I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 228 True God Army, the clone of the Lord of the Universe

Chapter 228 True God Army, the clone of the Lord of the Universe

Time is like water, and thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye. Luo Yuan has also lived on the earth for thousands of years. Since he guarded the earth, the entire galaxy has been integrated into an iron plate. No conspiracy or conspiracy can escape his sight. Anyone with hostile forces Anyone who comes will be directly destroyed physically and mentally, and his Kingdom of God army has also begun to enter an era of rapid expansion.

The earth has also been built by Luo Yuan into a super-first-class planet where martial arts and technology coexist. All the adults on the earth are currently at the star level with the weakest strength. Moreover, Luo Yuan uses resources to improve the bloodline level of the earth's people, so that the newborns of the earth can be born as soon as they are born. It is planet-level strength. Even without any training, one can automatically reach star-level strength as an adult.

Luo Yuan's Kingdom of God Legion currently charges the lowest standard for seedlings at Domain Lord level, which prompts his Kingdom of Kingdom Legion's trillions of ordinary soldiers to be at worst World Lord level, sergeants to be Immortal level, and military leaders to be kings. level, the leader will be the Venerable level, and the commander is only Luo Yuan. In addition to these, there are also a large number of auxiliary legions, such as the Venerable-level Zerg legion, the Demon race legion, and thousands of mechanical star warship legions.

Those foreign legions are all Luo Yuan's soul slaves. They are classified as auxiliary legions by Luo Yuan and are absolutely loyal to Luo Yuan. The legions composed of earthlings also continue to improve their actual combat capabilities in the battlefields outside the territory and become the iron-blooded legion. Although They also sacrificed a lot, but their strength is indeed extremely powerful.

Luo Yuan sat on the huge throne in the Temple of the Kingdom of God. His spiritual power could cover the continent of the Kingdom of God for tens of thousands of light years. Looking at the strong army, he was very pleased. The resources invested over the years were enough to buy more than a dozen top-notch items. It was a treasure. He dared to say that no master of the universe would spare no effort to invest in an army like him.


Earth, China, Jiangnan Province, Luo Yuan’s private palace,
  After Luo Yuan, Jiang Fang and other women had an in-depth exchange, they began to chat. He and these women had lived on the earth for thousands of years and had already established a relationship. However, Jiang Fang was still the first lady and commanded all the people in the galaxy. Things now have the aura of a queen.

"You have done a good job over the years. From now on, the Milky Way will be our private domain. You must take good care of it. As for the Ministry of Commerce, it will be left to Luo Feng's family to manage. They are good at it, but they must act under the regulations we have established. !" Luo Yuan took a sip of star dew and said slowly.

When Jiang Fang heard this, she snuggled into Luo Yuan's arms and said, "What if Luo Feng's family doesn't follow the rules?"

Luo Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "Everything should be done according to the rules and regulations. I don't think Luo Feng will blame me. It's just that if Luo Feng's direct family members commit crimes, you need to have conclusive evidence. If they are just used by outsiders, you only need to deal with them." Just those with ulterior motives."

Venerable Peilan on the side said: "You personally cultivated such a powerful legion just to conquer that illusory land?"

When Luo Yuan heard this, he patted her with a big hand, and then said with a smile: "That is not an illusory place, that is the real supreme plane. Compared with it, this primitive universe is just a part.

Let me tell you about this primitive universe. Beyond the primitive universe is the cosmic sea. There are countless universes in the cosmic sea. Some are naturally born, and there are also small universes that have evolved from the kingdom of the strongest person in the universe. They are just the primitive universe. It is the largest celestial body produced by the cosmic sea, and there are nearly three thousand such cosmic seas.

The original universe from its birth to its destruction is called an era of reincarnation of the universe, and the original universe we are in now is called the third era of reincarnation of the universe by the masters of the universe. Each era of reincarnation of the universe will give birth to a large number of masters of the universe and the universe's most powerful ones. The strongest, and if you want to escape the death caused by the destruction of the original universe, you must break through to the strongest in the universe, that is, the true god. "      Jiang Fang and others listened to Luo Yuan telling the secrets of the universe. Their eyes widened. Their world view was reshaped again. Venerable Peilan is now a general of the Luo Yuan Divine Kingdom Army. She was very touched. He asked with interest: “Yuan, what level must your Kingdom of God’s legions reach before they can conquer that supreme land? "

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "I originally planned to wait until this Legion of the Kingdom of God at least reaches the peak Lord of the Universe before setting off, but since my authority in the human race has been upgraded to the highest level, I have checked a lot of information in the treasure house of human knowledge. According to the information, I felt that I still underestimated the strength of that supreme place, so I raised the minimum standard of the Kingdom of God Legion to the level of the strongest person in the universe, that is, the true god level.

It’s just that it’s a bit unrealistic to cultivate the True God Army with the resources of the original universe, so I plan to send clones to the universe sea to obtain resources. As for the True God Army, I’ll train as many people as I can. If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to the highest place and lurk first. For a period of time, the power has been cultivated and developed. "

Jiang Fang and others were all proud of Luo Yuan's ambitions, but if what Luo Yuan said was heard by other universe masters or the strongest people in the universe, they would only think that Luo Yuan was just thinking, because this kind of There have been strong people who have thought about and even done things, but in the end they have become nothing more than a wave in the long river of time.


"My fourth avatar has finally been created, but I need to borrow the identity of the Lord of Blood Cloud Palace to act."

Luo Yuan looked at a handsome-looking but somewhat evil clone in his private palace and thought that he had tested this clone by controlling it with his consciousness, and it had the peak Lord of the Universe combat power that was no less than that of the Lord of Chaos City. After all, His body has almost this kind of combat power without using various treasures and secret techniques.

Over the past ten thousand years, Luo Yuan has been cultivating this clone of himself while making preparations to go to the Cosmic Sea. He has checked a lot of information in the treasure house of human knowledge. Even the map of the Cosmic Sea has been purchased with a large amount of treasure points. , this is a map that countless human experts have explored with their lives. Without a map, it would be easy to get lost in the sea of ​​space.

In the Cosmic Sea, you cannot connect to the virtual universe, nor can you use the Kingdom of God to teleport. You can only rely on teleportation. Without a reference object, you have no idea where you are. There are many strong people exploring the Cosmic Sea. I couldn't even find my way home, and it took me countless epochs to find it.

Moreover, only powerful people above the Lord of the Universe can enter the Cosmic Sea. The space turbulence and super black holes and other celestial bodies in it can easily tear the powerful people below the Lord of the Universe into pieces. The original universe where Luo Yuan is located is in the Cosmic Sea. There are two powerful men from the era of reincarnation and the two major holy lands.

The forces of the strong men in the cosmic sea are very complex, and the competition is also very fierce. Peak treasures and supreme treasures are also everywhere in the cosmic sea, so it has also attracted a large number of strong men to explore in it. There are also many of the strongest men in the universe. , if you are not careful you will have to kneel down.

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(End of this chapter)

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