside are just hard biscuits after all.

It could only block the power from the Shock Fruit for a moment before it shattered, revealing the domineering Krak frame inside.

The scars on his face made him look ferocious and crazy. He drew out the sword from his waist, covered with armed domineering, and stepped out of the broken biscuit soldiers step by step.

He narrowed his eyes and gasped: "Whitebeard actually let you eat the shock fruit."

Although there was not much emotion in his tone, his heart had completely sunk. He was not sure of defeating the other party, especially since the other party's domineering power was not weaker than his own.

Moreover, his physical skills were stronger than his own, so he knew that even in a battle, if the opponent's strength had not been eaten by Devil Fruits, he would have been able to equal him.

As for now, there is no certainty at all.

On the other side, Charlotte Musji quickly expanded into an eight or nine-meter-tall giant after draining the three pirates around her, waving the giant sword in her hand and slashing at Leilei in the sky.

At the same time, mottled yellow light bullets poured down from the sky, seemingly endless.

Faced with this dense attack, Musji regretted her huge size at this moment, but most of her main output methods were on squeezing fruits.

He could only be beaten passively, and the light bullets quickly hit Musji who was covered in armed colors through the defense of his hands.

Leaving behind traces of white smoke, the light bullets quickly disappeared. Musji, holding the giant sword in his hand, seized the fleeting flaw, raised his hand and swung it towards Leilei who fell in the air.

The giant sword crushed the air and made a thunderous whistling sound. With its unparalleled speed, Leilei could not avoid it in mid-air.

This moment is a vacuum period for activating the ability, and there is no room for Leilei to become elemental again.

Facing the giant sword that was coming across, the yellow light in his hands flashed, and a lightsaber quickly condensed into shape, colliding violently with the giant sword.

  The powerful impact made Leilei's face turn pale, and blood spilled from the corner of her mouth. At the same time, she was knocked away by the huge force, forming an air ring in place. It exploded with terrifying power and turned into a shock wave that wreaked havoc on the earth.

Leilei turned into a black shadow and slammed into a boulder hundreds of meters away.

  Rubble filled the air, and in a circular impact pit, Leilei struggled to get out of the pit, breathing heavily.

He looked at the tall giant with firm eyes, looked at his hands and said bitterly: "Sure enough, although I copied everything of that general, my combat experience is still far behind."

But now she couldn't allow her to have any more thoughts. The huge sword had already slashed down, covering the sky and the sun, and a huge slash burst out from the end of the sword.

It advanced towards her in a straight line at extremely high speed, causing a terrifying crack in the ground.

Leilei's body quickly turned into several rays of light and flew away, then regrouped not far away.

Dodging this terrifying blow, he fired lasers from his hands and began to fight back.

Musji quickly poked the pirate next to him with his sword a few times, and his shrinking body began to recover again.

The other pirates retreated in horror when they saw this scene. They looked at the skinny pirates with withered faces who had been sucked dry, and they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Musji didn't care about these things. She was looking irritably at Leilei, who was constantly turning into light across from her. The other party had learned wisely and didn't confront her head-on.

Instead, he has been using the fruit's ability to consume her, like a monkey, flexible and annoying.

Only then did she understand why Kizaru made her mother so annoying, unable to hit him, and kept harassing you.

The two were in a stalemate for the time being, but the others were not so good. Luo easily cut through Charlotte Garrett's body with ghost cry, and beheaded an aunt's children.

The others were also not to be outdone, frantically harvesting the aunt's children, killing them as easily as they could be crushed.

After all, in the face of such advanced auxiliary equipment as Fujitora, their strength has improved horribly.

Just by looking at Nami alone fighting against five aunt's children in a thunderous field, and still able to do so with ease, you can tell how strong she is. Besides, most of aunt's children are still fruit ability users.

The place where Wei Wei, who is also a natural-type Shasha Fruit user, fought was also an area where natural disasters struck.

Xiaoya even casually rolled up the rocks and rolled up huge rocks in the sky, not to be outdone by the natural disasters.

Tiris even launched a rare tornado, ravaging an area crazily.

If anyone looked down from the sky, they would be frightened by this terrifying scene. Ordinary pirates on the entire island could not survive at all, and the aftermath of various natural disasters easily harvested lives.

Only Auntie's children and Long Wu's group are still on the island, and the weaker children have also died.

All the eyes of the new world were on this island. The moment Admiral Akainu received the news, he had summoned the navy to appear on the periphery of Cake Island.

The overwhelming navy was ready to go, waiting for both Big Mom and Longwu to be injured, and then swarmed forward to completely capture the two Yonko-levels.

Since the navy was dispatched, it was impossible for other forces not to know about it. Blackbeard Teach, who knew about this, wanted to join in the fun and see if he could get his favorite Devil Fruit again.

However, there was no smile on his face at this moment. Instead, he looked at Ace across from him with a sullen face and said in a deep voice.

"Ace, you want to start a war."

Ace on the other side of the boat looked at Tikki like this and couldn't help but chuckled: "Tikki, from the day you killed daddy, we have been fighting to the death. I will kill you with my own hands to avenge daddy. "

Blackbeard suddenly laughed when he heard what Ace said.

"Hahahaha, Ace, dad died to save you, I didn't do anything."

(End of this chapter)

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