Chapter 132 Luxurious Manor
  "His Royal Highness Luo Yuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time." An old man in white robes with white beard and hair said with great enthusiasm. He is an immortal god. "You can just call me Aitor. I am the one who manages this place right now." All kinds of trivial matters in the original area.”

"Understood." Luo Yuan nodded.

In fact, as a virtual universe, things like cleaning and pruning flowers and plants can be simulated instantly. Perhaps for the sake of realism, everything here is 100% imitated, and a large number of servants are even arranged to clean, trim flowers and plants, and to serve those highnesses.

You have to buy food when you are hungry, you have to buy drinks when you are thirsty, and you have to spend money to buy real estate in the virtual universe. Everything is exactly the same as in the real world.

"Your Highness Luo Yuan, please come with me." The immortal god 'Aitor' smiled and led the way.

  Both of them flew up in the primitive area. As one of the five major areas, the entire primitive area is very large. After all, it accounts for nearly half of the entire Yuxiang Mountain. It can be said that it is much larger than the entire earth! However, this area is only suitable for more than a hundred members.

"In the original area, there are currently 115 official members, including 100 realm lord-level highnesses, 10 domain lord-level highnesses, and 5 universe-level highnesses." Flying in the air, Aitor pointed downwards, "There are 115 people in the original area. There are many places to practice, reading places, restaurants, etc... As for the residential areas, they are all at the very back, with 1100 luxury manors, each of which is 1000 kilometers long and kilometers wide."

Luo Yuan was amazed when he heard this.

A very large estate with a length of 1100 kilometers and a width of 1000 kilometers is truly luxurious. This is the treatment in the primitive area, but in the lowest apocalyptic area, people live in Tongzilou.

"His Royal Highness Luo Yuan's manor is No. 112. The architectural style has been modified according to the preferences you submitted before." Aitor pointed to a row of large-scale ancient buildings in the distance, including pavilions, wind corridors and waterside pavilions. There are extremely wide lakes, bamboo forests, ancient bridges, and cranes, which look like a fairyland.

  The two landed.

"Your Highness!" The gate of the manor was a thousand meters wide, and two thirty-meter-tall bull-headed giants saluted respectfully.

"Your Highness Luo Yuan." Aitor smiled and said, "As a member of the original secret realm, His Highness's escort team is normally organized into a brigade. The entire brigade has one general, ten captains, and 100 soldiers. The general is an immortal god. , the captains are the ten peak realm masters of the apocalyptic secret realm, and the warriors are the 100 peak realm masters. In the virtual universe, they are stationed at His Highness, but in reality, they also have to protect His Highness, and they will obey His Highness's orders in everything. "

"Yes." Luo Yuan nodded slightly. Although he had known it for a long time, it was quite shocking to actually see it.

The two peak domain masters are the gatekeepers.

A guard team, the leader is an immortal god, and the other ten realm masters are also realm masters recognized by the original law!
  "In addition to the guards, there are more than 100,000 servants in the manor to serve His Highness." Adol smiled.

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, and a group of people suddenly appeared at the door of the manor. The leader was a cold and charming woman who looked like an Earthling. When this cold and charming woman saw Luo Yuan, she saluted: "Your Highness." A large group of people behind her were all He saluted with great respect and shouted at the same time: "Greetings to Your Highness!"

"This is the general of His Highness's escort, an immortal god, whose full name is 'Mona Cape'." Adol said with a smile.

"Your Highness, just call me Meng Na." The cold and charming woman said.

"Meng Na, I won't bother you anymore." Luo Yuan was polite.

"This is what it should be." Meng Na continued, her eyes softening when she looked at Luo Yuan. In terms of the arrangement of Virtual Universe Company, his status was lower than Luo Yuan's, but she was an immortal god after all... In front of her. No matter what, Her Highness is only a genius and not a strong person. Maybe she will not reach her level if she falls in the future.

Adolian said: "Your Highness Luo Yuan, I will leave first. Menna is familiar with everything in this manor, and he will tell you."

"Thank you, Mr. Aitor." Luo Yuan nodded. Aitor then turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the distance.

"Your Highness, please." Meng Na led the way, and Luo Yuan also entered his manor.


At first glance, you can see a large area of ​​flowers, green grass, and various rare trees in the manor. Birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. The greening is very good.

"That's His Highness's training ground." Meng Na pointed to a sealed super-large building in the distance. "The entire training ground is 50 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and 300 meters high. The ground inside is extremely hard."

"Yes." Luo Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

The speed of the Dark Cloud Shuttle on his own feet is amazing. If the space is too small, it cannot be opened at all. 50 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, and 300 meters high can only be said to be good for the controller, not bad! Of course, such a large space is very large for a ‘warrior’.

Members of the original secret realm have their own "immortal teacher" who is stationed for long-term teaching. This immortal god named Meng Na can also be said to be the immortal teacher assigned to Luo Yuan. Of course, as a member of the original secret realm, you can change the immortal teacher at any time.

"That's the swimming pool." Meng Na pointed to another large swimming pool in the distance. "The swimming pool is divided into an inner pool area and an outer pool area. The water in the inner pool area contains special effects. Lying in it can quickly recover your tired body. According to the water temperature, It is divided into six different areas. In fact, this setting is a simulation of reality... In the 'original secret realm' of reality, His Highness's residence has much better conditions than this."

"Oh?" Luo Yuan's eyes lit up and he shook his head, "It's a pity that it will take a long time."

My current journey to the universe lasts for three years. After three years, I will go to the 'initial universe'. After coming out of the initial universe, I may go to the 'original secret realm', one of the four secret realms.


Meng Na introduced the functions of some buildings in the manor, and then pointed to a quiet three-story attic in the distance: "Your Highness, that is your living place. Whatever you want inside that attic, Your Highness can make it according to your needs." hobbies, realized through virtual assistants.”


In the manor, the first floor of the living loft is for entertaining guests, the second floor is for entertainment, and the third floor is for bedrooms, study rooms, and other rest areas.

Luo Yuan looked at the layout inside and was very satisfied. It was all in the classical Chinese style. After all, he had submitted his preferences to the staff here for design before he came.

Luo Yuan came to the study room on the third floor and sat on the official hat chair with a smile. As soon as he thought about it, a hundred-inch light screen immediately appeared in front of his eyes, and he casually clicked on a "Treasure House" folder.

  The treasure house was opened, and eight categories including "Arcane", "Weapons", "Rare Treasures", "Technology Weapons", "Materials", "Tools", "Biological Categories" and "Other Special Categories") appeared on the screen. There are many subcategories floating under each major category. For example, under the biological category, there are 'plant life', 'metal life', 'animal taming' and so on. For example, 'secret method' is also divided into different factions...

Thousands of categories.

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(End of this chapter)

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