I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 203 Meeting of the Gods, Shura Field of the Strongest

Chapter 203 Meeting of the Gods, Shura Field of the Strongest
  When Luo Feng heard what Venerable Guiyi said, he smiled and nodded at Luo Yuan's third clone. Luo Yuan also nodded in response, but his expression was dull and a little cold. This is the personality of his third clone. The Lord of Chaos City gave him a forged identity as the Lord's Vest, and he didn't know how to operate it.

A few people quickly walked into the Mountain of the Gods. There were many people here, including thousands of venerables, and more and more people gathered. These were the top fighting forces of the human race, and there were so many of them.


A roar sounded on the Mountain of the Gods, and all the human venerable-level experts present looked up at the sky. Then they saw clouds all over the sky. There was a celestial palace inside, which looked magnificent. That was the "Palace of Gods". The huge door of the palace opened, and a mighty and majestic voice came out.

"All powerful human beings, enter the palace!"


In an instant, all the venerables disappeared, and the next moment they were teleported into the main hall, and the two huge doors were quickly closed.

There is an extremely huge round table in the temple, with carvings of the sun, moon and stars on it, which looks lifelike. The round table is surrounded by densely packed thrones, some large and some small. This reminds Luo Yuan of the "Round Table Conference".

Luo Yuan was sitting on a 10-meter-wide throne at this time. He directly expanded his body to fit the size of this huge throne. His hands could just be placed on the armrests. On the back of his throne was written "Yuan Yuan". The word "hua".

At a glance, Luo Yuan saw that they were all thrones, with powerful human beings such as Venerables and above sitting on them. All major decisions of mankind are made by these people. It can be said that they are the real controllers of the human race.

In addition to the junior and senior cosmic lords, there are also cosmic overlords like the Lord of the Eclipse Palace and the Immortal Venerable, as well as the lords of the universe on the highest throne. These are all giants from the five major forces of mankind. Luo Yuan also I saw a giant man who looked like a savage sitting on the 1000-meter-wide black throne at the top, and there was a carving of a giant ax on the throne.

The giant man smiled and said to the Lord of Chaos City who was sitting on the golden throne next to him: "Chaos, those two new guys are Luo Yuan and Luo Feng. They are both very outstanding talents, especially this Luo Feng." Yuan has reached the realm of the Lord of the Universe in just tens of thousands of years. This is still his clone, and the original body is as strong as it should be, but it’s just too, well, too stable.”

The founder of Giant Ax, the strongest man in the universe, originally wanted to say that Luo Yuan was too cautious, but he felt that this was wrong and changed his mind to say that he was too steady.

The Lord of Chaos City smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and he also sent a message back: "Maybe it was the incident with my former disciple Kedi that made him so cautious, but that's okay, it's better to be careful, after all, those aliens Guys don't like to follow rules. Luo Yuan does grow up too fast, but I still admire his state of mind, neither arrogant nor impetuous."

The founder of the giant ax nodded. He looked at Luo Yuan for a while. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became. This man might be able to carry the banner of mankind in the future, and they would also be able to reduce a lot of pressure.

For those powerful people who are Lord of the Universe and above, others can only see a roughly blurred appearance, and those people's conversations cannot be heard by the powerful people at the Venerable level, so Luo Yuan has no way of knowing that he has been killed by the most powerful person in the universe. The founder of Strong Ax is paying attention.

"It's almost time. Let's begin this human supreme meeting. Chaos, you will preside over it this time." The founder of the giant ax said.

The Lord of Chaos City nodded after hearing this.    ………

"Ahem, be quiet!" The gentle and majestic voice of the Lord of Chaos City came out, and everyone present fell silent.

"Everyone knows that every time the highest meeting of mankind is held, it will have a huge connection with the future of the human race. This meeting is held because the primitive star will be opened. We need to go there to fight for the treasure for the human race. You can also fight for the human race. Obtain contributions, this will be a cruel fight between the universe groups, I hope everyone can be prepared."

As soon as the words of the Lord of Chaos City came out, all the Venerable Lords were shocked. Some people were excited, and some were full of worries. Not everyone likes the Venerable Lord who has supreme rights and unlimited lifespan. If you go to fight, if you fall, all your efforts will be in vain.

A light screen appeared in front of all the powerful men present. Luo Yuan searched for information about the original stars on the light screen. There were 10081 original stars in total. They were at the core of the original universe and had been orbiting the origin of the universe. Where? Every time you open it, there will be a large number of important treasures and treasures, but they are also full of fatal crises.

This primitive star is the most mysterious place in the universe. In fact, it can also be regarded as a kind of secret realm, and it is also the top secret realm in the primitive universe. It usually only opens once in a long time, and each time it is opened, it lasts for a thousand epochs. In this Within a period of time, you can wander around as you like, but if you don't come out when it's closed, you can only be directly annihilated into nothingness by the laws of the universe, even the strongest person in the universe.

Every time the Primordial Star is opened, it will attract hundreds of millions of ethnic groups to send strong men above the Universe Venerable level to snatch treasures. Heavy treasures can be found everywhere, and there are even many treasures. The top combat power of these billions of ethnic groups will fight crazily for the treasures. , this is not only for oneself, but also for the ethnic group to which it belongs. It can be said to be the Shura field of the strongest.

For example, the battlefield outside the territory is where the powerful people below the Venerables of billions of ethnic groups fight, and the primitive star is the place where the powerful people above the Venerables fight. Even the Lord of the Universe may fall. This will be a battle between billions of ethnic groups. The killing feast of peak combat power is very cruel, but it also drives countless strong men crazy.

If you grab any treasures, you can keep them yourself, or you can give unnecessary treasures to the clan to gain contribution points, and then exchange them for any treasures owned by the clan. There will be no limit.

Luo Yuan looked at the information that appeared on the light screen, and his eyes couldn't help but shine with excitement. For him, what he sent was just a clone. Even if he sacrificed it, he could recreate it, but this time the feast for the treasure belongs to everyone. The carnival of the top powerhouses of billions of ethnic groups in the universe, as long as it is done well, can bring endless benefits. He can even take advantage of the opportunity to obtain a large number of alien lord-level soul slaves to enhance the strength of his Kingdom of God legion.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the top human warriors sharpening their swords below and said with a smile: "There are still ten years until the Primordial Star is launched. In ten years, our human race will send troops to the Primordial Star!"

As the words of the Lord of Chaos City fell, this human supreme meeting also ended.

There were still ten years before the original star was opened. Luo Yuan decided to go to the Yan Divine Clan to find his second senior brother, Emperor Yan, to see if he could get the original soul. Even if not, he could order more soul beads. This was extremely powerful. A treasure that greatly improves the soul power of the people on earth, and then goes to the primitive star to get some precious materials. He wants to build the strongest standard battle armor for his Legion of God.

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(End of this chapter)

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