I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 210 The Lord of the Universe Arrives

Chapter 210 The Lord of the Universe Arrives

The confrontation between Luo Yuan's world-destroying divine light and the Qixue Palace Master's Qixue Spear were evenly matched, which stunned the venerables watching the battle from a distance. The Qixue Palace Master is a long-known top cosmic overlord. In addition, the comprehensive strength of the three treasures he possesses is comparable to that of the junior universe master, so he was sent by the universe master of the Northern Territory Alliance to snatch the black divine sword.

But Luo Yuan, as a newcomer, was on par with the master of Qixue Palace. At this moment, Luo Yuan's third avatar was paid serious attention by the powerful people above the Venerable. There was even the Lord of the Universe who was collecting information about "Yuan Hua". It is a pity that the information about Luo Yuan's third clone is top secret in the Human Alliance, and those powerful people can only find out the information forged by the Lord of Chaos City for him.

Only smart people can see that the information about Luo Yuan's clone seems to be very perfunctory, so they did not find any valuable information, but this is also the reason why those foreign senior officials are particularly interested in the information about "Venerable Yuanhua". focus on.

Luo Yuan and Qixue Palace Master were still fighting in the sky above the original star. As time went by, Qixue Palace Master felt more and more strenuous. Luo Yuan's avatar was formed by condensing the divine power of his own body. Whether it was The purity of divine power and the reserve of divine power are comparable to those of a medium-sized universe lord, but they just fail to catch up in terms of law understanding and equipment.

During the battle between Qixue Palace Master and Luo Yuan, his divine power was severely depleted. The original star could not replenish his divine power due to the suppression of the rules, so the more he fought, the less confident he became. Luo Yuan's clone also robbed some treasures along the way. , there are many high-level treasures among them, especially when the God-Slaying Dagger comes out, Qixue Palace Master has to avoid its edge.

"Thirteen Blood Spear Styles!"

The Lord of the Qixue Palace shouted loudly, and his Qixue Spear immediately separated the phantoms of the blood spears in the air. In an instant, it covered the sky, blocking out the sun, and they were densely packed. Luo Yuan raised his head and looked at the countless blood spears suspended in the void. He immediately took out a triangular pyramidal treasure.

This was what Luo Yuan snatched from the ice dragon with the power of the universe's overlord in the Eternal Glacier. It was a high-level defensive treasure. Luo Yuan dodged directly into the triangular vertebral body, and at the next moment countless blood-colored spears shot towards He came to attack, but when these spears struck the surface of the triangular vertebral body, their attacks were blocked.

Qixue Palace Master couldn't help frowning when he saw it. He felt Luo Yuan's difficulty, so he directly applied to the Lord of the Universe to capture Luo Yuan. In order to hold Luo Yuan back, Qixue Palace Master did not hesitate to burn his divine body and fight with Luo Yuan again. Fighting together.

Luo Yuan saw the abnormal behavior of the Qixue Palace Master, and he guessed that this guy might have called the Lord of the Universe, but the original star could not teleport, nor could it be teleported to the Kingdom of God, so Luo Yuan's body had to go to Chaos City. Chaos Ruins approached the Lord of Chaos City and asked him to send his avatar from the original universe to the original star for assistance.

The Lord of Chaos City also realized the seriousness of the problem, especially after knowing that one of Jianhe Luo's black divine swords fell into Luo Yuan's hands, he could not let the divine sword be snatched away by the alien lord of the universe, which would be a blow to the human race. Huge threat.

"Hahaha, human boy, I admit that you are indeed very powerful, but soon the Lord of our universe will come. When the time comes, not only will you obediently hand over the divine sword, but you will also have to keep your life!" Palace Master Qixue sneered.

Luo Yuan curled his lips when he heard this. His clone was destroyed. At worst, he could just build another one. However, the treasures he had robbed on the primitive star over the years and the tens of thousands of prisoners of alien lords were wasted, so he went directly to find The Lord of Chaos City came to support him. As long as the Lord of Chaos City arrived, these chickens and dogs could not stop him.

Luo Yuan's body cannot come to this primitive star, because once he appears, it may cause the siege of the peak universe masters of the alien race, and even the strongest people in the universe will take action to kill him. After all, Luo Yuan's talent is too terrifying. Putting himself in danger for some treasures is inconsistent with his stable character.


Suddenly, a huge figure walked out of the vortex above the primitive star, and then stood on the swamp in a flash.

The visitor has red scales all over his body, two long sharp horns on his forehead, and a blood-red eye between his eyebrows. He is over a thousand kilometers tall. Although he is much smaller than Luo Yuan and Qixue Palace Master, he is The aura contained in this person was much stronger than anyone present. Everything around him seemed to be covered and restrained by an invisible field. All the lords of the universe felt a very strong oppression. Everyone was shocked. Even Luo Yuan and Qixue Palace Master, who were fighting, stopped what they were doing and looked at the person blankly.

"Oh my God, it's actually the Lord of the Universe who has arrived in person."

"What a terrible pressure. It's over. I can't escape now!"


All the Universe Lords present were thinking to themselves, but they did not dare to do anything, because the Lord of the Universe was indeed too powerful, although the Universe Overlord could have combat power comparable to that of an elementary Lord of the Universe when using high-level treasures. , but the Lord of the Universe also possesses a treasure. When they activate the treasure, the power they erupt is much stronger than that of the Overlord of the Universe.

In particular, the Lord of the Universe can control one side of time and space, and has absolute control over one side of time and space. No Lord of the Universe dares to challenge the Lord of the Universe. This is the power brought by the realm, and it is a privilege given to the Lord of the Universe by the original universe. This is also Luo The reason why the original body does not dare to wander around outside.

This space was controlled by this alien universe lord. The powerful binding power enveloped all the venerables present. No one dared to resist. Luo Yuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. This Chaos City Lord's Why hasn't the second clone come yet?

I saw the Lord of the Universe of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, who was called the Lord of the Overturned Demon by the Master of Qixue Palace, raised his eyes and glanced at all the venerables. He said slowly, "Okay, let me handle it next. , all irrelevant people should leave immediately!"

The other venerables were secretly happy when they heard the words. They were afraid that the Lord of the Universe would go on a killing spree as soon as he came. They immediately dispersed when they heard the words of the Lord of Demons, while several of the universe overlords of the Northern Territory Alliance were in front of Master Qixue Palace. Under the leadership of the leader, I felt like I was bowing respectfully to the Lord of Overthrowing Demons.

The Overlord of Demons glanced coldly at the divine body of Luo Yuan's third clone. He saw the black divine sword in Luo Yuan's hand, and a hint of joy appeared on his lips. When he was about to kill Luo Yuan directly and snatch the divine sword.


A terrifying wave similar to that of the Demon Lord suddenly came, directly breaking the restraining power of the Demon Lord. This was another Lord of the Universe arriving. The people present looked up and saw that it was a giant flame beast. , this is the Flame Star Behemoth, one of the twelve major bloodlines of the Star Behemoth Alliance.

"This, this is the Lord of Flame Star, why is it here?" Palace Master Qixue said in shock.

Luo Yuan was overjoyed when he saw this. It seemed that more than one Universe Master was interested in the Black Divine Sword, so he let them fight. When the Lord of Chaos City comes, they will have to calm down.

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(End of this chapter)

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