Chapter 153 Billions of Era Geniuses

Virtual universe, realm master level Tongtian Mountain space.

Luo Yuan's figure suddenly appeared here. He looked at the three majestic mountains towering into the clouds, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the highest primitive Tongtian Mountain.


At the foot of the Boundary Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, three people, the Minotaur, the Ape Man, and the Snake Lady, were fighting against the Landlord on a large bluestone at the foot of the mountain.


There was a loud noise, and a deep pit was smashed into the ground where the three of them were, frightening them to quickly move aside.

The three of them looked at the center of the pit angrily and were startled when they saw that it was Luo Yuan who was wearing ordinary armor.

The tall and mighty tauren came over, looked at Luo Yuan, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I asked you why you are so lucky today. You are so lucky today. It turns out that there are distinguished guests coming. Your Highness Luo Yuan, long time no see. As Chaos, you The city lord’s direct disciple shouldn’t be eating and drinking well in Chaos City, so why are you suddenly trying to break into the world lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, which is the most difficult place to break into!”

"Stupid cow, why are you talking to His Highness Luo Yuan? His Highness Luo Yuan is a peerless genius who can master teleportation at the cosmic level. There is nothing he can't do." The ape-man came over and said flatteringly to Luo Yuan.

"Your Highness Luo Yuan, please show some mercy to the slave family this time." The snake girl winked at Luo Yuan, but the snake letter sticking out of the corner of her mouth was creepy.

Luo Yuan smiled after hearing the words of these three people and said: "You three are so honest. Last time I killed you at the universe level. This time I don't know if you at the world lord level are enough for me to kill."

The Minotaur, the Apeman, and the Snake Girl felt a little scared when they heard this, because the aura exuding from Luo Yuan was so scary.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm coming!"

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he rushed towards the three of them without using any equipment. He planned to fight directly.

Seeing this, the extremely strong tauren actually showed joy in his eyes. He was very confident in his physical strength and stretched out his two big hands to grab Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan dodged directly and punched the side of the tauren. .


I saw that the huge tauren was directly blasted with half of its body, and the remaining half of its body was blasted into the wall of the original Tongtian Mountain like a meteor. It could not die anymore, but Luo Yuan did not move at all, he wrinkled Frowning, he felt that this tauren was so weak.

The apes and snakes on the side who had not yet taken action were dumbfounded. Their bodies were shaking and they felt scared. Although they would not really die, the pain was real. However, because of the rules of Tongtian Mountain, they still braved Luo Yuan. Attacked, but Snake Girl was hit in the head by Luo Yuan's mental shock. The ape-man was directly torn in half by Luo Yuan's "tearing the sky and splitting the earth" claw technique, which looked particularly ferocious.

In this way, the level at the foot of the mountain was passed effortlessly.


The three people on the mountainside were directly killed by Luo Yuan using the "World-Destroying Divine Light".


The three people on the top of the mountain were the strongest, and each of them was comparable to the peak combat power of the Immortal King. Luo Yuan used the "Seven Transformations of the God of Evolution" to transform into a humanoid ferocious beast, tearing the three people into pieces. After a while, a ray of light flashed, and the three gatekeepers on the top of the mountain came to life. They all respectfully congratulated Luo Yuan.

"Your Highness Luo Yuan, congratulations on successfully crossing the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. Anyone who can cross this mountain is a rare genius in tens of millions of eras, but you actually only spent less than ten minutes to complete it. It's incredible. You are called the record creator for completing the fastest pass, and countless descendants will challenge your record and follow in your footsteps." The tauren congratulated.

Luo Yuan smiled when he heard the tauren's flattery. He saw that the tauren was tall and thick, and he spoke quite well. After the three of them congratulated each other, Luo Yuan went offline directly. He still wanted to break through the overpass.

What Luo Yuan didn't know was that just after he broke through the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain, the news reached the top human beings. Of course, the first ones to know were the controllers of the Virtual Universe Company.

After receiving the news, the Lord of Chaos City, who was sitting cross-legged in the Chaos Ruins, couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that I still underestimated Luo Yuan's potential. He is actually stronger than the Kedi that he collected at the beginning. He just broke through the world lord level peak. The main level of the original Tongtian Mountain, then his combat power is at least as high as the king. If he reaches the immortal realm, he will be directly comparable to the veteran venerable, I really look forward to it!"

The universe masters from other forces were all stunned after receiving the news that Luo Yuan had broken through the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain.

The founder of the giant axe, the Lord of the giant axe, also lamented: "Chaos is so blessed. He lost Kedi, a disciple who was a genius of tens of millions of eras, and now he has gained Luo Yuan, a genius of tens of millions of eras. I am also envious of him. ah!"


In the plane of Tongtianqiao, there is a huge island that has stood for countless years. As a guardian, Baffin has also served here for hundreds of millions of years. He longs for more and more outstanding talents in human beings than anyone else.

Luo Yuan's figure suddenly appeared in the broad square of the island. Baffin smiled when he saw Luo Yuan and said: "Your Highness Luo Yuan, long time no see. Since you broke through the 13th floor of Tongtian Bridge, other geniuses have been practicing harder. But no one can break your record. Which level is His Highness going to break through this time?"

"Haha, right? The geniuses who are in the same class as me are also working very hard. Unfortunately, it is impossible for them to surpass me. This time I plan to try my best to break through, at least to the 18th floor, so that I can I have obtained the permanent right of residence in Chaos City." Luo Yuan smiled and said seriously.

Baffin raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said with a smile: "Your Highness is really confident. If you can break through the 18th floor of Tongtian Bridge, you will be immortal and invincible! His Highness is so confident, then I will wait for you here." Good news."

Luo Yuan nodded, then turned into a stream of light and entered Tongtian Bridge.

Baffin looked at Luo Yuan's back, smiled and shook his head. He felt that Luo Yuan was young and vigorous, and a little unaware of how thick the sky was. In countless epochs, he could break through the 18th floor of the Tongtian Bridge just after breaking through to the World Lord level. There are very few geniuses, but suddenly he received an email. When he opened it, it turned out to be the message that Luo Yuan had just broken through the World Lord-level primitive Tongtian Mountain. His normal heart, which had been silent for hundreds of millions of years, could not help but be broken.

"His Royal Highness Luo Yuan, maybe he really can usher in a new era!" Baffin murmured as he looked at the direction in which Luo Yuan was flying, with endless expectations in his eyes.

Virtual universe, Yuxiangshan public area, in a private room of a restaurant.

Luo Feng, Bo Lan, Rong Jun, Wuka, Qian Shui and others all received a message. They opened it and took a look, and then their eyes widened as if they were dumbfounded. It took a long time for a few people to come back to their senses.

"It's over, it's over. It seems that we will never be able to catch up with Luo Yuan in our lives. He and we are not in the same dimension. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, the universe level breaks through the peak of world lord level, and then directly breaks through the world lord level primitive Tongtian Mountain, this is terrible The original Kedi was much stronger, and we were born in the same era as him, and we were quite miserable, and we were completely used as foils for him." Uka sighed after taking a sip of wine.

The others remained silent, but the proud Bo Lan stood up with red eyes, and then went offline to practice.

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(End of this chapter)

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