I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 230 Battle against the Lord of the Universe

Chapter 230 Battle against the Lord of the Universe
  Luo Yuan came out of the damaged small universe. He passed by the Zhensha River and soon came to the 'Qingfeng Realm', one of the three Jedi areas of the universe sea. He raised his head and looked into the distance. Even though he was hundreds of millions of light years away, he could see We arrived at a towering mountain peak that was an unknown number of feet high. The peak seemed to have been cut across the middle and fell onto the mountainside. It looked like a sloping mountain. No wonder it was called Qingfeng Realm.

There are endless waterfalls pouring down the mountainside. I don’t know where the water comes from. There are countless gravels spinning rapidly around the mountain peak. Luo Yuan can see clearly from such a distance. It can be seen that these The area of ​​rubble is actually very large, at least light-years in size. Any one piece is comparable to the total area of ​​the battlefield outside the territory.

Luo Yuan recalled the information in his mind. The main mountain of the Qingfeng Realm is about 9802 million light-years high, and the maximum diameter of the truncated peak is 1226 million light-years. The outer realm of the mountain is where the masters of the ordinary universe are active, and the inner realm is where the higher universe is. Only the masters dare to go deep into the area, and the core is generally a place where the strongest people in the universe can stay for a long time. If they are not careful, they will all fall.

Soon, Luo Yuan's figure came to the outer realm of Qingfeng. The rocks here were flying rapidly at several times the speed of light. He could not feel it while standing on the rocks. After all, other rocks were traveling at similar speeds, so they looked relatively still. Same.

At this time, there were several strange beasts on the rocks. They were a race that Luo Yuan had never seen before. They should be the races that survived the reincarnation era of the first or second universe. These strange beasts were all the masters of the universe, and they exuded an aura. Not weak, but when they saw Luo Yuan dressed as the master of Blood Cloud Palace, they were all startled. They just glanced at Luo Yuan and teleported away. This made Luo Yuan understand that this mountain guest created this The vest is very prestigious.

Luo Yuan's current divine body is tens of thousands of kilometers in size, but it is like a particle of dust in this Qingfeng Realm. After all, any stone here is 1 light-year in size. Luo Yuan stood on the stone and looked around, it was all boundless. In the endless void, he began to teleport towards the water formed by the huge waterfall at the top of the mountain.

The outer domain of the Qingfeng Realm is divided into two areas, namely the 'airspace' and the 'water area'. The airspace is the rocks surrounding the mountain at the speed of light, and the water area is the endless ocean formed after the impact of the waterfall, with a diameter of about hundreds of millions of light years. , the more dangerous one is the water spirit, which has no wisdom, only instinct, and each blow is comparable to a full blow from the ordinary Lord of the Universe.

Moreover, every drop of water in this water area is equivalent to the power of a star. If there is a wave attack, countless stars will hit you, with amazing power. This water area is dangerous, but there are also many treasures in it. Experience in the airspace It has been difficult for those powerful people to find the treasure after countless epochs of development, but this water area has not been fully developed.

After Luo Yuan came to the water area, he explored it and found that the core depth of the endless water area was nearly 100 million light years away from him. He would not be affected if he took pictures, but the water pressure in this water area was extremely amazing. The Lord of the Universe is here. It was difficult to even get close. It is estimated that the divine body was shattered by the water pressure before it even touched the water. Luo Yuan also carefully explored the periphery of the water.

Luo Yuan avoided those 'water spirits' all the way. These water spirits were like white waves, and they were still changing their shapes, which looked very strange. He did not dare to teleport casually. After all, the power of each of these water spirits was comparable to that of the universe. Lord, he doesn't want to be besieged. It will be very troublesome if he gets entangled.

Suddenly Luo Yuan felt something was wrong. The space here was actually blocked, and even the space fluctuations in the water stopped. This made him understand that he was being watched by the powerful Lord of the Universe.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are the Lord of the Bloody Cloud Palace of the original universe. Others are afraid of you, but I, the Lord of An Yong, am not afraid of you. If you are wise, hand over all the treasures in your hand, otherwise I will not be polite! Suddenly a light and shadow flew away He came over and let out a lewd laugh that reached Luo Yuan's ears.

Luo Yuan's mental power swept away, and he saw that the person who came was a humanoid creature with a huge one-eyed forehead and endless white light emitting from his body. Luo Yuan searched for information obtained from the treasure house of human knowledge, and he quickly found the identity of the Lord of An Yong. Personal information, it turned out to be a madman from the God Eye Clan.

This God-Eye Clan is the pinnacle ethnic group in the first era of universe reincarnation, just like the status of the human race in the third era of universe reincarnation. However, the God-Eye Clan has experienced a long development. They have seven of the strongest people in the universe, and this The race is extremely bloodthirsty and can be called the lunatic among lunatics. Once it identifies its target, it will not stop until death. Lord An Yong looked at Luo Yuan and said: "Master Blood Cloud Palace, I heard that your Blood Cloud Palace is a very powerful top flying palace treasure, and many treasures have been robbed over the years. You can only use all your treasures." Hand over the treasure and I can let you leave!"

Luo Yuan heard the words and sneered: "It's just you. I heard that your Divine Eye Clan is the most cunning and extreme lunatic. Once you identify the target, you will not stop until you die. I will also give you a chance to hand over all the treasures on your body." Come out and I can spare your life!"

"court death!"

The Lord of Anyong shouted loudly. He took out a treasure and waved his hand in the direction of Luo Yuan. Countless grains of sand immediately flew out, covering the surrounding area of ​​3 light years. Luo Yuan knew at a glance that this was the Lord of Anyong. The signature treasure "Smoothie Sea!"

  The Lord of Yong'an opened his one eye, and a white halo appeared behind his head. He looked like an ancient god. He attacked Luo Yuan with great power. The Lord of the Universe of the Divine Eye Clan held a golden scepter and kept casting. The most powerful secret method, the different methods dazzled Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan was wearing a top-level defensive armor, and behind him were the Wu-killing wings given to him by the Lord of Chaos City. Every time he fanned them, he could dodge the attack of the Lord of Yong'an. This made the Lord of Yong'an feel that Luo Yuan was like a loach that he couldn't catch. .

"Master of the Bloody Cloud Palace, you can really hide." Lord An Yong's voice was hoarse. He raised his scepter and stabbed Luo Yuan hard. The surrounding time and space were distorted, and even the water spirits in the water that were attacking instinctively were exploded. It turned into water mist, and Luo Yuan could feel the power of this blow. He took out a top-grade treasure-level stone stick and swept it towards the Lord of Yong'an.


The stone stick and the scepter collided, and the explosive force exploded the water into a void space. The Lord of Yong'an had shock in his eyes, because his right hand holding the golden scepter felt numb, and cracks appeared on his palm. , the human in front of him was physically stronger than him, which was simply unbelievable.

The most powerful thing about their God Eye Tribe is the one-eye, which can release powerful mental interference to make the enemy fall into an illusion and unable to extricate themselves. However, in order to cooperate with this powerful mental power, the strongest people in their universe have worked hard to develop it for countless years. The secret method has been used to continuously improve the physical strength of the tribe and improve the level of life genes. With his power of nearly 10,000 times the genetic level, he was actually injured by the human in front of him. He felt a panic in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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