Chapter 233 Departure
  Luo Yuan asked again: "Have your uncle ever met the founder of the giant axe? I haven't seen him since I came to this cosmic sea for so long."

The Lord of Ice Peak thought for a while and said: "I had a battle with the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Yuan'ao. We both got some residual pictures. Giant Ax encountered some special areas in the inner domain, so he wanted to enter Breaking through, and finally got a most powerful treasure."

Luo Yuan was shocked when he heard this. The founder of the giant ax actually got the most powerful treasure, and their human race also had the most powerful treasure in charge.

Soon, Luo Yuan, led by the Lord of Ice Peak, came to the gathering place of human race buildings. It was a huge temple, and this temple was actually placed in the broken crack of an inconspicuous space ship, and this crack For the size of the human group, it can be said to be a super canyon.

Seeing Luo Yuan's surprised expression, the Lord of Ice Peak smiled and said: "This location is hidden. If no one is with it, you probably won't be able to find it. The map of the space ship that the founder of Giant Ax and I got is about the inner domain. I The Lords of the various universes of the human race will also come one after another. So far, apart from me and the Lord of Xujin, the only ones are you and the Lord of Zhenma from Hongmeng.

As for the Lord of Zhenma, although he is also from the Hongmeng, he is from a foreign race after all. There are many strong foreigners in the Hongmeng who deal with other forces. You must remember that those who are not from our race will have different hearts. , so even when facing the powerful aliens from the Hongmeng, one must remain on guard. "

Luo Yuan nodded when he heard this. Although many vassal tribes of the human race say they follow the lead of humans, they can't stick to the bottom line when faced with the solicitation of other forces. As the saying goes, you can't put all your eggs in the same basket. Those cunning rabbits have three holes. Alien vassals sometimes sell human intelligence to other ethnic groups. Naturally, Luo Yuan's true identity cannot be exposed. He will appear as the Lord of Hunyuan.

The conversations between Luo Yuan and the Lord of Ice Peak were all transmitted through a special secret method. No one else could hear them, and they were not afraid that others would learn Luo Yuan's true identity.

"The Lord of Hunyuan, the Lord of Ice Peak."

Two figures were standing at the door of the white temple to welcome their arrival.

"Lord of Virtual Gold, Lord of Zhenma, you are here too." The Lord of Ice Peak said calmly.

The four masters of the universe introduced each other. They did not enter the temple immediately, but were waiting quietly, because the people coming here this time will be most of the powerful people in the human race. Soon, the masters of the human universe will come one after another. When they arrived, everyone had a chat and got a lot closer, but the masters of the human universe abided by the rules set by the creator of the giant axe, and did not reveal Luo Yuan's true identity to the powerful foreigners of the Hongmeng League.

Soon everyone was talking in pairs based on people they knew each other. Luo Yuan and the Lord of Virtual Gold walked together on the edge of the canyon. The Lord of Virtual Gold said to Luo Yuan: "You want to ask about your eldest brother Hong!"

Luo Yuan nodded. He sometimes met with Hong, Lei Shen, Luo Feng and others through the virtual universe to understand each other's situation. However, he could not contact Hong for a long time, so Lei Shen and Luo Feng asked Luo Yuan to contact Xu. Lord Jin asks for information about Hong.

The Lord of Virtual Gold laughed when he heard this and said: "Your eldest brother Hong is the type who has accumulated a lot of experience. He practiced at an average speed at the beginning, but then it became faster and faster. He has reached the title of Immortal King, King of Illusion Realm, and is now practicing with the giant axe." When practicing in seclusion in a small universe, there is no way to connect to the virtual universe, so you cannot contact me."

When Luo Yuan heard about Hong's achievements, he was also happy for him.

The Lord of Virtual Gold looked at Luo Yuan and said with a smile: "No matter how amazing they are, they can't compare with you. You have become the Lord of the Universe in just tens of thousands of years, and you are still the strongest among them. Whenever we think about your achievements, we all feel like our lives have been in vain." Luo Yuan just smiled without explaining anything. The two chatted for a while and then flew to the White Temple. After waiting for a while, the sixteen universe masters from the Hongmeng Alliance soon arrived here. They were ready to set off, partly to explore the outer realm, and partly to go to the inner realm. Break out.

The main body of the Chaos City Lord also came, and he transmitted a message to Luo Yuan's divine power: "Good disciple, this inner domain is very dangerous. Even I don't dare to take risks easily. You have just arrived, so you'd better familiarize yourself with the environment outside. , make plans again.”

Luo Yuan just nodded slightly when he heard this, but he didn't have too much worry in his heart. He came to this space ship this time to sharpen his will in the special space formed by the Magic Pillar. This is different from improving his mental power. Will is the commander, consciousness is the general, and mental strength is the soldier. This shows the importance of will.

Luo Yuan was going to go to the core of the special secret room area with the cyan token, because there was only one place where he could sharpen his will better, but he couldn't say it because he wouldn't believe it and would be dissuaded.

Brush ~ brush ~ brush ~
  The Lords of the Universe in the White Temple teleported away one by one. Before leaving, the Lord of Chaos City told Luo Yuan: "Disciple, you have to act according to your ability. This time everyone will go deep to look for opportunities. If something happens to you, , no one can help you!"

Luo Yuan smiled and nodded. Some universe masters invited Luo Yuan to explore together, but Luo Yuan refused. He had many secrets. He came here just to temper his will. Seeing this, the others had no choice but to leave. .

After all the Lords of the Universe present left, Luo Yuan also teleported away. Soon he reached the damaged surface of the space ship. He clicked on the map and chose a safe and relatively close route. As for no treasures, he In my heart, everything here is nothing compared to the white wings.

Luo Yuan recalled the locations marked on the map one by one in his mind. There were nearly 900 dangerous areas on the route he was going to take. Safe areas could be left directly by teleportation, but dangerous places could only be left by flying. But this The speed has slowed down, and it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years.

  Luo Yuan turned into a stream of light and drilled into a huge hole in the space ship. The hole was dozens of light-years in diameter. It was surrounded by green vines and there were flames and ice on the edge. Luo Yuan It's like a fish entering the sea and moving forward freely.

After entering the hole, there was only boundless darkness, which was half cold and half hot. Luo Yuan kept flying rapidly. At the same time, he also opened his domain-level top treasure "Chaos Cage", which directly covered hundreds of light-years in radius, and He protects it, keeping out the breath of cold and heat.

In addition to protection and isolation, this field also has detection capabilities, allowing him to avoid danger.


In some places of endless darkness, ice crystals and flame blades often attacked him. Luo Yuan controlled the chaotic cages to annihilate them one by one into nothingness.

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(End of this chapter)

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