Chapter 197 Snatching the World Tree

After Luo Yuan's true body returned to Chaos City, he controlled the clone to take the two alien sages into the clone's kingdom of God. Luo Yuan was not very satisfied with these two sages. He planned to treat these two sages as his own. He used it as cannon fodder, but he didn't expect that the two creatures he met randomly in this mysterious ancestral realm were the Venerables, and they were also Venerables carrying top-notch treasures.

In this ancestral mysterious realm, this venerable person and treasure can be seen everywhere. Luo Yuan shook his head. He couldn't stay here for a long time. He used his divine power to form a giant hand and took out all the space hearts in the space cracks. By the way, he took out these five-color hearts. All the Five Elements Law divine water in the pool was drained, and then the divine water was sealed and stored in the temple of the main body.

In addition to condensing the heart of space, this Five Elements Law Divine Water can also be used to help those peak world masters better understand the power of the law, which can increase their chances of breaking through immortality by more than 90%. In other words, as long as they are a peak world master After using this Five Elements Divine Water, it is only a matter of time before he can achieve immortality.

After finishing the matter here, Luo Yuan felt that he took out the G-class spaceship, and then took the spaceship towards the destination of this trip, a remote place in Jiuyou Time and Space, where the World Trees gathered. He kept on After traveling through the space wormhole, I discovered the pattern of the route, and then moved towards the depths.

A month later, Luo Yuan's spaceship finally arrived at Jiuyou Time and Space. This place is actually an endless stretch of dark sea water, and then the sea water is just floating with several islands. Don't look at this time and space, which is usually calm. In fact, whether it is sea water or islands, There are countless terrifying creatures living in Xanadu.

These creatures are extremely powerful, and only a special group of life with the combat power of the Lord of the Universe can occupy an island, so every island represents at least one Lord of the Universe. This is a nightmare place for countless inheritors, and few The inheritors dare to come here to obtain treasures because they are looking for death.

Luo Yuan also discovered the corpses of many inheritors along the way. Each of them was beyond recognition. It can be seen how brutally they were killed. There are only nine world trees in total, five at the world lord level, three at the immortal level, and one The Venerable level, and the strongest Venerable level World Tree has strength comparable to the Lord of the Universe, so they can live on a small island after all.

The World Tree is a magical and special life. Its genetic level is thousands of times that of humans. You must know that the genetic level of the golden-horned behemoth, as the pinnacle group, is only 10 times that of humans. This shows the talents of these World Trees. How powerful they are, and they are naturally good at the way of time and space, and their understanding of the laws of time and space is much easier than other races.

However, such a heaven-defying ability also destined the reproduction of this World Tree to be extremely difficult. After countless epochs, there were only nine trees, and eight of them were specially cultivated because the Venerable-level World Tree was too lonely. A seedling, it can be said that they have a father-son relationship. Even if they harm one of the World Lord-level World Trees, they will be hunted down by the Venerable-level World Tree.

Luo Yuan, because that Venerable World Tree has the power of the Lord of the Universe, he decided to use the two alien Venerables he had previously obtained and which of the top space treasures could trap the enemy, even if this time these two Both the Venerable and Luo Yuan's clone were sacrificed. As long as he could bring those World Trees into the Kingdom of God, he would have made a profit.

With a thought, Luo Yuan directly summoned the two alien junior cosmic sages who had become soul slaves from the Kingdom of God, handed them one of their top space treasures, and then ordered them to deal with the respectable man. In order to avoid the loss of the top treasure, Luo Yuan directly marked the divine power of the world tree on it. As long as his body has a thought, he can instantly bring this object into the Kingdom of God.

Whether it is Luo Yuan's clone or the secret pattern armor worn by the clone, there are divine marks left by the original body. However, if the enemy is too powerful and cannot complete the teleportation, it may be destroyed directly and even threaten the original body. The safety of the Kingdom of God, so Luo Yuan has always used the Kingdom of God of clones and the Kingdom of God with hundreds of immortal servants as the transit point.

This would be equivalent to adding hundreds of safety locks to one's divine kingdom teleportation. In addition, Luo Yuan's mental power transmission speed is comparable to that of the peak master of the universe. Even a strong man like the Lord of Chaos City cannot find his own divine body. Where the country is, as long as the strongest person in the universe does not take action, Luo Yuan can be said to be very stable. After the two noble slaves of the alien race received the order, even though they knew that they were likely to become cannon fodder and be killed by the World Tree with the power of the master of the universe, they would still execute their master's instructions meticulously as soul slaves. command, so they and Luo Yuan's clone quietly moved towards the island where the World Tree is located.

Luo Yuan and the three of them all used the venerable space secret method to merge into the void. Luo Yuan even activated the copy change talent secret method picked up from Luo Feng's Demon Killer Clan clone, turning it into a piece of grass for one of his alien venerable slaves to bring. Then, when the two slaves of the alien lords were about to approach the world tree, the venerable world tree that was good at the laws of time and space discovered the figures of the two alien lords.

"Damn alien race, why do you frequently disturb me while I'm resting? You're looking for death!"

Just listen to the angry roar of the venerable world tree, and then the huge tree vines attack the two alien venerable slaves. Upon seeing this, one of the venerable slaves quickly burned his divine body to activate the top treasure in his hand, and then this spherical The top treasure immediately grew in size and enveloped the island where the World Tree was located. The powerful force of space law suppression spread, and the time and space where the nine World Trees were located was frozen for a while.

Another foreign venerable slave quickly projected the grass transformed from Luo Yuan's clone into the island where the World Tree is located. Which top space treasure has been refined by Luo Yuan, so his clone will not be dispersed by it. Affected by the power of space freezing, but to be sure, the grass Luo Yuan turned into fell on the island and immediately became exactly the same as other grass.

Even if the World Tree, which possesses the power of the Lord of the Universe, suspects that Luo Yuan has turned into a grass, it is impossible for him to immediately discover that the grass is Luo Yuan. The roots of all the grasses transformed by Luo Yuan drill directly from the soil. out, and then quickly ran towards the other eight World Trees.

"Master, please hurry up, we can't hold on any longer!"

The two slaves of the Lord are burning the divine body to activate the top treasure, which is completely consuming their lives, but the World Tree with the power of the Lord of the Universe is not so easy to deal with. It is trying its best to use the power of the laws of time and space to resist. The restraint of this top-notch treasure also accelerated the consumption of the divine bodies of the two venerable slaves. In just a few seconds, the divine body of one of the venerable slaves burned out and died.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan quickly used the Divine Kingdom Teleportation to move the eight World Trees one by one into the main Divine Kingdom, and tightly bound them with the Divine Kingdom's Laws and Divine Chains.

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(End of this chapter)

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