I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 177 The Kingdom of God Legion

Chapter 177 The Kingdom of God Legion
  Luo Yuan listened to the words of the Blood Orchid King and couldn't help but become interested in the Blood Orchid clan. They could actually spy on the long river of time. If he could hold it in his hands, it would be a trump card for him in the future and he could avoid some troubles.

"King Blood Orchid, I believe what you say for the time being. You are not allowed to reveal my secret to anyone. For safety reasons, I will enslave your soul. From then on, you will naturally be my loyal subordinate and you will never betray me forever."

Luo Yuan looked at the Blood Orchid King and said coldly, his tone unquestionable, if the woman refused, Luo Yuan would kill her immediately and disappear into nothingness.

The Blood Orchid King also knew her situation. Although she was somewhat reluctant to be a soul slave, the situation was stronger than others. She finally gave in, so Luo Yuan directly used the top soul secret method to control this woman and turned her into a soul slave. Yuan has done this not once or twice. He made the kings captured by Gui Yi from the prison of the universe to be his soul slaves.

"I happen to have a group of royal servants under my command. They will be under your control. From now on, you will be my personal guards. You will be the commander of the army. Do your job well and I will not treat you badly!" Luo Yuan said casually.

But when his words fell on the ears of King Xuelan, she was shocked. Originally, she thought that she was Luo Yuan's first soul slave, but it turned out that Luo Yuan actually had a group of them, and they were all immortal kings, which made her feel better. Some, and at the same time, she is very happy. She is now the leader of a group of immortal kings, a legion composed of kings, how powerful this will be.

Luo Yuan didn't know what the Blood Orchid King was thinking in his head. He was grimacing for a while, and smiling brightly for a while. Luo Yuan's group of soul slaves of the king were actually only more than a hundred people, and they were basically all human race. Yes, he decided to capture other hostile kings and make them into soul slaves as much as possible in the future, and then incorporate them into this king's army, whether they were human or other ethnic groups.

If nothing happens, let them serve as a teleportation station for the Kingdom of God. If something happens, let them charge into battle. When the time comes, bring them to a large-scale ethnic battlefield, and their military merit will skyrocket.

Next, Luo Yuan took the Blood Orchid King to sweep the last treasure room of this sacrificial tower, which was filled with secret techniques inherited from the aborigines of the Yan Sacrifice Continent. Luo Yuan looked at them and was not very interested, only about the secret patterns. He benefited a lot from the inheritance of knowledge. He discovered that these secret patterns were actually recording the law runes in a text symbol that could be understood by people, and formed a special secret pattern array, possessing various magical abilities.

With these secret patterns, Luo Yuan can use them to study the methods of fusion of the ten original laws. Law fusion is also the main research thing to break through to the universe. However, the aborigines of the Jiyan Continent are blank in the law fusion, and Luo Yuan is needed. Do your own research, this is also the reason why these aborigines do not have top combat power.

In the next thousand years, Luo Yuan led the King's Servant Legion led by the Blood Orchid King. While sweeping away the inheritance sacrificial towers that had not been robbed, he also slaughtered foreign legions and gained a large amount of wealth and military merit. The reputation of the Chaos King in this extraterrestrial battlefield is like thunder, but except for some people who have a close relationship with Luo Yuan who know the true identity of the Chaos King, no other living being knows that the Chaos King is Luo Yuan.

As for the title of "Golden Demon King" given to Luo Yuan by the foreign tribes before, Luo Yuan did not acknowledge it at all, and no one called him such a crude name anymore.

The human race suddenly appeared on the battlefield outside the territory. A Chaos King who slaughtered foreign legions at every turn. This incident also attracted the attention of the high-ranking aliens. They tried every means to investigate but could not find out the true identity of the Chaos King. Some aliens also suspected this. The Chaos King was Luo Yuan, but he was quickly overthrown by those high-level officials.

Luo Yuan's clone is different from the original body in both appearance and soul aura. This is also the power of the Lord of the Universe level secret method of external incarnation. It can completely create a clone that is completely different from the original body and change the soul aura fluctuations, even if it is The Lord of the Universe couldn't tell the difference in person.

Moreover, when the ten alien sages came and forced Luo Yuan's clone to self-destruct, in the eyes of those aliens, Luo Yuan had already fallen. Luo Yuan's body has been staying in Chaos City. Where is the Lord of Chaos City sitting in charge, there are no aliens If the inner ghost dares to get close, even those who have met Luo Yuan will have their memories of Luo Yuan wiped out by the magic circle set up by the Lord of Chaos City when they leave Chaos City. Those high-ranking aliens also thought about sending Venerables directly to strangle the newly emerged King of Chaos. However, after the last alien assassination, the top human beings kept a close eye on the powerful men above the alien Venerable level. If they found that the aliens were not They obeyed the rules and immediately sent the venerables to intercept. This made the senior foreign officials feel troubled. They did not want to provoke a war with high-end combat capabilities. This would be too costly.


Jiyan Continent, the main continent, on a remote plateau.

Luo Yuan was looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle. Behind him stood the Blood Orchid King and a legion of more than 10,000 King's servants. The King's legion originally only had more than a hundred people, but with Luo Yuan outside the territory, After thousands of years of fighting on the battlefield, he captured more and more foreign kings, so he simply controlled them into soul slaves. Whenever his army of king slaves appeared, it would be a bloody storm, and the livers and gallbladders of those foreign kings would be broken.

"Lord, where shall we go to fight next?" King Xuelan, who has a devilish figure, asked from behind Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "I feel a little tired after fighting for thousands of years. Next, I plan to go to the Star Tower to have a look. You guys should go first and repair my kingdom. By the way, help me train those little guys!"

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he waved his hand and brought tens of thousands of king slaves, including the Blood Orchid King, into the Kingdom of God controlled by his own body. Luo Yuan's body of God's Kingdom now spans hundreds of light years, and countless creatures live in it. , but the largest number are Earthlings. These Earthlings were all introduced after the Earth's strength reached the planetary level. This is called "ascension" on Earth.

Luo Yuan also placed many monsters in his own divine kingdom to train these earth seedlings. Among these monsters are the chaos beasts he caught outside Chaos City, as well as some rare monsters, which can provide these seedlings with Precious blood food and materials.

When Luo Yuan's Immortal Legion of the King is not performing tasks, they go to his Kingdom of God to teach the seedlings from the Earth to practice. If the geniuses of the Universe Kingdom know this, they will be jealous of each other. They use the most powerful weapon. Good resources and direct instruction from King Feng Immortal have also allowed these seedlings from Earth to rapidly increase in strength.

After more than two thousand years of development, Jiang Fang and Luo Feng's family members are managing the Earth. With the resources provided by Luo Yuan, they have provided Luo Yuan's Kingdom with a steady stream of planet-level talents. With Earth, they can The cradle of cultivating strong men with strong minds, these earth seedlings quickly became stronger in Luo Yuan's Kingdom of God.

Now Luo Yuan's Kingdom of God already has hundreds of billions of planet-level seedlings, tens of billions of star-level reserves, billions of universe-level soldiers, hundreds of millions of domain lord-level generals, and tens of millions of world lord-level military leaders. , plus more than 10,000 legions of immortal servants of the King, this is enough to wipe out any cosmic country if placed outside.

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(End of this chapter)

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