Chapter 219 Enslavement
  As the Chaos Cage unfolded, all the foreign experts present felt a powerful domain power coming. They were all shocked. They guessed that this was the power released by a top domain treasure mastered by Luo Yuan. They were both frightened and excited. It turned out that this human being indeed had a top-level treasure, and it was also a top-level treasure in the field.

If they can grab this top-notch treasure from Luo Yuan, even if they fall, they can resurrect the master of the universe with this achievement. Thinking of this, all the powerful people from all races present are not so afraid. Well, it is extremely difficult to improve at their level, so in order to obtain more resources, they came to this primitive star to fight.

This time, there was a human-shaped treasure mountain in front of them, and even if they couldn't kill Luo Yuan, they would still gain ethnic merit, so these strong aliens became even more crazy. They took out the weapons in their hands one after another, including top-notch treasures. There are also treasures, but the highest level ones are only high-level treasures. After all, top-level treasures are very difficult to obtain.

Luo Yuan floated, and his huge divine body stood in the void, looking down at the powerful men of all races below, just like an elephant looking down at ants. With a thought in Luo Yuan's mind, the ability of "Chaos Cage" was activated, and he blocked it directly This space means that from now on, no strong alien can leave from here.

Moreover, the space blockade exerted by this chaos cage will interfere with the application of space laws by these cosmic overlords, even the top cosmic overlords, but Luo Yuan himself is not affected by these space blockades. In terms of the application of space laws, Luo Yuan has already Having reached a very high level, coupled with the influence of this treasure, the venerables present will be greatly reduced in the operation of the laws of space.

Luo Yuan saw that the movements of the venerables of all races present were restricted, so he took out the top-level treasure-level stone stick that he had snatched from the venerable Tianyan, and immediately enlarged the stone stick, becoming A huge pillar reaching the sky, and then Luo Yuan picked up the giant pillar reaching the sky and swept across it non-stop, blocking the attacks of those foreign lords, and also directly collapsed the divine bodies of many strong men.

"Oh my god, it's another top-notch treasure. How come this treasure looks so much like Lord Tianyan's weapon!" Some powerful people present exclaimed, and even recognized the treasure in Luo Yuan's hand.

Lord Qingyan saw the giant pillar reaching the sky in Luo Yuan's hand. He narrowed his eyes. It turned out that the strong man who killed Lord Tianyan was the human Lord in front of him. This made him shocked and scared, because Tianyan The lord was stronger than him, but he was actually killed by Luo Yuan. This also meant that Luo Yuan could also kill him, which made Lord Qingyan even more careful.

In order to win the battle quickly, Luo Yuan used two low-level treasures at the same time, and also took out the God-Decapitating Dagger, and then used his powerful mental power to control the God-Decapitating Dagger to clear out the powerful aliens present. The divine bodies of the powerful aliens among them were turned into ashes one after another, and even the immortal bodies of the universe overlords could not escape the destruction.

After seeing Luo Yuan's another killing weapon, fear arose in the hearts of the powerful men of all races present. This human being was not only powerful, but also had too many treasures in his hands. Luo Yuan was not even tired from controlling several treasures at the same time. In terms of combat power, purity and reserves of divine power, they are much stronger than these powerful aliens.

"No, I don't want to die yet!" A demon clan overlord of the universe collapsed when he saw Luo Yuan killing everyone, so he ran directly towards the edge of the field, but before he could run far, a black light appeared in front of him. After scratching on his body, the demon overlord turned directly into flying ashes and became nothingness. He could no longer die.

Luo Yuan held the giant pillar that reached the sky, and his divine body that was 100,000 kilometers long stood tall in the endless mountains. Surrounded by the treasures left by the powerful aliens who destroyed the divine body, Luo Yuan stood in the void and shouted: "Who else? You bunch of alien bastards, if you don't want to die, just stay here and I will consider taking you as slaves, otherwise you will die!" Luo Yuan's shout was like the sky. As if angry, it vibrated within the range of 300 million kilometers, frightening the scalps of the powerful aliens present. Many timid alien lords knelt down directly and did not dare to resist. They have practiced to the present level. This realm costs a lot of money and time. No strong person wants to die foolishly when he knows that the enemy in front of him is invincible.

Moreover, these powerful people who have cultivated to this level are all thoughtful people, so naturally they are not willing to perish. Luo Yuan looked at most of the kneeling alien sages and smiled, so he looked at the top cosmos who were still alive. The overlord then asked: "Are you willing to surrender? If not, then I have to send you on your way. Although it would be a pity to kill you, I don't like disobedient subordinates!"

Top cosmic overlords like Lord Qingyan and Lord Red Flame are accustomed to being leaders in their own ethnic groups' territories. How could they be willing to become slaves under Luo Yuan, so they still used all their strength to fight against Luo Yuan.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan frowned and said: "I am a person who cherishes talents. Although you have offended me, I am still willing to give you a chance. I will break your divine body into pieces, then imprison you, and then Don’t blame me for forcing you to recognize your master, I can only say that you are ignorant of current affairs!”,

After Luo Yuan finished speaking, he raised the sky-reaching giant pillar and blasted it hard at these top cosmic overlords. The endless mountains present were destroyed again and again, and then these mountains were restored immediately. This made Luo Yuan face some primitive stars. Interested, he felt that these 10081 primitive stars were very similar to the Craftsman Stars he had seen. Luo Yuan suspected that these primitive stars were actually the most powerful treasure of a certain powerful person.

After a battle, under the strong strength of Luo Yuan, these most powerful cosmic overlords were undoubtedly defeated. Luo Yuan did not kill them directly. These are top cosmic overlords, and they are comparable to the supreme treasure. It would be a pity to kill the elementary universe lords directly, so Luo Yuan planned to let his main body take these top universe overlords as soul slaves.

After Luo Yuan smashed the divine bodies of these top cosmic overlords into pieces, he directly took them into the prison of the divine kingdom of clones. Even if these alien strongmen could re-condensate their divine bodies, they would not be able to exert the strength of the top cosmic overlords, because in Luo In the Kingdom of God where the source was cloned, they did not have the authority to replenish their divine power and use the power of law, so they could only be imprisoned by Luo Yuan.

After Luo Yuan dealt with all the top cosmic overlords and cosmic overlords present, he took the other alien sages into the prison of the clone kingdom and imprisoned them, just waiting to get out later and let the main body enslave them into soul slaves. Thereby enhancing the strength of his Kingdom of God Legion.

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(End of this chapter)

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