Chapter 189 Declaration of War
  "Millennium? Then you should be very familiar with this place. Can you introduce me to the group where Hongmeng members belong?" Luo Yuan raised his glass to the Blue Jade King.

King Sapphire licked the wine stains at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Of course, we are all human beings and we should help each other here. But I am more interested in you. I just checked and you are ranked fourth. Among the powerful people on the list, I have only reached the second level after practicing for so many years. I have never heard of such an outstanding human genius like you before."

The corner of Luo Yuan's mouth curled up slightly when he heard this, and vigilance flashed in his eyes. He felt that the woman in front of him was a little dangerous, and she could find out so much during the first meeting, but he still said calmly: "I am a low-key person, and I like to speak in a low voice. With great wealth, those who like to show off everywhere tend to die quickly, am I right?"

King Lan Yu heard Luo Yuan's words, pursed his lips, and then nodded a little funny. According to conventional logic, Luo Yuan's words were not wrong, but it was too abnormal for someone to be so low-key that no one knew him. She became interested in the man in front of her and prepared to take a closer look.

"In this case, I will take you to meet other Hongmeng members now. The more dangerous the environment is, the more everyone should stick together as a team, and they will also welcome you."

After King Lan Yu said this, he stood up and took Luo Yuan deep into the crowd.

Soon, they arrived at a corner of the open square.

"That's where we usually get together." King Lan Yu pointed at a small group and said. Luo Yuan looked up and saw that there were almost a thousand people chatting happily not far away. Judging from their appearance, they were indeed Hong Kong people. There are some ethnic groups recorded in the alliance's data, but they are still mostly humans.

"There are not many people, but the momentum is very strong!" Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Because we are all the best elites of Hongmeng." King Lanyu said confidently.

Luo Yuan nodded. Those who can be given the Beast God Inheritance Order by Hongmeng are indeed the top geniuses of the human race. However, each person can only have one chance, and the chance is slim. You must know that King Zhenyan in Chaos City is invincible as the king. A strong man, even after hundreds of millions of years, has not been given a Beast God inheritance order by the higher-ups of the ethnic group. In the end, it was Luo Feng who handed over the one he got to him in order to have the opportunity to come to this place of inheritance to accept the Beast God inheritance.

Of course, the Beast God Inheritance Token that Luo Feng was supposed to get is now in Luo Yuan's hands, but it doesn't matter. Luo Yuan has a bunch of useless Beast God Inheritance Tokens in his hand now. He can let the main body in Chaos City to those kings and kings. The venerables exchanged, and the harvest must be beyond imagination.

Luo Yuan walked towards the inheritors of the Hongmeng League under the leadership of King Lanyu. The members of the Hongmeng League welcomed Luo Yuan's arrival. After all, they were all in the same camp and their strength was at least as high as the Peak King. , Luo Yuan quickly integrated into this group and got to know many powerful people from the human race.

By talking to these Hongmeng members, Luo Yuan learned that there are only a few thousand Hongmeng elites on Bauhinia Island, because the inheritance order of the Ancestral God Sect is distributed equally based on the number of ethnic groups, and the number of Hongmeng ethnic groups is Not many, but each ethnic group is a powerful ethnic group with the master of the universe, and they follow the elite route, so they are at a disadvantage in obtaining inheritance opportunities, but every inheritor of Hongmeng is definitely the elite of the elite.

What’s interesting is that in this world of glory, many powerful alien races intend to suppress the power of the human race, so they neither challenge the human race nor accept the challenge of the human race. This makes the inheritors of the human race unable to obtain more glory points. There are no glory points. , you cannot exchange for inheritance opportunities, which causes the human beast god inheritance line to become weaker and weaker.

Every newcomer who enters the world of glory has 3 glory points. The minimum bet for each battle is 1 glory point. Only every 100 glory points accumulated can be exchanged for an inheritance opportunity.

After Luo Yuan found out, he frowned. He came here to fight and gain glory points. He was not in a hurry. He mainly wanted to challenge those alien races and pick up the attributes of the fusion law. If these alien races didn't accept the challenge, how could he pick up the attributes? Value, you must know that a new glory point will be born every epoch. "This is not possible. Those alien races obviously intend to suppress the human race. They neither challenge the human race nor accept the challenge. It seems that I have to think of some damaging moves!" Luo Yuan touched his chin and said to himself.

Luo Yuan looked at the tens of millions of powerful foreigners in the open-air square. Suddenly, an idea occurred to him. He actually used the secret technique of space and flashed to the sky above the square. He stood in the void and looked down at all the powerful people below. People, whether it was Hongmeng or other groups, noticed Luo Yuan's strange behavior and looked at the sky strangely.

Although fighting is not allowed in the open-air square, there are no restrictions on other behaviors. Although King Lan Yu and other human kings do not know what Luo Yuan is going to do, posing like this in front of countless powerful people in the universe is provocative in itself, so Lan Yu Wang was still sending messages to Luo Yuan, asking him to come down.

Luo Yuan ignored the message transmitted by Blue Jade King and others, but relied on his strong mental power to transmit his words to the ears of every foreign race.

"You foreign bastards, I am the Dark Lord of the Hongmeng human race and the inheritor of the fourth level beast god. I declare war on you today. I am not looking down on anyone. I just want to say that everyone here is rubbish! If you are unhappy, you can challenge me. If I don’t dare, then I can only say that you are worse than trash!”

As soon as Luo Yuan finished speaking, all the inheritors of the Beast God present were shocked and dumbfounded. Immediately, countless inheritors of foreign races were about to be furious. They were so blatantly provoked by a mere king of the human race. Their eyes breathed fire. , each one roared angrily, wanting to fly up and tear Luo Yuan into pieces, but they did not dare to violate the rules of the Ancestral God Sect, otherwise they would be killed on the spot.

"Human boy, you've angered me. You're too arrogant. I, King Qing Mantai, am going to cut him into pieces!" a Zerg king shouted.

"I, the Silver Wolf King, have come to challenge him too, to let the humans know how powerful my demon clan is!" a demon clan royal, the Heavenly Wolf King, roared angrily.

"Add me, I, the Iron Wall King, will crush him with this steel body!" A king of the mechanical tribe also said angrily.


The crowned kings in the Hongmeng group looked at Luo Yuan in the sky with complicated eyes. They didn't know what to say. This newcomer was so fierce. They didn't know whether to say that he was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, or that he was completely afraid of tigers. Not understanding the situation, even the Blue Jade King who introduced Luo Yuan murmured to himself: "Didn't he say that he has always been low-key and likes to make a fortune in silence? Why did he suddenly declare war on all the inheritors of the alien race, and his words were still... So arrogant, this character will be ruined."

Luo Yuan didn't care what the people in Hongmeng thought. He opened his black book and found that the number of invitation letters from foreign races challenging him had reached more than one million in a short period of time, and it was still climbing. From the third level of inheritance There are inheritors from level 7 to level 7, but Luo Yuan only accepts invitations from inheritors of the fourth level and above the king-level alien beast gods. No matter what kind of beast god inheritance they are, for him, these alien king-level inheritors will be It's the kind of thing he would do to a baby and make him cry for the rest of his life after just one punch.

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(End of this chapter)

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