Chapter 110 Chaos Realm
  Luo Yuan didn't know that he had temporarily broken into the top ten in the Sixth World, which made many people, especially the citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, extremely proud and excited.

It's like watching an international competition on earth. There is a player from one's own country. Of course, they will be extremely excited and proud, and everyone is looking forward to the victory of their own country's players. The ‘Peak Genius Battle’ is one of the two biggest events in the entire universe, and its influence among the people is even more astonishing.

At this time, hundreds of millions of people in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire are looking forward to Luo Yuan and supporting Luo Yuan.

The preliminaries have been going on for 21 days. In the past eight days, especially in the Beicheng District of the Sixth World, Luo Yuan's reputation as the 'Devil King' has already frightened many talented people.

In the Sixth World District, on the rooftop of a thousand-meter-high skyscraper.

Countless people are coming towards Luo Yuan, because they know that as long as they kill Luo Yuan, they can reach the top 1000 in points ranking even if they die. They are all like crazy, and the commanders of the camps below are also constantly Urge those people to come forward as cannon fodder, and kill them immediately if they resist. This will not only consume these people, but also kill Luo Yuan like a wheel battle.

Luo Yuan was still lying on the rooftop as usual, using the third level of the Divine Weapon - Heavenly Sword Style, to massacre the people who followed him in the sword field formed by it, while picking up various attributes. He felt a little bit uncomfortable when he killed them. Feeling numb, I simply took out four speakers and placed them in the four corners of the rooftop to play passionate music. Sometimes I even stood up and danced for a while.

Outside the realm of swords were flying stumps and severed limbs and splashing brains and blood, while inside the realm was the leisurely and boundless Luo Yuan. All of this seemed very strange, and everyone in the outside battle in the world area was stunned.

Luo Yuan had just finished dancing the eighteenth set of broadcast gymnastics on earth. He was lying on the rocking chair, eating a banana, with introverted eyes and looking down at the screen on his wrist.

Participant: Luo Yuan (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)

Points: 89712 9302
  Ranking: 5
  "Have so many people died already? Won't all the geniuses from the Sixth World District gather here now? But it doesn't matter, my field is about to break through the realm of the world." Luo Yuan murmured to himself, he I decided to transform my field.

Putting away the four speakers and rocking chairs, Luo Yuan took out a futon and sat cross-legged on the rooftop. He focused 10% on controlling the sword field, and the other 90% on making breakthroughs in the field.

Just when Luo Yuan closed his eyes and broke through, six of the top ten people in the Sixth World Region besides him arrived. These six people also became the new leaders of several major camps. They actually formed a unified The battle line is ready to kill Luo Yuan.

These six people are tall and short, male and female, but they are all young and peerless geniuses. The power and murderous aura exuding from their bodies are astonishing. Their rankings are constantly selected from more than eight billion contestants. But when they looked at Luo Yuan on the rooftop of the skyscraper, their eyes were solemn.

Because Luo Yuan is so famous in the decisive battle space, everyone knows the name of the Demon King. These six people were once brutalized by Luo Yuan in the decisive battle space. When they learned that Luo Yuan was also in this world, He thought of using the human sea tactic to drag Luo Yuan to death, and at the same time consume these cannon fodder.

These six people all have mastered the realm, and they are still above the seventh level. However, they have only touched the threshold in terms of laws. They are incomparable with Luo Yuan. You must know the realm of the power of laws that they have integrated into. It is very different from the ordinary field.

The strongest among the six, and currently the number one in points in the Sixth World, a young man came out. This young man's name was Otto. He was a dragon man with two horns on his head and a tail on his back. He had a pair of golden dragon eyes. Staring at Luo Yuan who was sitting cross-legged on the rooftop, he gritted his teeth angrily when he remembered the days when Luo Yuan was restrained in the decisive battle space and tortured with flying knives.

"Everyone, we have all been abused by this demon king, but today is a good opportunity for revenge. Everyone should know that one of us alone cannot defeat him, so let's work together to kick him out!" Otto looked at the other five people and said, his eyes full of excitement.

"Yes, Brother Otto is right. We are all peerless geniuses who have mastered the seventh level and above. As long as we cooperate, we will definitely kill him. Not only can we take revenge, but we can also suppress his power and compete for the right to speak." A The pudgy young man echoed.

The other four people also looked at each other after hearing this, and nodded with firm eyes. If Luo Yuan was not killed, none of them might be able to survive.

After the nine people reached cooperation, they began to urge the cannon fodder to go up and consume Luo Yuan's power, and then the six of them waited for the opportunity.

When the qualifiers reached the 28th day, the cannon fodder under the control of the six people was almost exhausted. Although there were still more than a billion people hiding in all directions trying to catch someone behind, there were still three among the top ten. Didn't show up, but the six-man alliance headed by Otto couldn't wait.

Otto and the other five people rushed towards the rooftop where Luo Yuan was. They stepped on the ladder formed by the corpses of the contestants and jumped up one by one. When they were only 500 meters away from Luo Yuan, they The fields are opened one by one.

"Nine Layers of Thunder Domain, rise!"

"The realm of seven layers of gold, rise!" ˆ ˆ ˆ "The realm of eight layers of wood, rise!"

"Nine Layers of Earth Realm, rise!"

"The realm of seven layers of water, rise!"

"The realm of the Nine Winds, rise!"

Suddenly, colorful domain spaces appeared and bombarded Luo Yuan's sword domain. Countless thunder and lightning, golden spears, wooden vines, earth thorns, water arrows and sword energy collided to offset each other, creating a powerful invisible shock wave that shook the surrounding skyscrapers. The buildings were shattered into powder, causing those contestants who were hiding around and trying to gain benefits to flee one after another.

Luo Yuan slowly opened his eyes, his cold eyes swept across the six people who besieged him, and there was sarcasm at the corner of his mouth. These rats finally couldn't help but come out. It's a pity that his domain is still a little short of breaking through the realm of the world. Just take it It takes six people to fill it.

"You want to kill me because of your defeated generals?" Luo Yuan sneered.

"The realm of nine layers of gold, rise!"

"Nine-layered Wood Domain, rise!"

"The realm of nine layers of water, rise!"

"The realm of nine layers of fire, rise!"

"Nine Layers of Earth Realm, rise!"

"Nine Layers of Thunder Domain, rise!"

"The realm of the Nine Winds, rise!"

"The realm of nine layers of light, rise!"

"The realm of the ninth dimension, rise!"

"Ninth realm of time, rise!"

"Chaos Realm, join me!"

Suddenly, ten domain haloes of different colors appeared on the rooftop where Luo Yuan was. These haloes carried the characteristics of different attributes. Finally, they were perfectly superimposed together to form a brand new domain - the Chaos Domain. This attracted thousands of miles of sky. Everything turned dark, and the tyrannical power of the domain spread out. The power of ten attributes filled the world, and it was boundless and dazzling. It looked like a world-destroying natural disaster.

At this moment, the six people surrounding Luo Yuan, the remaining one billion contestants in the Sixth World Area, and the countless viewers outside the World Area were all stunned.

Luo Yuan alone can master the ten fields of attributes at the same time, and they are all in the ninth level, and can be perfectly superimposed to form new fields. This is very rare in the countless epochs of the birth of the original universe, and can be recorded in the history books.

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(End of this chapter)

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