I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 113 Breakthrough to the Universe Level

Chapter 113 Breakthrough to the Universe Level

In Luo Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a huge tower that almost covers the entire void. Inside the giant tower, nine extremely hot fireballs are surrounding each other in strange trajectories, forming a strange celestial structure.

This is the essential composition of Luo Yuan's soul!

When the consciousness was no longer deliberately suppressed, the pure energy in the universe was suddenly absorbed crazily, and then the nine fireballs that had reached their limit began to vibrate as they were absorbed, and their volume began to expand rapidly.


Almost instantly, the entire cosmic energy above Mars was crazily devoured, forming a terrifying energy vortex. With such amazing energy, the nine miniature stars rapidly expanded in size, becoming ten times larger in just a moment, and the nine fireballs were trembling. At the same time, in just an instant, the largest micro-star among them expanded to a limit!

One of the largest micro-stars exploded violently!
  boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!
  The other eight miniature stars exploded one after another. When their limits were exceeded, they all exploded at the same time, turning into countless star fragments and even forming a large number of dust nebulae. After a long time, everything returned to calm.

In the sea of ​​knowledge.

A large number of nebulae, star clusters, dust, and many extremely tiny planets produced after the big bang formed a huge spiral galaxy. The core of this huge spiral galaxy is filled with the most numerous tiny stars, numbering in the tens of millions. At the same time, the entire spiral galaxy has eight spiral arms.

The core of the densest spiral galaxy has an extremely small dark area.

There is the first 'black hole' in the entire spiral galaxy. This tiny black hole is slowly devouring the surrounding stars, dust, etc., and at the same time, it is producing traces of pure power in places that are out of reach.


The power of telepathy, like a mist, appeared out of thin air and appeared around the huge whirlpool, covering the entire galaxy with a halo.

The strange mist power that makes up this halo is the power of telepathy that the universe-level spiritual master relies on!
  Incomparably pure thought power!
  Luo Yuan has officially become a cosmic spiritual master!

Next is the breakthrough of the cosmic-level gene warrior. The process is similar to the breakthrough of the cosmic-level spiritual master. It also forms a whirlpool galaxy with a tiny black hole. However, in addition to the original eight dantians with different attributes, Luo Yuan added two more They are the attributes of time and space respectively, and there is a whirlpool galaxy in these ten dantians.

From then on, Luo Yuan possessed the original power of the ten major attributes, and he also consumed almost all the attributes he picked up. After all, the energy required for his breakthrough was more than ten times that of the ordinary cosmic level.

Inside the spaceship deep in the desolate Martian underground.

Luo Feng's face was full of excitement, and he quickly burrowed into the ground: "Breakthrough to the cosmic level, only then can we truly begin to enter the ranks of the strong!"

He has completely mastered the "Soul Seal" of Mo Yuexing's lineage. In one thought, he can condense the Soul Seal of Ten Thousand Swords, which can directly annihilate the consciousness of people with weaker souls than his, and can also enslave them in an instant, making them 100% invincible. Be loyal to him.

Luo Yuan has also practiced a lot of the secret techniques of the top ten attributes, especially in the secret techniques of space. He has gained quite a lot. "Absolute Space" has reached the second level of 'kaleidoscopic', which is equivalent to the highest level of 'Ten Thousand Lines Flow'. Flow', only the last layer of 'teleport' is missing.

With the large supply of rare metals in "Immortal World", Luo Yuan has mastered the first level. With the blessing of strengthening skills, Luo Yuan's all attributes have been further strengthened, and other skills have also been upgraded to a very high level. .


A month later, Luo Yuan returned to Earth. He entered the virtual universe because an important guest wanted to see him. It is said that they are a special envoy team sent by the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. This special envoy team is said to carry orders personally issued by the Emperor. The leader of the special envoy team is a world lord, and it is said that he has a very high status. At the same time, the special envoy team also included the emperor of the Silver Blue Empire, the "primary civilization in the universe".

Of course, in addition to Luo Yuan, the people they were looking for also included Luo Feng.

There are eleven people in total in the reception hall of Luo Yuan's ancient palace.

Lei Shen, Hong, and nine other unknown people were all sitting at the long dining table.                               

Lei Shen and Hong Dulian stood up, while the other nine people turned around to look. At the same time, eight people stood up on the spot. Only an old man with long silver hair in the center sat there and watched Luo Yuan and Luo Feng carefully. A hint of smile: "Hello, I, Butashka, am here on behalf of the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

"I've met Lord Butashka." Luo Yuan and Luo Fenglian saluted respectfully.

Having been to the Qianwu Auction, they had seen so many realm masters that Luo Yuan and his two men determined at a glance that... this silver-haired old man was the realm master!
  "Everyone sit down." The silver-haired old man smiled.

Luo Yuan also came over and sat next to Hong and Lei Shen.

"I came this time. Firstly, I really want to see the great geniuses of our Black Dragon Mountain Empire." The silver-haired old man, with white beard and hair, looked very kind, which made people feel kind involuntarily. "Secondly, because Your Majesty, His Majesty pays great attention to you two and attaches great importance to you, and he will reward you well!"

Luo Yuan smiled awkwardly. The emperor probably didn't know that he had a feud with his ninth prince.

"Lord Butashka, actually I didn't do anything, I just did some of my own things." Luo Yuan continued.


The silver-haired old man shook his head and said, "Luo Yuan, you have won great honor for our Black Dragon Mountain Empire this time. Countless citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire are proud of it! You have made great contributions, and so has Luo Feng."

"Originally, the emperor wanted to give you a reward." The silver-haired old man looked at Luo Yuan and the two of them, "However, I suggested not to give you a reward for the time being."

Luo Yuan didn't care, but Luo Feng became serious.

"I propose to the emperor... If you can break into the top 1000 of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, I will grant you a galaxy!" the silver-haired old man said.

"Given a galaxy?"

Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen were all shocked, while Luo Yuan smiled.

"Luo Yuan, as far as I know, your first planetary territory is on the earth, and you are now ranked first in the Sixth World District and have directly obtained the final spot, so the emperor decided to transfer the Milky Way under the Silver Blue Empire to Give it to you!" The silver-haired old man watched Luo Yuan's expression carefully.

When Luo Yuan heard this, he smiled and thanked him without any pretense. This made the old man feel happy and touched his beard. In his opinion, Luo Yuan was a straightforward person.

Luo Feng and the three of them all showed shocked expressions.

"Don't worry, this is the Emperor of the Silver Blue Empire, 'Iwe'. This matter has been approved by the Royal Family of the Silver Blue Empire." The silver-haired old man looked at a handsome man in white not far away from him. The man in white smiled and nodded to several people: "I have long wanted to meet Mr. Luo Yuan. If Mr. Luo Yuan can manage the Milky Way, it will be an honor for our Silver Blue Empire."

"Of course, Luo Feng, as long as you can break into the top 1000 of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, then the Magellanic Galaxy next to the Milky Way will be yours!" The silver-haired old man said to Luo Feng again.

"I will work hard." Luo Feng nodded.

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(End of this chapter)

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