I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 171 Breakthrough to the Immortality of the King

Chapter 171 Breakthrough to the Immortality of the King
  In the space-time interlayer of the original universe, Luo Yuan sat cross-legged in the void. He directly used world projection, and suddenly a 1.8 light-year-long super world phantom appeared. Then he used the power of the world to pull the super-large space debris floating in the distance. Under the influence of Luo Yuan's huge world power, this 2 light-year-long space fragment slowly became connected with the world inside his body.

As the connection between Luo Yuan's inner world and the space debris becomes closer and closer, the world projection is finally mapped into this space fragment, and then slowly changes from virtual to real. This process is very slow because Luo Yuan's inner world is too large. Well, it is actually very difficult to fully integrate into space debris.

Two hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. The inner world in Luo Yuan's Dantian disappeared. This world has been completely integrated into the space debris. Suddenly Luo Yuan's original world began to form a connection with the original world of the original universe. Suddenly, metal, wood, water, fire, etc. The eight laws of earth, wind, thunder and light descended upon the ocean, and infinite divine power surged in. Luo Yuan's power of the world began to transform into divine power.

His world began to transform towards the Kingdom of God, but Luo Yuan's body had been transformed into a chaotic divine body by the arrival of the ten original laws, but the power was still the power of the world. At this moment, with the infusion of divine power, he The Chaos Divine Body can truly exert its original power.

I saw the eight laws of divine power being continuously inhaled into Luo Yuan's body, and his genetic level increased rapidly.

303, 400, 800, 1000, 3000, 5000, 8000!

Luo Yuan's genetic level actually broke through to 8000, and his divine body was also rapidly expanding, one hundred thousand miles, one million miles, ten thousand miles, hundreds of millions of miles away, and it didn't end until 2 light years before the chaos beads in the sea of ​​consciousness returned. His dantian then exploded with a bang, like the Big Bang of the universe. The power of ten original laws appeared, turning into countless runes, flowing in his dantian, and evolving into stars.

Luo Yuan can feel the Chaos Bead in his Dantian, and he has absolute control over the Kingdom of God in the 2-light-year space fragment. No matter where he is, he can connect with the Kingdom of God and rely on what the Kingdom of God provides. A steady stream of divine power.

The Chaos Beads in his Dantian now shatter and recreate the universe. This is completely different from his previous transformation from the apprentice level to the Realm Master level, because the initial small universe in his Dantian belongs entirely to him and can not be interfered by the outside universe. , and that divine kingdom was born in this primitive universe and could only be attached to the primitive universe.

But Luo Yuan can use his divine kingdom to absorb the divine power of the original place of the original universe to nourish his small universe. There is an essential difference between breaking through to immortality at the general world lord level, because Luo Yuan is taking the role of a creation god. the way.


Suddenly, there was a huge shock in the space-time mezzanine where Luo Yuan was, and the boundless space-time turbulence suddenly attacked Luo Yuan's body. The guardians on the side, Venerable Guiyi and Venerable Peilan, were shocked, because they had never heard of such a situation. They Although he couldn't figure out the reason, he still used the complete laws of time and space to protect Luo Yuan from the turbulence of time and space.

"Oh my God, Luo Yuan's divine body is almost 2 light years old. The divine power he exudes is comparable to the power of tens of billions of world lords. A 10-fold Universe Lord is only million times the power of a world lord. This kid How much divine power of the law has been absorbed by the original place? Is this causing the anger of the heaven of the original universe? Luo Yuan, stop it, don't absorb any more divine power!"

Venerable Gui Yi shouted anxiously while helping Luo Yuan resist the space turbulence. This space turbulence is very terrifying. If you are not careful, it may be directly wiped out into nothingness. It becomes more and more difficult for him and Peilan to resist. Suddenly, a light and shadow Appearing in this space, this startled Gui Yi and Peilan. When they looked at it, they realized that it was the phantom of the Lord of Chaos City. The phantom of the Chaos City Lord looked solemnly at Luo Yuan's divine body and the countless spatial turbulence around him. He stretched out his hand, and a golden energy shield appeared, and then immediately spread to ten light years, covering Luo Yuan's divine body and the divine kingdom. As well as Guiyi and Peilan protected them, blocking out countless spatial turbulences.

"What on earth is this kid doing? I have never seen or heard of such a situation." The shadow of the Chaos City Lord murmured to himself. He couldn't even see through the inner parts of Luo Yuan's divine body.

As time slowly passed, and another five hundred years passed, Luo Yuan's divine body finally became stable. His divine kingdom has been completely formed, and the small universe in his Dantian has also formed a basic framework, such as planets, stars, Celestial systems such as black holes, including light energy, dark energy, particles, rays and other energy systems began to be nurtured. The runes of the ten original laws appeared, densely packed, filling the entire universe, and there was also endless space turbulence surging. It was completely a The scene of the beginning of chaos.

Suddenly an invisible divine power emerged, and Luo Yuan finally broke through to the immortal level, but his breakthrough process did not stop, because two more laws of divine power came from the original world of the original universe, but these two divine powers did not have the other eight powers. The divine power of this law is condensed and seems a bit illusory. This is actually the divine power of the two laws of space and time that Luo Yuan has not yet fully understood.

I don't know why, but the original universe still brought the divine power of the two laws of space and time. Luo Yuan suspected that this was related to the small universe in his Dantian. He didn't think too much about it. It came unexpectedly. He didn't care about it. It's eleven, just absorb it directly. Another massive amount of divine power is filling his body, and Luo Yuan's aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Luo Yuan has already understood the three mysteries of the simplified version of the law of space (blockade, strangulation, and teleportation). Under this divine power of the law of space and time, he has mastered the mysteries of space and time more and more. Deep, the secrets of time that he has not yet mastered: time suspension, time acceleration and time retrieval are slowly integrated into the divine body.

Venerable Guiyi who was watching from a distance couldn't help but be stunned. This made him immortal, and he should still be invincible. However, the momentum of this breakthrough was even more exaggerated than when those Universe Venerables broke through the Lord of the Universe. Luo Yuan's combat power was already unimaginable.

The phantom of the Chaos City Lord who was watching all this looked at Luo Yuan with golden runes of law flowing in his eyes. He said seriously to Venerable Guiyi and Venerable Peilan: "This matter must not be leaked to the outside world. This is the luck of the human race. I really look forward to Luo Yuan's growth. It will only be a matter of time before he surpasses me and can even peek into the highest realm."

Venerable Guiyi and Venerable Peilan were stunned when they heard the words of the Lord of Chaos City. Who is the Lord of Chaos City? He is the leader of Virtual Universe Company, one of the five giants of mankind, one of the Lords of the Hongmeng Palace, and the peak combat power of the human race. , actually said that Luo Yuan will surpass him sooner or later, and will reach a higher realm, above the Lord of the Universe, which is the realm of the true god, which is not at the same level as the immortal gods that everyone calls.

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(End of this chapter)

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