Chapter 187 Beast God Inheritance
  After the Lord of Chaos City applied for the Beast God inheritance order for Luo Yuan in the name of the Chaos King, a few days later, a team of messengers from the Hongmeng personally sent the Beast God inheritance order. Luo Yuan quickly passed his first clone through the Kingdom of God. Teleport to Chaos City, then receive the token, and finally transfer it to the main body.

After Luo Yuan's first avatar received the Beast God Inheritance Order, he continued to return to the battlefield outside the territory to lead the Kingdom of God's legions in battle, earning a lot of military merit. The second avatar took two Beast God Inheritance Orders and took the fastest spaceship to go to the inheritance. Because the inheritance place of the Ancestral God Religion is very far away, it would take Luo Yuan almost ten years to take a spaceship.

While Luo Yuan's second avatar was traveling among the stars, Luo Yuan's real body was practicing the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" in Chaos City. His third level should be completed by the time the avatar arrives at the destination.

Time is like water, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye,
  "Master, master, the place of inheritance is coming soon, please be prepared!" the smart minibus controlling the spacecraft suddenly reminded.

Luo Yuan's second clone slowly opened his eyes, and he said: "Start 100% panoramic simulation!"


Everything in the spacecraft suddenly disappeared, revealing the scene outside. Luo Yuan saw the black wind covering hundreds of millions of kilometers, like a long python. It was really weird that wind could appear in space. Luo Yuan checked Hongmeng According to the information in the book, I learned that the inheritance place of the Ancestral God Religion is in the "Ancestral Mystery Realm". This is an extremely dangerous secret realm of the universe, where even the Lord of the Universe may be trapped and unable to get out.

The "Ancestral Mystery Realm" is about 1.6 million light-years in diameter. There is a protective belt formed by endless black whirlwinds on its periphery, but it is like a nightmare for adventurers, because even the Lord of the Universe is involved in this whirlwind. They may all be strangled into nothingness.

Luo Yuan teleported directly out of the spaceship, then put the spacecraft away, and then teleported again, spanning thousands of light years, to the interior of the ancestral mysterious realm, but he did not see the location of the inheritance place, and his mind was spinning. Suddenly, he took out a Beast God inheritance token, and then the Beast God lines on the token lit up.


Suddenly there was a burst of space fluctuations, and the space where Luo Yuan was was began to distort, and then a very beautiful illusion appeared in front of him. Then Luo Yuan shouted expressionlessly: "Come out, don't use such low-level illusions." Showing off in front of me!"

"Yes, you are much better than those idiots who came before!"

Suddenly an eight-meter-tall emerald-colored rock god appeared. Luo Yuan saw that it was from the 'Feicang tribe', a kind of rock life with a human-like appearance, just like a stone man. Judging from the radiance emitted by this person The aura is likely to be that of a high-ranking venerable.

The Feicang Clan venerable looked at Luo Yuan carefully, and then said: "Human, I am the leader of the Ancestral God Sect. There is no problem with the Beast God inheritance order in your hand, and you are qualified to enter the inheritance place. Come with me! "

Luo Yuan heard this and said: "Wait a minute, I want to ask, are there many people from non-human races who come here with the inheritance order of the Beast God?"

The Venerable Feicang Clan gave Luo Yuan a strange look and said: "The creatures who come here naturally carry the inheritance order of the beast god." Luo Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this, and then said: "If I rob them outside this ancestral mysterious realm, Is that possible?"

Hearing this, the Venerable Feicang Clan sneered and said: "Greedy boy, as long as you don't enter the mystical realm of my ancestors, we don't care what happens between you, but I still advise you to give up this idea and carry the inheritance of the beast god with you. The people who come here are all top talents from various ethnic groups, and you may not be able to defeat them."

Luo Yuan did not take the Feicang clan's venerable admonition seriously, but continued to ask: "If I have more than two Beast God inheritance orders, can I accept several inheritances at the same time?"

When the Venerable Feicang Clan heard Luo Yuan's words, his attitude immediately cooled down. He felt that the boy in front of him was here to entertain him. Not only did he want to obtain more than two Beast God Inheritance Orders, but he also said that he wanted to obtain different Beast Gods. Inheritance, this has been tried before, but failed without exception, and the opportunity was wasted.

But as the guide, the Venerable Feicang Clan still said: "Your idea is not feasible. Each Beast God Inheritance Token can only be used once. If you want to use other Beast God Inheritance Tokens, you must come out and enter the ancestral mysterious realm again. That’s it, it’s equivalent to deleting your account and starting over with a new one.”

Luo Yuan's heart moved, and it turned out to be feasible. He decided to go out and guard the foreign geniuses who came here, and steal their Beast God inheritance orders. Then he would learn how to integrate the laws of the eight Beast Gods, and he could also work with them. Those inheritors inside fight in the virtual world to pick up attributes. If they work on both sides, then his path to law fusion will fly by.

After thinking about this, Luo Yuan teleported directly and returned to the outside of the black whirlwind. This is the outermost edge of the "Ancestral Mystery Realm" and the only way for those inheritors to enter. Luo Yuan directly used Space The secret body melts into the void and disappears into the void. He planned to specifically attack the kings of the foreign race, not to kill them, but to directly enslave them with the soul secret method. This would produce the least noise and the highest efficiency. As for those cosmic lords, forget it, unless the main body is dispatched.

Next, Luo Yuan waited and waited while understanding the fusion of laws. It took him nearly a hundred years to collect eight different Beast God inheritance orders, and there were thousands of identical and repeated Beast God inheritance orders. , he piled them all in the temple of the main kingdom, waiting to be dealt with later. As a result, he gained more than a thousand slaves of foreign souls who were close to the invincible strength of the king. These slaves were all the top talents of each foreign ethnic group.

Luo Yuan stopped when he saw that he was good, and quickly took out a beast god inheritance order representing "gold and space" and entered the "ancestral mysterious realm". He saw the "Colorful Aurora Lake" protected by the laws of the universe. Every lake in this lake Aurora could seriously injure a cosmic lord, and soon he was led by the guide to Bauhinia Island, where the inheritors were staying. There were actually more than 100 million inheritors living on it.

Luo Yuan looked at these densely packed inheritors as if he were seeing countless experience babies. He was lucky enough to meet the guardian beast god who had just returned, and was granted permission to enter various forbidden areas. There are three main places here. They are quite special, namely the 'Land of Inheritance', 'Land of Treasures', and 'Land of Secrets'. However, what Luo Yuan really cares about is the virtual world where he can fight other inheritors - the "Glory World". This world will be A good place for him to pick up attribute values.

As a newcomer, Luo Yuan went to the 'Place of Inheritance' to experience it. This place can be used as a place to break through. As long as he reaches a limit for each level of the fusion law, and then goes here to let the law operate again, he can quickly reach it. In the next level, all the inheritors here are stuck in the accumulation of understanding of the fusion law. Luo Yuan has a system to pick up the insights of other inheritors and reduce the time.

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(End of this chapter)

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