Chapter 159 Layout
  Initial universe, Chaos City, Luo Yuan's private ancient manor.


Luo Yuan's body was teleported back from his Immortal Servant Kingdom. He went directly to take a bath, then put on loose clothes and made himself some good tea in a pavilion. At this time, Venerable Perrin also left. Come in.

"Huh? Luo Yuan, where have you been in the past few years? Why do you feel that your aura has become much stronger?" Venerable Perlan asked curiously.

Luo Yuan drank a cup of tea and said slowly: "I went to a good place and got two inheritances, but it took so long!"

When Peilan heard this, did she ask more? It was obvious that Luo Yuan didn't want to say more. She said calmly: "My teacher Gui Yi said that the master asked you to come back and go to Chaos Ruins. He has something to ask for!"

Luo Yuan was stunned when he heard this. The Lord of Chaos City was looking for him. You must know that this big boss treats his apprentices sparingly and rarely looks for them.

"Well, I understand, let's go now." Luo Yuan put down the teacup and nodded.


Chaos City, Chaos Ruins.

The Lord of Chaos City was sitting on a high seat, with Luo Yuan standing below him and Lord Guiyi standing next to him.

Luo Yuan walked up and said, "I wonder what the teacher wants from me?"

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Luo Yuan, with a smile on his face, and said slowly: "You have obtained the complete inheritance of the Demonic Sound God General and the Ice God General inheritance, which is very good!"

Luo Yuan and Venerable Guiyi below were both stunned. Luo Yuan was stunned because the Lord of Chaos City had seen through him at once, while Venerable Guiyi was stunned because Luo Yuan could actually obtain these two complete inheritances. You must know that he I also tried it back then, but I didn't even get a third of it. I heard that no one has been able to fully obtain these two inheritances so far.

The Lord of Chaos City paused for a while and said: "Since you have broken through to the World Lord level, take the time to go to the battlefield outside the territory to establish meritorious deeds. Where you can get more things, especially military merits, which can be exchanged for more good things."

Luo Yuan nodded after hearing this. He could control the clone to obtain meritorious deeds. It didn't matter even if it was destroyed, he could just create a new one.

After coming out of the City Lord's Mansion, Luo Yuan's body began to pick up attributes in Chaos City again, but he always had a trace of consciousness to control his clone.

Luo Yuan used to meet Jiang Fang and others on the earth in the virtual universe. Since he transferred the two immortal servants of the king to the earth, he can directly travel between Chaos City and the earth through the divine kingdom of the immortal servants. .


Earth, Huaxia Kingdom, Jiangnan Base City, Luo Yuan was originally placed in an ancient palace on the top of a mountain. After he and Jiang Fang finished exercising, he said slowly: "You have reached the universe level. It just so happened that I paid nothing from the Virtual Universe Company. I’ll give you the 100 times world lord level nutrients and nutrition cabin, but I won’t use them either.”

Jiang Fang snuggled into Luo Yuan's arms and nodded happily.

"Thank you for your hard work these years, how is the development of the earth?" Luo Yuan smoked a cigarette and asked with a smile. "Well, over the years, relying on the resources you provided and the training of Virtual Universe Company, the earth has already had millions of planet-level powerhouses, tens of thousands of star-level warriors and spiritual masters, and hundreds of universe-level powerhouses. , the strength is much stronger than before.”

As Jiang Fang narrated, Luo Yuan listened and searched up and down. When he heard that the earth had cultivated hundreds of cosmic-level experts, he couldn't help but nodded. After all, under normal circumstances, only one cosmic-level person could be born in a star field. This is Only one existence can appear in an era, and the fact that the earth has given birth to hundreds of cosmic-level powerhouses in just a few hundred years is incredible.

Luo Yuan stayed on the earth for a few more months. Many of the people he met at the time had died of old age. The original universe had gone through changes for hundreds of years, which made Luo Yuan even more determined to pursue immortality.


After Luo Yuan returned to Chaos City, he relied on the reward of more than 100 billion points obtained by breaking through the Tianshan Mountains, and bought a lot of good things, including an immortal-level Zerg nest. Luo Yuan directly used the perfection-level "Ten Thousands" "Mind Control Soul Secret Technique" forced him to recognize his master, and through the cultivation of a large number of resources, he cultivated this immortal-level Zerg queen to the peak of the king-level, and then sent the immortal slaves to the garbage star field to buy and transport the Zerg corpses obtained from the battlefield outside the territory. , Cultivate the Zerg Legion.

As long as he, the Zerg Queen, is given time and resources to incubate, Luo Yuan will be able to have a million-king-level immortal Zerg army, and when the time comes, he will harvest the lives of aliens on the battlefield outside the territory, and gain military honors in no time.

Luo Yuan sent the King's Immortal Servant to the Cuilang Star Territory and brought back the Locke Divine Water that he had snatched from Pan Xi. There were more than 52 cubic kilometers in total, which was just enough for Luo Yuan to cultivate the Star-Eating Grass he purchased, and the following. The Moyun vines that he has cultivated for a long time are enough to cultivate them to the level of immortality. Luo Yuan goes to the Chaos Monuments in Chaos City almost every day just to pick up the law attributes.

Luo Yuan is also considering breaking through the immortal level, but if the world master wants to break through the immortal level, he must go to the cracks of time and space to find space fragments, and then merge the space fragments with his own inner world to form the Kingdom of God, and then continue to fuse other space fragments to form the Kingdom of God. Expansion, but Luo Yuan's inner world is too big, completely beyond the limits of a normal world master, so it is extremely difficult to find a space fragment suitable for him to fuse.

In order to find space fragments suitable for merging with the world inside his own body, Luo Yuan went directly to Venerable Gui Yi and captured dozens of junior immortal prisoners from the cosmic prison, and controlled them into his loyal slaves, and then made these immortal prisoners Wang Nunu went to the cracks in time and space to find space fragments suitable for his own fusion.

Chaos City, Luo Yuan's private ancient manor, Lord Guiyi came in person today.

"Luo Yuan, the teacher's application for joining the Hongmeng was approved. Originally, you only passed through Tongtian Mountain and Tongtian Bridge. Those old guys said that you had not really killed the Immortal King and could not judge your true strength. But from your experience in the Demon After Shan killed an Immortal Prince and an Extremely Powerful King with one move, they recognized that you have the combat power of the Prince, so you are now a true member of the Hongmeng." Lord Gui Yi said with a smile.

Luo Yuan nodded. He also planned to visit the mysterious Hongmeng.


The original universe, the original secret realm.

After Luo Yuan's clone left the magic mountain, he directly communicated with the immortal slave in the primitive secret realm, and then teleported directly to the primitive secret realm through the Kingdom of God. There are more than a hundred planets here forming a huge defensive array, which even the high sages cannot destroy. .

In the original secret realm, the Wuchen Continent of the ninth time and space "Wuchen Time and Space" is really a vast and boundless super boss. Every member of the original secret realm can be assigned a territory of nearly one million kilometers in radius.

Luo Yuan's territory is also here, and the escort team led by the immortal captain Meng Na is also stationed in Luo Yuan's territory.

Luo Yuan looked through the various tasks in the original secret realm. He picked a few to complete, but found that there were very few things that were useful to him. For Luo Yuan now, only the treasures above the Venerable level are of some value to him. After some careful consideration, he decided to go to the extraterritorial battlefield to obtain military merit, because the things that the military merit system in the extraterritorial battlefield could redeem were richer than the treasure trove of Virtual Universe Company.

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(End of this chapter)

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