Chapter 120 The Lord of the Universe

"Did you see that those two are brother and sister, Qian Shui and Jiang Mo respectively. They performed very well in this genius battle, and they are also very famous and powerful. They are both peerless geniuses. They come from Austria. Planet Gus, I heard it is very mysterious, there seem to be many special secrets." Feng Lun, who was familiar with it, said to Luo Yuan with a smile.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but look over after hearing this, and found that the girl named Qian Shui was a very beautiful girl. Of course, her real age was unknown, but the girl's hair was green and a little naturally curly, especially her face. There are even secret lines on her body, which should be born with her. Her brother Jiang Mo has a similar image to her, but he looks much more masculine.

Luo Yuan was not familiar with these two people, so he just nodded and indicated.

The universe is very vast, and naturally there are many planets and lives, some of which are naturally powerful. Naturally, the planets they are on are also very mysterious because of their reputations, which are unknown to outsiders.

For example, the planet Augustus where Qian Shui and Jiang Mo are located, or the people on the planet Manka who are born with high genetic levels.

It can be said that some mysterious and powerful planets themselves have unique living environments, so the human races living on them are naturally very powerful. Their innate physiques and cultivation resources are far superior to other planets, so they can naturally be born. A super strong man who has reached the realm of immortality.

Therefore, these powerful planets often form powerful forces, such as the human race's cosmic state. The cosmic state formed around these planets can naturally easily control the surrounding star fields. After they have a large management area, they can also select and cultivate More talented people.

At this time, in this vast central square, human geniuses from different universe countries gathered together to discuss this genius battle. Everyone was very excited. After all, most of them can only participate in such a genius battle once in their lives. Not everyone is qualified to participate in this final battle.

Luo Yuan just casually took a look at the geniuses present. He knew that very few of these people could reach the end, so there was no need to contact them too much, so he just asked Luo Feng to find a place to rest together, but Luo Yuan His previous performance in the genius battle was really amazing, so everyone is basically discussing him, especially some geniuses who want to establish friendship with Luo Yuan. When Luo Yuan grows up, they can also benefit from it, but Luo Yuan Don't pay much attention to them.

Of course, even if some geniuses are afraid of Luo Yuan's strength in their hearts, they will not admit defeat verbally, so it can only be said that Luo Yuan has the advantage this time, and the geniuses who fight him are too weak. In order to win, anyway, it is to balance their injured souls. No matter whether others believe it or not, they themselves believe it, but they look better.

Luo Yuan and Luo Yuan went directly to the restaurant built here for the geniuses to have a big meal. It was a way to celebrate their victory in the genius battle and at the same time relax their mood. No matter what other geniuses thought about it, , for Luo Yuan, as long as he can achieve the final victory.

While the geniuses were discussing and resting, the top executives overseeing this genius battle were gathered at the top of the restaurant, including the chief person in charge, the Nine Swordsmen, and the other invigilators were also at the immortal level. The super strong men seemed very casual and chatting at this time.

"Which genius do you think performed best this time?"

"Haha, I think Nabolan is good. This young man is not simple. His realm is now at the peak of the star level, but he has understood and controlled the laws of space to a good level. It is not surprising that he can break through to the space master in time. , I am very optimistic about him."

"I don't agree with what you said. Everyone knows that the most difficult ones to break through in the realm of the Venerable are the Venerable Space and the Venerable Time. After all, these are two higher laws. The number of immortals who can break through and become these two Venerables can be said to be extremely large. It’s rare. The time it takes to reach this level of cultivation is measured in billions of years.” “That’s right, we immortals who want to break through and become venerable don’t know how hard it is, let alone space and time venerable, this is not It's enough to just comprehend the laws of space and time, and you also need to control other original laws. I think Luo Yuan is pretty good, that little guy has comprehended the ten original laws, it's simply incredible."

"Luo Yuan, is he the peerless genius who performed best in the genius battle and destroyed all the geniuses by himself?"

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone is very optimistic about the little guy named Luo Yuan!"

"Yes, I didn't pay attention at first, but when he used the Chaos Realm, I was shocked, especially when he finally advanced to the Chaos World and wiped out everyone in an instant. It shows that he has all the ten original laws. I have realized that this kind of talent has never been heard or seen by me in hundreds of millions of years. As long as this person does not fall, he will become a venerable person!"

"I think this Luo Yuan has the talent to become the Lord of the Universe or even a True God!"

"Everyone is very talkative. What are they talking about?"

Just when these powerful men in the immortal realm were discussing in full swing, the Lord of Nine Swords, who was sitting at the top of the table, suddenly opened his eyes and asked. He had just logged into the virtual universe consciously and explained some of the circumstances of this genius battle to the Chaos City Lord. , so I didn’t pay too much attention to the situation at the scene, and only now did I have the thought to ask.

These Nine Swords Venerables look similar to humans on Earth, especially their extremely handsome appearance. Coupled with the aura of the Universe Venerable level, they look majestic and extraordinary. All the immortal strongmen present became respectful. , they all forgot that this big boss existed at the scene just now.

Now that the Lord of Nine Swords has spoken, everyone no longer hides it, and directly expresses their opinions on this genius battle. However, no matter which immortal strong man is, they are very optimistic about Luo Yuan, and are very optimistic about Luo Yuan. He was also full of praise, which made Master Nine Swords keep Luo Yuan's name firmly in his heart, and he decided to focus on Luo Yuan's situation then.

In fact, the Master of Nine Swords did not pay attention to the previous genius battle. After all, he is the Master of the Universe, so he will only be interested in the finals. There is no need for the Master of Nine Swords to pay attention to geniuses who cannot reach the decisive battle. , but they didn't expect that several good geniuses would actually appear this time, and he would be able to get more benefits this time.

The Genius Battle is held at a fixed time, and a Universe Venerable will be assigned to sit in each time. As the general person in charge, if a peerless genius appears, then these universes can also obtain some precious treasures from the human race's treasure house, so the Nine Swords Venerable Also very happy.

So the Lord Nine Swords gathered all the remaining geniuses and explained to them the specific rules of the upcoming genius battle, which only surprised the geniuses present, and they also felt great pressure.

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(End of this chapter)

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