Heirs of the Seven Swords of the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1263 6 consecutive losses

Chapter 1263 Sixteen consecutive losses
  This question, which was worth pondering, could even be said to be terrifying to think about, turned around twice in Yan Lu's mind before being put aside.

What Liusha wants to do is none of his business!

Even if Liusha really wants to rebel, the leader of Liusha should be thinking about the plan, and the emperor sitting on the throne should have a headache. In any case, it is not his turn to worry about it as an idle teacher in a small Shengxian Village.

Confucianism said that the country was loyal to the emperor, but Yan Lu was not a standard Confucian scholar, let alone Fu Nian, who was a standard Confucian scholar, it was difficult to say that he had any recognition of the empire.

As for his relationship with the owner of Quicksand...anyway, Yan Lu felt that Gu Xun should think clearly about everything he did and didn't need his help to worry about it.

The changes in the world have nothing to do with him.

The only thing that matters most to Yan Lu is to keep Little Sage Village safe and sound. This is the prerequisite for him to continue to live a peaceful life.

That's why he went to Jingyu to inquire about Zhang Liang for the first time.

It's a pity... A big piece of news was revealed to him, but it didn't have much effect. What he really wanted to find out was still a mystery.

After some hesitation, Yan Lu decided to take the most effective and fastest solution - to ask Zhang Liang directly.

He knew his junior brother very well. If he hadn't already made some kind of calculation, he would never let others see through his plan so easily.

In other words, Yan Lu could see that all the things that were wrong with Tian Ming were most likely the result of Zhang Liang's deliberate indulgence.

Its purpose is not difficult to guess - it's clear that you want to hang someone with a hook, and I hope you go to him directly!


The next day, on the outskirts of Songhai City, where the sea and land meet.

This is a cliff to the north of Songhai City. Below the cliff is the rough sea. At the same time, it is not far from the Mohist family's suburban stronghold.

Under the cliff, a hidden and hard-to-find suspended plank road was built, connecting a small pavilion on the same suspended cliff.

Because the mountain wall slopes inward, you can't see any trace of the plank road when looking down from the cliff.

The most important thing is that the mountains around the plank road show no trace of artificial modification, as if it appeared on the cliff out of thin air, and it is almost impossible to be discovered...unless someone happens to commit suicide by jumping into the sea from the cliff. Only then can you take a look at this plank road before you die.

There are only a few forces in the world who have the ability to build an ingenious and invisible plank road in such a place, and the Mohist family happens to be one of them.

This plank road was also built by the Mohists. It was not connected to the cliff at all, but a tunnel was hollowed out from the mountain.

This is the most secluded hiding spot specially prepared by the Mohists in the Songhai stronghold.

Master Ben and others would come here to stay when they had nothing to do. They could not only prevent themselves and others from being discovered, but also enjoy the scenery of the East China Sea.

It's rare to see such a spectacular scene where the sky, light and water blend together, and one glance can make the whole person relaxed and happy.

It is an excellent way to relax for the Mo family, which has a rather anxious internal atmosphere.

Today, someone also came to this small hanging inn, but it was not Master Ban and the others, but Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, and... Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang, who had not shown up to the Mo family for more than half a month, was finally willing to show up.

Even if they don't appear, the incident corresponding to the third painting has not happened yet. Everyone in the Mo family is a little anxious. After all, this matter is likely to be related to Tianming, and the giants cannot allow them to be careless.

But when he came today, he didn't say a word about the business. When he came up, he asked who was the best Go player and said he wanted to talk about a game. Although everyone was confused, but because of the trust they had accumulated before, they were not in a hurry to ask the question, and they still followed Zhang Liang's intention and pushed out the person with the best chess skills.

The Mohist family is quite good at attacking and killing games, otherwise the ancestor would not have set up a chess mechanism in the forbidden area, but to be truly professional, it depends on the military strategist.

So the last person to be pushed out was naturally the consultant of the Xiang family, Master Fan Zengfan.

As a master of the art of war, he is currently the most skilled chess player in the stronghold.

So the two of them came to the small inn under the cliff, and started a chess game accompanied by the mountain wind and waves.

Before the chess game started, Fan Zeng asked himself and others' doubts, why did Zhang Liang come here specifically to find someone to play chess?
  Zhang Liang's answer was... to practice.

This answer made Fan Zeng more and more puzzled. At most, he could speculate that it was inextricably related to the third picture, but how exactly it was related... there was no way to guess.

But none of this matters!
  Now, the chess game is what matters!
  As the black and white sons fell alternately, time passed by unknowingly. In a blink of an eye, the sun had already passed the south and was gradually setting towards the west.

At this time, another visitor came to the Yaxia Inn - Shao Yu.

There were no classes in the Little Sage Village today, and all the students were resting. Shao Yu had time to leave the city and come here. This was why Zhang Liang had the leisure to catch and kill Fan Zeng one after another.

Of course, Shao Yu didn't come here just because he knew about the chess game and came to join in the fun. He had business to see Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng.

As for Go, Fan Zeng, as a military strategist, is not only good at it, but also obsessed with it.

Zhang Liang's chess skills far exceeded his imagination. Since the start of the game early in the morning, he had lost fifteen games in a row without winning a single victory.

This situation naturally aroused Fan Zeng's chess addiction. Coupled with his desire for a comeback, at this time, he only saw this chess game that was full of fighting.

Shao Yu's arrival did not cause Fan Zeng to be distracted at all. All his attention was focused on the chessboard and he did not dare to be distracted at all.

Shao Yu didn't understand the situation when he first arrived, and wanted to talk to Fan Zeng directly. Fortunately, he was stopped in time by Xiang Liang, who had been watching for most of the day.

After receiving the signal from his uncle's eyes, Shao Yu finally came to his senses and stood aside to watch the battle obediently, not daring to say anything in a hurry.

After watching the battle for a while, Shao Yu felt that Uncle Liang should really stop him.

Although his chess ability level can only be considered the best among his peers, and is far from the level of the two big guys who are currently fighting, it can also be seen that it is the most lively time on the chessboard, and it may take some time for the curtain to end. , but the outcome is basically about to be decided now.

With Master Fan's character, if I interrupted his thoughts at this time and interfered with his subsequent moves, he would definitely be lectured.

However, although Shaoyu failed to interfere with Fan Zeng in the end, with his uncle and nephew watching, he ended up losing for the sixteenth time in a row.

What was originally a good situation quickly turned sour after Shao Yu arrived, and he lost the game in the end - of course, it was not Shao Yu's fault, it was all just Zhang Liang's clever calculation.

Fan Zeng shook his head and admitted his failure with a sigh, "Oh... I lost..."

Zhang Liang stopped and raised his head after hearing this, and saluted Fan Zeng with a smile, "Senior, I accept."

This situation is exactly like what it was like at the end of the previous fifteen rounds.

(End of this chapter)

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