Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1110 Dangerous situation in the city

Chapter 1110 Dangerous situation in the city ()
  Thief Zhi fled from the central hall, not daring to stop even half a step, and his feet seemed not to touch the ground and were completely invisible to the human eye.

The whole person was like a ghost, shuttling back and forth in the long and winding passage. The Qin soldiers on the road didn't even dare to stop him. They just thought that they might have hit an evil spirit. Some of the timid ones were even scared to the point of fighting.

Facts have proved that even soldiers who have experienced a battlefield like purgatory on earth and have seen blood should still be afraid of ghosts.

They cannot be expected to become materialistic warriors.

In less than a stick of incense, Thief Zhi successfully escaped from the central area of ​​the city, left the mountain, and came to the rock platform on the cliff that was connected to the plank road.

For him, it was truly safe only here.

At the same time, he no longer needs to follow a fixed road, he can directly find the direction in which the giants and others are coming, and follow the principle of the shortest line segment between two points and rush forward.

As for complicated and difficult mountain roads, they are nothing to him. Even if it is a straight cliff, he can run up it with his legs.

"Haha, it looks like a little mouse ran out."

Just when Thief Zhi was figuring out the direction, a soft and deep voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Thief Zhi was not frightened to death. He just froze for a moment, then showed a cynical smile and turned to look in the direction where the sound came from.

On a tree growing diagonally above the cliff, Mo Crow, dressed in jet black feathers, crossed his arms and looked at the rogue planter on the platform below with a smile.

When Thief Zhi saw that the one who spoke was Mo Ya, his expression showed no change. He still looked carefree, but he was secretly complaining in his heart.

Mo Crow and Thief Zhi are naturally no strangers. Liusha's intelligence chief is also a prominent figure in the world, not to mention his appearance is quite recognizable.

The most important thing is that Mo Ya is one of the three candidates selected by Jianghu people to be the world's best light kung fu master.

By the way, the other two candidates are Bai Feng and Tao Zhi.

Originally Snow Girl was also on the shortlist, but later everyone felt that Snow Fairy was better at swordplay, so there was no need to involve her in the selection of Qinggong.

After all... the arena of this world is dominated by swords.

In fact, there are many competitions in the world that only have candidates but no results.

For example, let's say the candidates are Yuki Onna and Yan Lingji, the most beautiful women in the world - in fact, there are far more than two candidates on the list, but they are the two who have the highest voices. Others can only say that they have many die-hard fans.

By the way, Tian Mi, the leader of the farmer's family, also has many fans, and he is ranked at the forefront among all the candidates.

But this is because there are many farmers.

Although the relationship between the six disciples of the Nongjia was about to break up officially, on the matter of choosing the number one beauty, the disciples from all the disciples were rare and almost reached an agreement.

No matter what, if Tian Mi is really judged, farm disciples like them will be proud of it.

Regarding the candidate for the most beautiful woman, Jianghu people are even more enthusiastic than the first swordsman. All I can say is... they understand.

But because of this, the number of candidates for the most beautiful beauty is the most chaotic, unlike other selections where a reluctant consensus can be reached and the candidates are reduced to less than five.

But... in the final analysis, they are just candidates, and there are very few who can actually choose the number one.

In the final analysis, Wu has no second place. It is not easy to choose a number one that is truly widely recognized by people in the world - no matter what aspect it is.

If he bumped into Mo Ya at other times, who was recognized as a master in Qinggong who was on par with him, Thieves Zhi would be willing to accompany him to spar and see who was faster.

But now, getting away and reporting the news is his most important task.

"What, this handsome guy has something to do with me?" Thieves Zhi suppressed his irritation, scratched his head and laughed.

Mo Ya was not disturbed by the other party's words, and his expression remained elegant and calm, "I have heard the name 'King of Thieves' for a long time, and I am not very honored to meet you today."  "Hehe... easy to say, easy to say!" Thief Zhi smiled naively when he heard this. "Twice, I waved my hand, "I'm a little busy today, I'll give you two sets of autographs as gifts later."

"That's not necessary." Mo Ya put down his hands and replied with a smile, "I just hope that Mr. Robber Zhi can lend me something for today."

"Borrowing something?" Thief Zhi touched the upper and lower clothes, pretending to be confused, "I don't have anything on me now, just a set of clothes."

"You don't want to borrow this, do you? This won't work!"

Mo Ya looked at Thief Zhi who was waving his hands in a funny way, and the smile on his lips became even bigger, "I want to lend you... my life!"

"Hehe!" Faced with Mo Ya's unabashed provocation, Thief Zhi still smiled, "This is not something you can borrow. You have to take it based on your ability."

"So...haven't I come to pick this up?" Mo Ya spread his hands and replied with the same smile.

But Thief Zhi pretended to shake his head, with a questioning look on his face, "I don't think you can do it."

"I think it's okay."



"Alas..." Thief Zhi stroked his forehead helplessly, "It seems that it doesn't make sense."

"Then...let's try it!"


Mohist forbidden area.

"This painting has a bunch of people gathered together...what is this doing?" Tianming leaned against the wall and glanced back and forth at the content of the mural with a confused look on his face.

Although the content of the painting was no longer like the meaningless symbols and patterns at the entrance at the beginning, but became identifiable specific scenes and figures, Tianming still couldn't understand the specific content.

"Now this one is worshiping that, and now that is worshiping this, I have no clue at all!"

Compared to Zhangyu Tianming, Qianlong and Shaoyu quickly identified what this series of murals was about.

Both of them should be said to be closely related to this matter.

Qianlong's father was the one who personally foiled the plan to assassinate Qin and made the assassin Jing Ke hate Xianyang... Let's just say he was the culprit.

As for Shao Yu... the Xiang family did not directly participate in the assassination plan of Qin, but Changping Lord Xiong Qi was inextricably linked to this matter.

Of course, the person with the most direct relationship is Tianming, who knows nothing about it. His father is the direct executor of the plan.

Qiantaki looked at Tianming and hesitated before speaking about the matter first.

She didn't care that Tianming knew the whole story of the assassination of Qin, even if she knew her father's role in it, she just felt that as Gu Xun's daughter, she was not suitable to actively publicize this matter within the Mo family - of course. This is because she doesn't know that Jing Ke is Tianming's biological father.

If she knew, she, who was delicate and kind-hearted, would not only not say anything, but might also find a way to deliberately hide something.

It's not that he's worried that Tianming will turn against him, it's just... that he can't bear it.

Shao Yu had no scruples and spoke in a low tone:
  “The mural tells the story of an event that happened many years ago.”

"At that time, Qin had not yet unified the world."

(End of this chapter)

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