I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 221 Breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe

Chapter 221 Breakthrough to the Lord of the Universe
  After all the high-level human beings present were silent for a while, the Lord of Virtual Gold said again: "Why did this Star Tower teleport out my human king, and what about the kings of other ethnic groups?"

The Lord of Chaos City said: "There is news from the lurkers controlled by our human race in other races, saying that almost all the alien kings who were practicing in the Star Tower at that time lost contact in an instant, which also made other high-level alien races suspect this. The disappearance of the Second Star Tower is related to our human race!"

"Nonsense, if my human race had the ability to directly take away the Star Tower, would I still let it stay on the battlefield outside the territory for countless epochs? The foreign race must be spreading rumors to make all races attack my human race!" The Lord of Virtual Gold said angrily.

The founder of the giant ax on the first seat knocked on the armrest of the throne and said: "Okay, no matter who took away the Star Tower, we have to check. This most powerful treasure is of great importance. If it is really the powerful person of our human race, The winner has obtained it, which is also a good thing. After all, our human race does not yet have the most powerful and powerful treasure in charge. Even if the high-level aliens suspect that we did it, they will be a little wary and will not easily start a war."

With the founder of the giant ax setting the tone, other universe masters naturally did not dare to refute, and they sent their men to explore the whereabouts of the Star Tower.

At the same time, forces such as the Zerg, Monster, Mechanical, Northern Territory Alliance, Thorn Ring Alliance, Star Behemoth Alliance, Ancestral God Cult, etc. also began to send people to search for information about the Star Tower throughout the original universe.


In Chaos City, Luo Yuan was sipping tea in his ancient manor. He had just collected the Star Tower, and then moved the tower directly to the initial small universe of his Dantian. His initial small universe was very magical, and it contained independent laws of the universe. Following Luo Yuan's change of heart, he is not afraid of others discovering his secret.

Luo Yuan has done tests and found that even the Lord of Chaos City cannot discover the secrets on his body. As for whether the founder of the giant axe, the strongest person in the universe, can discover his secrets, Luo Yuan doesn't know, but he guesses that he can't. Otherwise, the founder of the giant axe would have been able to discover his secrets. He came to him through the Chaos City Lord to ask for the Star Tower.

Luo Yuan also spent a huge sum of money to set up isolation magic circles in his ancient manor. This is the same intention as the Chaos Stone sect leaders set up magic circles in their dojos. No one likes their secrets to be spied on by others, even if Even the Lord of Chaos City can't peek into other people's privacy, and the Lord of Chaos City doesn't have such a habit.

Compared with the Chaos City Lord, Luo Yuan's current body is not able to reverse time and space, but his strength is actually no different from the Chaos City Lord. The Chaos City Lord can only rely on the authority in the initial universe to vaguely perceive that Luo Yuan is similar to him. Aura, but this also shocked the Lord of Chaos City, because Luo Yuan's strength grew too fast and was extremely stable.

However, the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City are happy to see Luo Yuan's super strength increase speed. They have long regarded Luo Yuan as one of the leaders of the future human race, and they can do a lot with confidence. matter.

After Luo Yuan took over the Star Tower, he would also separate a consciousness to stay in it to study the secret patterns, but he found that the core part of the Star Tower still did not have open permissions. This should have been set up by the mountain guest. , as long as Luo Yuan completes the last test, he can obtain all the permissions of the Star Tower, which is to recover the fifth black metal plate of the Nine Tribulations Secret Book, which is the last metal plate.

After collecting the fifth black metal plate, Luo Yuan's second avatar in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm has finally comprehended all the eight beast god inheritances of the Ancestral God Sect, which means that he has mastered the highest of the eight fusion laws. Mysteries.

That is, the eight lower laws and upper laws of 'metal, space', 'wood, space', 'water, space', 'fire, space', 'earth, space', 'light, time', 'wind, time', 'thunder and lightning, time' The way of fusion also represents the eight ways of understanding the law to be promoted to the master of the universe.

Luo Yuan didn't choose to break through until all eight fusion laws reached the seventh level of the highest secret. Because he chose to follow the fusion method of the chaos law from the beginning, so in order to be perfect, he had to raise his state to the highest level to ensure that he The road will not go astray. And in order to break through and become stronger, Luo Yuan's clone even went to the Jiuyou World to pick up the two innate secrets of sea transformation and creation from the Lord of the Nine Nethers. If it hadn't been for an ancestor god from the Ancestral God Sect to send a decree, His clone will probably have to be scrapped.

When Luo Yuan asked the Lord of Chaos City to escort him to the original universe to break through the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Chaos City was directly shocked. He also felt the importance of the matter, so he contacted the founder of the Giant Axe, the strongest person in the universe. The answer was soon received, and the founder of the giant ax would lower his will to protect it.

As long as Luo Yuan succeeds, a powerful master of the universe will appear in the human race, and both the creator of the giant axe and the lord of Chaos City are waiting for him.


In the original universe, somewhere in the uninhabited star field, the second avatar of the Chaos City Lord and Luo Yuan appeared here. The Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Yuan and smiled happily: "Good disciple, just break through. This time besides me, there are The founder of the great ax will lower his will to protect it."

Luo Yuan was shocked when he heard this, but quickly calmed down. It seemed that the top human beings really valued him, and he also settled down.

Luo Yuan sat cross-legged in the void, and his consciousness communicated with his own Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God, which has a diameter of nearly ten thousand light years, can be said to be endless. Over the originally calm Kingdom of God, with a burst of earth-shaking roar, the original The original law of the universe came again, and a terrifying coercion suddenly enveloped the entire Kingdom of God. The trillions of powerful people on earth in the Kingdom of God did not panic, but were excited because their God Lord Luo Yuan was about to break through again. .

With Luo Yuan's breakthrough, the original law of the universe came, and the trillions of powerful people on earth and tens of millions of alien kings and sages in the Kingdom of God also sat down to understand the law. This was a rare opportunity for them to improve.

Luo Yuan's third clone flew directly to the sky above the Kingdom of God and used the secret method of the Nether Sea he picked up to turn into the sea. Then his clone immediately became huge, ten thousand light years, one hundred thousand light years, and did not stop until one million light years. Next, circles of super vortices appeared on the endless sea. Unlike the colorful ones last time, these vortexes were only pure black and white, and they were circles within circles, repeated in turn. The rich power of time and space emanates.

Because time was limited, Luo Yuan quickly used the body of the Nether Sea to quickly devour the divine power of the law of time and space from the origin of the universe. As a result, the divine power of time and space poured into this super vortex was completely unable to satisfy Luo Yuan's appetite, and in the end, he directly turned into Luo Yuan. The Nether Sea is plundering the divine power of time and space from the origin of the universe.

Luo Yuan's super divine kingdom also expanded rapidly under the promotion of the infinite space-time divine power, and the structure of the divine kingdom also became extremely stable until it reached the ultimate level of the divine kingdom. The next breakthrough would be to become a small universe. For Luo Yuan is looking forward to this very much.

As Luo Yuan broke through to the Lord of the Universe, he felt that the power of time and space in the universe was under control. He could even intuitively see a long river of time and space. He could grab someone or something in the long river of time and space, but There is a resistance. This may be the reason why those masters of the universe will suffer backlash when they resurrect the powerful ones.

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(End of this chapter)

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