Chapter 238 Lava Demon
  With the opening of the water wave prison, the ultimate treasure in the peak realm, and the five hunks that affect the spirit, the master of the five hunches has brought out his strongest move.

"Human boy, you can be proud to let me use this trick!"

The Lord of the Five Hun said, the five-colored energy beams in the sky merged with the boundless water ripples, and the five fingers that merged into a larger and more solid one pointed at Luo Yuan. This big hand that covered the sky was nearly a light. Years later, even the sky above was shrouded, and other people present looked at it with fear.

"Chaos Cage! Sword Domain, Control of Time and Space, Rise!"

With a thought in Luo Yuan's mind, the power of the three realms merged and superimposed to form an energy shield that was several light years away and hit the giant hand that covered the sky. With a loud noise, the five giant fingers in the sky were still destroyed. Even the Five Hun Realm of the Lord of the Five Huns and Luo Yuan's domain world canceled each other out and were destroyed.

The Lord of the Five Hun looked at Luo Yuan and said: "The silver wings behind you are good, very high level, and you use them like fire. The Chaos City Lord of the human race in the original universe and I have fought with all our strength, but we are not as good as you." It’s so difficult to deal with. I didn’t expect that you would be stronger than the Lord of Chaos City just after you broke through the Lord of the Universe, but I didn’t find anything strange in your information, which is very strange in itself.”

Luo Yuan heard this and said coldly: "There are countless strong people among us, and you have only encountered some of them. You... huh?"

Before Luo Yuan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked upward, and then everyone else also looked upward. A huge palm stretched out from the boundless sea of ​​magma and grabbed everyone present. At first glance, he turned out to be the Lava Demon God, a being comparable to the strongest person in the higher universe.

Several people present saw this and ran away quickly. The golden lizard ran away with a whoosh like a fish. The Lord of Wuhun and the Lord of Arrows looked gloomy. They also used secret techniques to run away desperately and faced the lava demon. They Certain death.

"You want to escape at this time? You see if I agree or not, let's die here!" Luo Yuan looked crazy. He would be uneasy unless these guys were killed.

Facing the Lava Demon God, no one dared to challenge him. That would be to risk death. The Lord of the Five Huns was already ready to run away the moment he saw the Lava Demon God. He calculated the distance between him and the Lava Demon God. If Using his fastest speed, he could hide in the underground maze and then teleport away.

The space where the Mie Shen Stream is located is frozen, and it is impossible to use space-based secrets and magical powers. Naturally, teleportation is also impossible. However, if you can enter the underground maze, you can escape from the restrictions. However, teleportation is not possible in most parts of the maze. Only those deep zones will do.


The three people who were about to leave this world suddenly felt that they were restrained. He turned back to look at Luo Yuan with a ferocious smile, and couldn't help but feel shocked, because Luo Yuan opened all his major realms and formed a world. An independent space was created to cover them all.

If these three people want to escape, they must first break Luo Yuan's domain world, but the lava demon will not give them time. If they delay for a while, they will all be here.

"You damn guys, no one can escape. I was just passing by here, and you three bastards stopped you. You want to kill people and seize treasures. You all must die!" Luo Yuan roared loudly, looking crazy. .

When the three masters of Wuhun, Yintuo, and Zhujian saw this, their scalps became numb and their hearts trembled with fear. "Human boy, are you crazy? You will die if you do this?" the master of arrows cried out, and the other two people also gritted their teeth.

The golden lizard also roared loudly: "Lord of Human Hunyuan, I admire your strength, but there is no need for you to die with us. Let's just pretend that we don't know each other, let us go!"

The Lord of Wuhun also had an ashen face and cold eyes. He said coldly: "Lord of Hunyuan, don't make a mistake!"

"Hahaha, you made a mistake?" Luo Yuan said with a smile while flying: "In my domain world, you are restrained, but I have no such resistance, and I can also improve my strength and speed. Finally, The only result is that you will die, I haven’t lived enough yet, you must have a lot of treasures with you, if you die, it will be mine!"

"Hehehe, you are so confident. If I activate the strongest defense, I won't necessarily be hurt by you. You must know that my five realms and the water wave prison are not weak in the realm world. It is meaningless to confront each other like this. , when the demon god comes to kill us, we will all turn into ashes, what will you gain by doing this?"

The Lord of Jujian also advised: "Lord of Hunyuan, life is precious, but we can't fight with our wills. We have lived for three times of reincarnation in the universe, and we can better understand the meaning of life. Let's run away for our lives!"

Yin Tuo also anxiously controlled the golden lizard and nodded: "Yes, yes, Lord of Hunyuan, your life is the most important!"

Luo Yuan heard the words and said coldly: "I know you all have clones, but I also have clones. What are you afraid of? The worst is to die together. Anyway, I have many treasures, and the treasures you have are also valuable. I think you will be heartbroken if you lose them. But I A treasure that others cannot afford!"

Luo Yuan and others seemed to have been communicating for a long time. In fact, they were just conducting divine power transmission, and they could exchange countless contents in an instant. However, the speed of the lava demon was amazingly fast. Even the most powerful treasure in the universe could The strong man ran away like crazy when he saw it. From here we can see how strong this lava demon is.

This lava demon does not have any secrets, magical powers, or any treasures, but the power he possesses is extremely powerful. Any laws and secrets are like paper tigers in front of him, and can be easily torn into pieces by just punching. The speed reaches tens of millions of times, this is the real power, and its physical body is the strongest supreme treasure.

  The Lava Demon God completely walked out of the magma sea. His majestic body, tens of billions of kilometers high, stood on the boundless black rock continent, like a Chaos Demon God who opened the sky. He just lightly stomped the ground, and suddenly The surrounding black rocks were directly crushed into powder, and hundreds of millions of kilometers of surrounding ground were shattered, with spider web-like cracks appearing.

Immediately there was an earth-shattering explosion and a strong vibration on the ground. This operation shocked the four people present. It was too strong. This foot seemed to step directly on the hearts of the four of them. On top of their souls, if the lava demon really attacks, they will be destroyed physically and mentally.

"Human boy, we don't have much time left for us. Do you really want to die with us in the hands of this lava demon?" The Lord of Wuhun's eyes breathed fire. His current body is actually his true self. , and with many treasures collected over thousands of epochs, he did not want to die like this, because it would mean that the efforts of these thousands of epochs were in vain, and the losses would be heavy.

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(End of this chapter)

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