Chapter 240 Escape
  The Lord of Wuhun and the Lord of Arrows in the Forbidden Palace were pale at this moment. They were like ants on a hot pot. If the Lava Demon struck again, then they would all be finished. What do the Lords of Arrows think? Therefore, he was also cruel and took out a dark black spaceship from the Kingdom of God, which turned out to be a peak flying treasure.

The Lord of Wuhun's eyes sparkled when he saw the black spaceship. He didn't expect that the Lord of Arrows, who had always been hiding behind him, had secretly saved himself a peak treasure spaceship. But he didn't have time to worry about it now, so he quickly The damaged Forbidden Palace was put away, and then the two entered the spacecraft.

  The black spaceship turned into a black stream of light and flew rapidly towards the endless magma sea in the sky. Luo Yuan, who was in the Star Tower, also narrowed his eyes when he saw this. These two masters of the universe at the top of the God Eye Clan have been exploring this cosmic sea for countless epochs. , it seems that we still got a lot of good things.

Luo Yuan thought for a while, and in the current situation, if he wanted to survive, he had to go to the top end of the magma sea, which is the Yanshui Lake. There is another dangerous place where he can jump out of the God of Destruction. The main reason is that the lava demon is too scary. Even hiding in the underground maze is useless.

So Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to rush upward into the magma sea.


The huge arm of the Lava Demon God, who had no wisdom but only a killing instinct, stretched directly into the endless magma sea, stirred in it, and grabbed the Star Tower and the black spaceship. This shocked the three of them and they could only practice the treasure. If they keep dodging, they can only rush into the magma sea, and then the lava demon will stop chasing him.

The Lord of Wuhun and the Lord of Arrows had evil eyes in their eyes. They never imagined that they just came to play wild and fell into such a dangerous situation. Even the strongest people in the universe had to be careful when they came, let alone them, but now they regret it. It was already too late, so they had to bite the bullet and rush forward. They couldn't lose the treasure they were carrying, otherwise all their achievements over the years would be in vain.

At this moment, the hatred of these two peak universe masters of the Divine Eye Clan for Luo Yuan has penetrated deep into their bones. If they do not die, they will definitely launch a crazy pursuit of Luo Yuan, the kind that will not stop until death.

Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower and flew all the way into the depths of the magma sea, which is the core of the magma vortex, and was sucked into the central core by the strong suction of the vortex. If it were a normal path, it would take seven levels of death to reach the Flame Water Lake, but Luo Yuan Yuan knows a shortcut, which is to enter the core of this vortex.

It's just that the core of this magma vortex may produce a whirlwind of annihilation at any time that would make the strongest people in the universe change their minds. Moreover, as it continues to deepen, the annihilation force generated becomes stronger. Even the pinnacle treasures will be twisted into powder, unless they are the strongest. It is possible to avoid the treasure. If Luo Yuan did not own the Star Tower, he would not dare to take this path directly.

For a strong person who does not have the most powerful flying palace type treasure, directly entering the core of the magma vortex is courting death, but for Luo Yuan, it is a way to survive. Although the Flame Water Lake is not a good place, it is still possible to avoid the demon god. Nice place.

After the Star Tower, disguised as a blood-colored pyramid-shaped flying treasure, entered the core of the vortex and was sucked into the depths, Luo Yuan also felt a whirlwind in the control room. There were constant strong winds attacking the outer wall of the Star Tower. The powerful force Although it was unable to destroy the Star Tower, it was blown away and kept shaking.

"This core area is so dangerous. It is even more terrifying than the blade storm formed by the white wing space!" Luo Yuan was secretly shocked. He didn't know where this terrifying vortex wind would blow him.

Luo Yuan felt furious in his heart. He couldn't just be blown around by the strong wind like this. This feeling of being out of his control made him very unhappy, so he directly activated the secret pattern of the Star Tower and accelerated it to ten thousand times the speed of light. Suddenly, the star tower formed a blood-red stream of light that continued to advance in the endless magma vortex.

In the core of this magma vortex, even the original laws of the universe are frozen or even dispersed. This is a method that only the strongest person in the universe can use. In other words, every attack here is comparable to the attack of the strongest person in the universe. Generally, The Lord of the Universe will turn into fly ash if he is hit by even the slightest scratch. “Boom, boom, boom!”

In the Star Tower, Luo Yuan only felt that the wall of the tower was being bombarded by countless giant hammers. Every blow made a roaring sound, as if it was hitting Luo Yuan's heart, making him feel uneasy and vortexing with magma. The core is really an extremely scary place. If there is no defensive or palace-type equipment above the supreme treasure, even the strongest man in the universe will have to kneel down when he comes.

The Lord of Five Hounds and the Lord of Arrows would definitely not dare to take this shortcut. Even if they survived the seventh level of death calamity, they would still be on their last legs. Luo Yuan would deal with them when they fell. In Luo Yuan's eyes, these are the two of them. Tool maker.

  The Star Tower controlled by Luo Yuan soon broke through 100,000 times the speed of light, turning into an extreme bloody light and rushing upwards. All the rocks encountered on the way were smashed into powder. There is no suppression of the power of law here. If the divine power It is enough to even accelerate the Star Tower to infinite light speed, but that would be too dangerous. Luo Yuan has always maintained a steady style.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the Star Tower controlled by Luo Yuan finally jumped out of the endless magma sea and entered an endless water area. Every drop of water here is comparable to a neutron star, and every impact is enough to destroy the top palace. The supreme treasure was shattered, and here the laws of the universe began to operate normally again, which also slowed down the Star Tower.

The Star Tower did not remain stable until it slowed down to a thousand times the speed of light. The previous magma sea was extremely hot, but the water here is extremely cold. Even the master of the universe at the peak would be instantly frozen into an ice sculpture when he arrived. The Star Tower was still powerful. , can withstand extreme environments such as heat and cold.

Luo Yuan practiced the Star Tower and quickly broke through the endless icy waters at a high speed, and soon reached the sky above Yanshui Lake. This is a huge lake with no end in sight. It can be called boundless. Once here, it is considered safe for the time being. The reason why he had no dangers along the way was because of the protection of the Star Tower, otherwise he would have been gone long ago.

"Master of Wuhun and Master of Arrows, I'm just waiting for you to come and kill me. The seventh level of death calamity. I just hope you can come to me alive and don't die so early. I'm still waiting to collect the treasures on you. Here!" Luo Yuan sneered alone.

"Is this the Yanshui Lake? It seems that the route needs to be changed. Even if it is a detour, it is safer than the Mie Shen Stream." Luo Yuan thought for a while and re-planned the route. He looked at the endless blue flames burning below. Lake thought to herself.

The name of Yanshui Lake comes from the flames burning on the water. It is also a relatively dangerous area. The most dangerous thing here is the frozen lake Tinghuo that sometimes pops up suddenly in this space. This is the cyan flame from thunder. Although it is said to be fire, it is extremely cold. Even the strongest person in the universe may be frozen when he arrives. Once he arrives, the entire lake will immediately turn into a glacier.

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(End of this chapter)

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