Chapter 129 The Undisputed First
  Bolan looked at the dense crowd of Luo Yuan around him and couldn't tell which one was Luo Yuan's true form. His eyes were filled with shock and collapse. Bolan, who had always been proud and even a little arrogant, didn't believe that there was a genius stronger than him. Yes, and today, Luo Yuan shattered his pride, and his heart was shaken.

Luo Yuan smiled at Bolan's reaction, and was not polite. He sent out thousands of phantoms and violently tortured him until Bolan's body was reduced to blood mist.

The reincarnation battles for the top five passed one by one, and soon, the final ranking came out.

Luo Yuan, winning all four games, is the undisputed number one!

Bolan, with three wins and one loss, finished second!
  Rong Jun, Wuka, and Qian Shui were third, fourth, and fifth respectively.


1000 geniuses and 1008 powerful immortals stood in the central square listening to the man in the cyan shirt and purple scales speak.

"First second."

"Third to tenth."

"The eleventh to the hundredth."

"One hundred and one to one thousand."

"All four levels have been selected, corresponding to the quotas of the 'Original Secret Realm', 'The Secret Realm of the Absolute Beginning', 'The Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth' and 'The Secret Realm of the End of the World'. This competition for the selection of peak human geniuses in the universe has ended perfectly today." The cyan shirt is purple. The scaly man smiled and said, "This class of yours is a very outstanding one. I believe that in tens of hundreds of epochs, many of you will be famous throughout the universe."

"Someone will contact you later and take you to the universe headquarters of my Virtual Universe Company. We will assemble there and then head to the 'Initial Universe'."

"From now on, your path will no longer be ordinary."

"My Virtual Universe Company will fully assist you. As for whether you will become a super being famous in the universe, or become an ordinary strong person, or fall halfway, it all depends on you. Work hard, your road to becoming a strong person has just begun. Start!" The voice of the man in blue shirt and purple scales echoed in everyone's mind.

This genius battle has officially come to an end!
  After the genius battle ended, both the aloof Nine Swordsman and the 1008 powerful immortals left directly.

But Luo Yuan and a thousand other young people still stayed here, because the staff nearby shouted: "Please don't leave for now. I have some things to discuss with you about taking you to the universal headquarters of my Virtual Universe Company."

After a while.

Luo Yuan and other 2 people were sitting in the conference room on the second floor of the No. 1000 restaurant in Central Square.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mana." A man with a height of about 2.67 meters and a striped smile on his neck stood in front of the conference room and said with a smile, "Because our Virtual Universe Company has to arrange spaceships specially We are going to pick you up, so please write down the accurate planet address on the paper in front of you so that we can pick you up."

Luo Yuan also picked up the pen and paper in front of him and began to write: "Qianwu Universe Country, Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory, Milky Way, Bailan Star."

Luo Feng also wrote this. They had discussed long ago that in order to protect the earth, actual transactions or exchanges with external forces were generally conducted on Bailan Star, which is not far from the earth.

1000 young people from many universe countries are writing.

"If it's necessary, just tell us the assembly point and we can take the spaceship there ourselves, right?"

"Yeah, there's no need to answer it, it's so troublesome."

someone in the crowd shouted.

Mana on the stage smiled and said: "Because the journey runs through many cosmic countries, which are very, very far away, and many private spaceships are slow in the 'dark universe', it will take a long, long time to reach our company's universal headquarters. In order to save everyone’s time, naturally our Virtual Universe Company specially arranges the best spaceship to pick them up!” ˆ ˆ ˆ “The 1000 people here this time are the furthest away from our Virtual Universe Company’s headquarters in the universe, and the distance is about 15 Billion light years." Mana smiled and said, "The distance ratio between the dark universe and the original universe is 1:1008.1 million times. Even if the speed of light is 1 times the speed of light in the dark universe, it will take about 150 years to reach it."


The originally lively conference room suddenly became quiet.

150 years?
  "Oh my god, 150 years?" A young orc with a lion-like head sitting in the corner exclaimed, "The furthest I've ever taken a spaceship was just over two months, and this ride lasted 150 years..."

The universe is really too big, and this is just the star field!


"Collection completed." Colorful lights fell on the paper in front of everyone, and then a screen appeared in front of the conference hall. On the screen was a huge star map, and there were some complex digital symbols next to it. Namana took a look, Then he turned to look at the 1000 people in the audience with a smile: "Everyone, all the addresses you wrote have been recorded. Based on the different geographical locations of 1000 of you and our spacecraft resources, the best pick-up and drop-off plan has been calculated. .”

"how long?"

"How long will it take for us to fly to the company's global headquarters?" Many people below couldn't help but ask.

Luo Yuan also looked at Mana on the stage.

"Because the distance is different, the speed at which the spacecraft is arranged will be different. We can guarantee that you will arrive at the headquarters on the same day." Mana smiled, "It will take about three years."

"My Virtual Universe Company will always arrange F-class spaceships for you." Mana smiled on the stage, "And they are not F-class spaceships that can be easily purchased, but... special ones within our Virtual Universe Company." Model F-class spacecraft, the internal technological content is far ahead of the F-class spaceships of other space countries."




F-class spaceship, from the fact that the owner of the Fallen Ink Star, Hu Yanbo, spent countless costs to get an F-class Fallen Ink Star, many immortal beings cannot afford it, you can understand how expensive and precious the F-class spaceship is. Many star-level empires, such as the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, do not have an F-class spaceship in the entire empire. But Virtual Universe Company launched a thousand F-class spaceships.

"Awesome." Luo Yuan couldn't help but mutter.

"Let me inform everyone." Mana on the stage smiled and said, "The bonuses for the top 1,000 people in the genius battle are now being distributed. You can check some accounts when you go back."

"As for now, everyone can disband and go back. Our Virtual Universe Company will send a special letter later to inform you of the exact time to pick you up. Please be ready at the location you wrote so that you can't be found when the time comes. Mana immediately smiled and said, "Well, everyone, please spend time with your family and friends. Soon we will have to leave our hometown for a long time."

The lively conference room suddenly became quiet.

I had to leave my hometown for a long time. This time I went to the Universal Headquarters of Virtual Universe Company. The journey alone took three years. This was because Virtual Universe Company sent a precious F-class spaceship to pick me up. I have to say, facing the vastness of the universe... just traveling alone takes an amazing amount of time.

Figures disappeared into the conference room one after another, and everyone left one by one.

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(End of this chapter)

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