Chapter 208 The Peak Treasure
  On the original star No. 1207, the eternal glacier in the north has collapsed into pieces, and the surrounding icebergs have been flattened. The terrifying power of destruction is raging everywhere. It can be seen that a great war has just occurred here.
  Luo Yuan, who transformed into a super giant, was stepping on an ice dragon that was ten thousand feet long. This ice dragon was a direct member of the Dragon Clan, one of the demon royal families, and a super strong man at the level of the overlord of the universe. But at this time, its two The dragon's horns had been broken off by Luo Yuan, and even the divine body had been beaten to the ground by Luo Yuan, leaving less than half of it.

Luo Yuan lowered his head and looked down at the ice dragon at his feet. The mighty divine power crushed him down. He shot out more than a dozen divine chains of laws from his hand to wrap around the ice dragon and pull it into the prison of the clone kingdom. After doing this, Luo Yuan The divine body shrank rapidly and soon returned to its normal size.

Just as Luo Yuan was preparing to hunt the next overlord of the universe, he suddenly sensed an extremely powerful aura of law. Based on his experience in grabbing treasures on the primitive star over the years, this was the birth of a treasure, and it was not an ordinary treasure.

"Could it be a top-level treasure?" Luo Yuan thought to himself, with a smile on his face. He had been fighting on this primitive star for a hundred years, but he had yet to grab a top-level treasure. He could sense that he was not far away from this aura, so he directly Burning divine power, rush towards the place where the breath is emanating.

There are many strong men like Luo Yuan who are attracted by the powerful aura of the treasure being born. The treasure is something that the Lord of the Universe will snatch away when he sees it. The Lords of the Universe are like mosquitoes after smelling the sweet blood. They went there one after another.

call out!call out!call out!
  The figures turned into streams of light across the sky. Luo Yuan's body was wrapped with golden electric snakes, cutting through the void like thunder. He flew over the mountains and forests, flew over the wasteland, and finally stopped in the sky above a swamp.


Luo Yuan looked at the swamp below which was emitting powerful aura fluctuations and smiled. There was a huge black sword hilt appearing in the dark and sticky swamp water. It looked as big as a huge mountain, and this The black sword is still floating upward. It is obvious that it has not been fully born yet, and the sword body is still buried in the swamp.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from the black sword hilt, Luo Yuan felt like he had seen this thing before. He quickly asked the smart minibus to search the database, and soon he found the information about this black sword. The black sword turned out to be a component of the legendary top treasure 'Sword Heluo'.

It turns out that a sword tomb appeared in the dangerous area where the masters of the universe were fighting over the original star. From this sword tomb came out several common treasures and a top-level treasure, including a compass and a divine sword, and the remaining eight divine swords. The sword is missing, and this top treasure is Jianhe Luo. It is the top level in the field, and its attack power is comparable to the top treasure. It consists of two parts: the compass and the nine-handled divine sword.

The compass alone is an ordinary treasure, and the other nine divine swords are also treasures. But as long as these nine divine swords and the compass are fused, once activated, they can turn into a sword river field, and even the overlord of the universe can kill with one move. If The nine swords combined into one are extremely powerful and can kill the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Yuan stared at the black giant sword that was slowly rising in the swamp below, and felt excited. If he could collect all the swords He Luo, then this weapon that was comparable to the ultimate treasure would become his most powerful killing move. If he had it, , then wouldn’t his true nature kill the Lords of the Universe like chopping melons and vegetables?

Now Luo Yuan is the first to come to this swamp land, but this black divine sword has obviously not been fully released yet. He needs to wait, but the sages of other forces will not give him time.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Several streaks of light came quickly, and their figures quickly solidified. They appeared as rock giants with golden flames burning all over their bodies. There were already several strong men with many wings. These people were obviously strong men from the Hell Clan. “Hahaha, it’s really a treasure!”

The rock giant laughed, but he found Luo Yuan standing quietly in the air and felt strange that this human being came so early, why didn't he snatch the treasure immediately? He didn't think much about it, but secretly guarded Luo Yuan, and then directly let a man A subordinate of a high-level Venerable Realm went to draw the black sword, but of course he returned without success.

Luo Yuan looked at this scene with a sneer. He saw that half of the black divine sword had emerged from the sword. He ducked into the swamp. The divine body immediately changed and reached the size of a million kilometers. This size was also suitable for him to draw the sword and stepped on it. The black swamp did not even cover the insteps of his feet.

Under Luo Yuan's huge divine body that was a million kilometers in size, the divine body of the Hell Tribe's Venerable was like an ant. Luo Yuan directly crushed the divine body of the Hell Tribe's high-level Venerable with one foot, and then stretched out his right hand to hold the black divine sword. The hilt of the sword, and then activated the powerful divine power to pull out the divine sword. The divine sword seemed to be connected with the swamp. With Luo Yuan's movements, the entire swamp was also shaking.

Seeing this, the rock giant of the Hell Tribe snorted coldly, but he did not dare to stop Luo Yuan's behavior because he knew that Luo Yuan was stronger than him. All he could do now was to spread the news of the birth of this treasure to his own tribe. Let them send the top universe overlords to snatch it.

Soon these high-ranking sages of the Hell Tribe received a message from the strong men of the tribe, asking them to hold Luo Yuan back so that Luo Yuan could not successfully take away the divine sword. This order made these high-ranking sages frown. But they had to obey the orders from the top of the clan, so they could only bite the bullet and launch an attack on Luo Yuan.

Several high-ranking sages of the Hell Clan directly released their divine bodies, but even if they transformed their divine bodies to the maximum, they were still like ants in front of Luo Yuan's huge divine body. They launched attacks against Luo Yuan's divine body, just like a mantis using its arms as a chariot. As a result, they simply burned the divine body and rushed towards Luo Yuan's divine body with a suicide attack.

Luo Yuan turned his head and looked at the ant-like Hell Clan Venerables at his feet. His eyes were cold. He was burning his divine power to draw his sword, but these clowns kept harassing him. Their attacks were very harmful to Luo Yuan. It wasn't painful or itchy, but Luo Yuan still raised his giant foot and stepped on these prison clan sages into the swamp, crushed them, and then shot out the divine chain of laws in his hand to pull them into the prison of the Kingdom of God.

Just when Luo Yuan thought he could safely draw his sword, two more teams flew over. With a sweep of his mental power, he knew they were from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. But at this time, the tip of the black divine sword was about to be drawn out. They came over. Seeing this, the foreign sages were all anxious, because Luo Yuan was about to pull out the divine sword completely.

The Northern Xinjiang Alliance is the alliance with the largest number of ethnic groups in the universe, and the composition of its members is also the most diverse, with varying strengths. However, it is obvious that those who came this time are elites. Their eyes shined when they looked at the black divine sword, and the leader, the Venerable, even more He directly recognized the origin of the divine sword. He quickly passed on the information, and then looked at Luo Yuan, who had a huge divine body, with a solemn expression. He didn't know what to do for a while.

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(End of this chapter)

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