I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 185 The Peak Lord’s Servant

Chapter 185 The Peak Lord’s Servant

Luo Yuan looked at the two alien feudal princes who fell down. He directly probed his spiritual power into the "Galaxy", and then he discovered a large number of fish-like monsters living in it. These monsters looked very strange. It looked delicious, so Luo Yuan directly swept away his mental power, annihilating the souls of all the fish monsters above immortality in the galaxy, and put their corpses into a corner of the main kingdom of God to be used as food.

Luo Yuan thought again, and space fluctuations appeared around this "Galaxy" that was several light years long. Then the "Galaxy" slowly disappeared and was taken into the Divine Kingdom of his body. The earth warriors in the Divine Kingdom saw this. The sudden appearance of the river was shocking, and everyone excitedly took the harpoon to catch fish in it, because they knew that the flesh and blood of the demon clan was very nourishing.

After taking away the "Galaxy", Luo Yuan took the spaceship and headed deep into the Ice Prison Star Belt. He saw the corpses of huge and powerful men frozen in ice floating in the void, as well as the crystal star belt that looked like glaciers. Finally, These are the hundreds of most dangerous ice prison stars.

Luo Yuan felt the call from the soul, and he quickly found the Ice Prison Star where the third metal plate of the "Nine Tribulations Secret Book" was hidden, but he could not go directly because from the collected information, this There is a race called the Kou living on hundreds of ice prison stars.

There are hundreds of immortal kings in this race alone, and there are two powerful ones in the Venerable Realm, and they are top-tier Universe Overlord level Venerables. Luo Yuan plans to deal with it carefully. This race can produce two extremely precious treasures, They are "Ice Prison Star Stone" and "Ice Prison Green Dew". The Ice Prison Star Stone, which is just the size of a fingernail, is worth two trillion Hunyuan units, which can be said to be priceless.

Luo Yuan teleported directly into the void, then put away the spaceship. He used the secret method of space to melt into the void and silently observed.

Suddenly, several people from the Kou tribe appeared from the Ice Prison Star in front. They looked similar to the people on Earth, but they were all about two or three meters tall. The women were purple-skinned Kou, and the men were cyan-skinned Kou. Kou, if you don't consider the skin, judging from the aesthetics of Luo Yuan Earth people, this woman is charming and charming, and the man is very handsome.

After chatting with each other with a smile, these Jikou people went straight through the universe and disappeared. Luo Yuan smiled when he saw this. He did not act immediately, but waited for a long time, and finally met a lone Jikou man with cyan skin. , this man looks very handsome, about three meters tall, and has the realm of immortality.

When this Jikou man appeared through space, Luo Yuan suddenly launched a mental attack, directly read the memory in his brain, then annihilated his soul, and put his body into the clone's kingdom of God. Then Luo Yuan used The innate secret method of the Demon Killer Clan picked up a long time ago was copied, and in the blink of an eye it became exactly the same as the Kou Clan member named "Beto", even the soul aura was the same.

Luo Yuan condensed a water mirror and took a look, then touched the hundreds of braids on the back of his head, nodded with satisfaction, then accelerated directly to the speed of light, traveled through the universe, and soon landed on an ice prison star , and then he saw a splendid crystal palace, and what he wanted was within this palace.

"Beto, you are here, I am looking for you everywhere!"

Suddenly a pleasant female voice came from behind. Luo Yuan was startled. He turned to look at the person who came. He was a purple-skinned Jikou tribesman. He quickly searched for the memory of this person in the Beto memory he read. Soon, I found it. This person's name is "Ulan", and he is also an immortal feudal prince. A few days ago, Beto confessed to Ulan that he wanted to live with Ulan, but he was rejected by Ulan who likes freedom, so he A man ran out to relax, but was caught by Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan couldn't help but twitching his mouth after reading the memory. The population of this Jikou tribe is sparse, and they are all special beings. They are naturally bred by this world. They can have eternal life after birth. There is no such definition of male and female, they are just divided. There are two branches, purple and cyan. Although they have unlimited lifespan, they are simple-minded and extremely exclusive. However, they are very friendly internally, just like family members. However, some tribesmen are lonely when they are alone, and they will behave like this. In order to maintain his character, Luo Yuan pretended to be depressed. Seeing this, Wu Lan took his hand and walked towards the palace. There was an invincible king named Tarasha. Luo Yuan was naturally not afraid of this person. , but he didn't want to have a direct conflict with the two venerables. If the main body was to be dispatched, there would be risks.

Luo Yuan followed Wulan to Tarasha. The king of the Kou tribe treated the two of them very kindly. She did not see Luo Yuan's fake identity and just let the two of them play freely. Seeing this, Luo Yuan Flying directly to the Palace of All Things in the palace, there is not only the third metal plate recording the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", but also the property that the Kou tribe has collected from countless strong men over hundreds of millions of years.

Luo Yuan's mental power swept through the Hall of All Things, and soon found the metal plate he wanted. However, he found that there was a mark of the Venerable on the metal plate. When his mental power scanned the mark, Wu A purple Kou venerable from the Kou tribe sensed it, and she directly went to find another venerable from the Kou tribe, and then teleported directly to the Hall of All Things where Luo Yuan's clone was.

Luo Yuan looked at the sudden appearance of the two sages of the Jikou tribe and was startled, but soon understood that it was one of the two sages who left a mark on the metal plate. The two sages looked at it. Luo Yuan, who still looked like Beto, said: "Outsiders still don't show their true colors!"

The corners of Luo Yuan's mouth curled up, and then he directly returned to the appearance of his clone. This transformation technique made the two sages of the Jikou tribe secretly amazed. In fact, they did not see through Luo Yuan's true identity at all. They just wanted to sit on the mountain in the first place. They are just making guesses about what the guest ordered them to do.

Luo Yuan's clone smiled and said: "As you two can see, I am Teacher Zuoshanke's new disciple. I also know that Teacher wants you to put me in an ice prison to train me, but it's a pity that I don't have the mood and time to accompany you. Play, you don’t need to act, now I give you a chance to be my soul slave, or you Kou tribe will disappear!”

The two venerables of the Jikou tribe were shocked at first when they heard Luo Yuan's words, and then burst out laughing. One of the cyan Jikou lords sneered: "You are just a mere king of immortals, and you actually said that we should be at the peak of our powers." You are worthy of His Holiness being your soul slave!”

Luo Yuan's body in Chaos City saw this. He directly started teleportation from the Kingdom of God and suddenly appeared in the Palace of All Things. He directly used 10081 times the perfect level of spiritual power to invade the depths of the souls of these two peak sages, destroying them with overwhelming force. Defend their souls and then enslave their souls. Luo Yuan knew that his time was limited, so he decided to fight quickly.

The two peak sages of the Jikou tribe were crushed by Luo Yuan's mental power, which was comparable to that of the top master of the universe, and were soon forcibly enslaved. They went from disdain to shock, fear, and then to 100% loyal surrender. , this process actually only happens in a fleeting moment.

Luo Yuan's body returned to Chaos City immediately after doing all this. There is still a big gap between his current body's actual combat power and the top master of the universe. It can be said that he cannot compare with the understanding of laws and secret methods. His mental power also relies on Only by accepting the complete inheritance of the Demonic Sound God General can we reach this point.

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(End of this chapter)

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