Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1108 Respective efforts

Chapter 1108 Respective efforts

As for what Tianming said about Datong, it was more about simply deceiving himself than trying to deceive others. Chitaki was very considerate and did not expose it directly, and reminded him tactfully:

"This...if there is a treasure, I'm afraid it will be placed in a very dangerous place. We'd better not take the risk."

This is just a carrot I made up to hang in front of your face, you can't eat it!
  The young man who fell into the temptation refused to give up and responded with confidence, "I passed the two levels so easily just now. I guess it won't be difficult for us later. I think it's fun."

Shaoyu is much more direct than Qiantaki. Although he can see that Tianming is really eager for the so-called treasure, the brother is responsible for piercing your heart at the right time and being your father at any time.

"Okay, stop fantasizing."

"Don't even think about who can enter the Mo family's forbidden area - the erring disciples of the Mo family!"

"Disciples who have not made mistakes cannot enter, and outsiders cannot enter. You cannot leave these treasures to disciples who have made mistakes, right?"

"People probably put it here because they thought it was safe. Don't think too much, just relax. If you really encounter it, you have the right to see the world. If you go back, you can at least go through it again. It's not a loss. ”

"You!" Tian Ming felt Shao Yu's heart tremble at the bloody truth. He couldn't help but point at the other person and glared at him, "Can't you say something nice?"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Shao Yu rolled his eyes and patted his good brother on the back, "Let's go. If we can really see some rare treasures, it won't be a wasted trip."

It can be heard from these words that Chitaki's behavior is definitely not looking for trouble.

The adventurous heart that I had when I first came in has indeed faded away under the physical exertion, and I am in urgent need of other stimulation points.

Although Tianming suffered a critical blow, fortunately his optimistic personality allowed him to still hold on to the hope of eventuality, and his pace became much brisker.

What if the Mo family gets angry again?

People always have ideals, not to mention him, Tianming Shaoxia, who never lacks illusions.

Chitaki watched the interaction between the two brothers from the side, her bright eyes curved into a crescent moon.

After the three of them walked forward not far, the sharp-eyed Tianming felt that a strange color seemed to appear in his sight range.

"What seems to be in front of you?"

Hearing his reminder, Shaoyu and Qianlong also looked forward intently.

"There seems to be a mural?" Chitaki took a vague look through the dim light.

"Another mural!?" Tianming was not interested when he heard about the mural.

Shao Yu patted him and said, "There must be a reason for the sudden appearance of murals. Besides, murals are always more beautiful than stone walls."

"Hurry over and have a look."

The three of them immediately quickened their pace and approached the mural in three steps and two steps.

This is a series of murals painted on a single wall.

After really seeing the content above, everyone including Tianming became more energetic, because the murals here are different from the previous ones, and they can be understood!

"Hey hey hey..."

In the dim passage, a series of wild laughter that sounded sinister and triumphant echoed, and the source of the sound was a thin, slightly stooped figure.

Gong Shuqiu asked for the scroll while holding the organ map showing the distribution of organs in the Mo family's organ city, and looked at the gate in front of him with a happy face.

"I knew that there must be a secret door in the Mo family's forbidden area. Now that I have this trap, I can really find it!"

Although there was no one around, Gong Shuqiu still explained to himself like a fool with a proud tone.

Don't ask, just ask because the old man likes it. But just as he was laughing wildly, his eyelids suddenly twitched violently, which even caused him to have difficulty breathing for a moment and almost choked to death.

"Hahahaha... hiccup cough cough cough..."


After taking a few deep breaths and finally calming down, Gongshuqiu touched the corners of his eyes with Xiao Zuo, who had kept silently, and muttered in surprise:
  "Is there someone talking about me behind my back?"

I have to say that the old man's feeling is quite reliable, and some people are indeed talking about him.

Wei Zhuang!

Because of Qianlong's incident, Wei Zhuang sent a lot of people to seek revenge on Gong, but found nothing.

This old boy took a secret path to find the hidden door in the forbidden area, so ordinary soldiers naturally couldn't find him.

Although Gu Xun was notified of Qiantaki's matter in time, Wei Zhuang no longer needed to worry about it, but Wei Zhuang had taken note of the fact that he couldn't find anyone when he needed someone.

If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, Wei Zhuang has not forgotten this incident, I am afraid that he will still argue with Gong Shuqiu.

But Gong Shuqiu, who was focused on the Mo family's forbidden area, didn't know anything about this.

After making a casual guess, he forgot about it and immediately turned his attention back to the door in front of him.

As long as he opens this door, he can truly enter the Mo family's forbidden area, and go straight into the core area.

Gongshuqiu did not study the possible control mechanisms around him - needless to say, certain Mohist tokens must be needed to open this door.

He only has a bundle of scrolls in his hand now, which is definitely of no use.

Besides, as the head of the Gongshu Family, whose skills are rumored to be close to those of his ancestor Gongshu Ban, wouldn't it be a shame if he honestly opened the Mo family's organization?

The old man smiled sinisterly as usual, and shouted in a sharp voice, "Hey, Potochiro, come and open the passage for me!"

Following Gongshu Qiu's order, the pre-Qin micro-artificial intelligence robot beast, the mechanism lizard Potu Qilang, who once shined in the western border of Longxi, appeared again.

Hundreds and thousands of densely packed bronze lizards dug in along the small gaps around them, crawling into the deep darkness where the mechanism actually operates.

Then without command or control, the automatic intelligence finds the part of the mechanism that its master needs to control and clings to it, either to control, to destroy, to hinder, or to promote...

The delicate gears of the mechanism suddenly started to operate reluctantly, and the bronze door in front of Gong Shuqiu also opened automatically amidst the harsh friction sounds and Gong Shuqiu's rampant laughter.

Gongshuqiu waited patiently until the door was completely opened, then walked in leisurely with his hands behind his back.


The central hall of the organ city, the ink core secret room.

"Old man Ban, are you sure there will be no problem with the timing?" Before taking action, Thieves Zhi asked worriedly for the last time.

Master Ben waved his hand impatiently, "As long as you don't make any mistakes, old man, I'm sure everything will be fine."

Thief Zhi didn't reply, raised his brows and shrugged.

Gao Jianli looked around and finally said, "When the off-duty master opens the door to the secret room, Xue Nu and I will go out first, followed closely by you, Xiaozhi."

"After Xiaozhi goes out, close the door immediately!"

"That's it, is it okay?"

Everyone nodded in response.

(End of this chapter)

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