I'm picking up attributes in the devouring starry sky

Chapter 249 God of the Eyes of God, Creator of the Giant Ax

Chapter 249 God of the Eyes of God, Creator of the Giant Ax

Luo Yuan controlled the Star Tower to float in the green water, emitting bursts of blood-red light. He had previously obtained the knowledge of the exploration of the cosmic sea by the two strongest men in the universe in the white wing space, and the records of the ninth abyss. It is also very rare, probably because this place has little value and few people come.

The area of ​​the ninth abyss is very wide, and its structure is also complex and changeable. Jie Fanzi only came here by chance to explore it, and then left, so judging from the area marked on the map, it only occupied This is a very small part of the ninth region.

"Hey, this abyss is really complicated and dangerous. You can only explore other areas by yourself." Luo Yuan thought like this, so he started to continue exploring the ninth abyss. With the Star Tower in hand, he also Don't worry about encountering dangers that you can't deal with, but it will take a lot of time to wander blindly like this.


In the cosmic sea, the endless energy of chaos is flowing.

At this time, there are two figures rushing in the cosmic sea. They teleport tens of millions of light years each time, but their aura is not obvious, but no living being dares to underestimate them, because these two people are the third god of the God Eye Clan. and the Sixth God, the two most powerful people in the universe. If any master of the universe saw these two people, they would just avoid them immediately.

"This bastard Wuhun made our Shenyan tribe lose face. As the veteran universe master, he couldn't even defeat the new universe master of the original universe. In the end, he was wiped out, and the two of us were needed in the end. Clean up the mess.

We, the Divine Eye Clan, are the pinnacle force in the first universe's reincarnation era. Even the two Holy Lands will not fight with us. The Lord of Hunyuan actually dares to come and snatch the treasure from our clan. He really doesn't know how to live or die! "The Third God of the Divine Eye Clan said angrily.

The Sixth God of the God Eye Clan also said coldly when he heard this: "This is the task assigned by the First God. The silver wings of the Lord of Hunyuan of the original universe are a weapon that is comparable to the most powerful treasure, and it can also control a side of time and space. , if we can get it, then we won’t lose money this time.”

This God Eye Clan has seven of the strongest people in the universe. They are divided into the First Allah to the Seventh Allah according to their strength. Moreover, this clan has been a force even more powerful than the Ancestral God Sect since the reincarnation era of the first universe. There are many Lords of the Universe, even peak Universe Lords like the Lord of the Five Huns.

Therefore, hundreds of forces in this cosmic sea are unwilling to have unpleasant things happen with the Eye Clan, and the two holy universes cannot produce new strongest people in the universe, but only some old strongest people in the universe who have survived from ancient times. If If it's gone, it's gone, so the two holy places don't want to have a head-on confrontation with the God Eye Clan.

Moreover, the small universes of the surviving strongest people in the universe in the two holy places were either damaged or destroyed, so their strength was also greatly reduced. In terms of the highest level of force, the two holy places were much weaker, so although they remained neutral and did not participate Hundreds of forces from the three major reincarnation eras competed for it, but they still maintained a arrogant attitude.

The third god of the God Eye Clan sighed again. He knew that their God Eye Clan, as an ancient existence in the reincarnation era of the first universe, was approaching their end, so they all became crazy. In order to allow the God Eye Clan to have To have a chance of survival, they need more powerful treasures to keep them in check.

Moreover, Luo Yuan's silver wings still possess a special treasure that controls time and space. This is a weapon that can be used to perform this skill no matter where it is. This is why people like them have the vision to see how extraordinary the silver wings are. They must know the integrity of these silver wings. The version is a true god-level pinnacle weapon. If anyone can possess it, he will not walk sideways in this cosmic sea.

As for the Divine Armor of Extinction, it is the most powerful treasure of the Lord of the Five Huns, and it is also an equipment comparable to the most powerful treasure. It is also a life-saving treasure that he has been in this cosmic sea for countless years. Does the God Eye Clan not allow this important thing? lost.

This time, in addition to the two strongest men in the universe from the God Eye Clan, other forces in the Cosmic Sea also sent the strongest men in the universe, including the founder of the Giant Ax, the strongest human being. "Are you sure that the founder of the giant ax of the original universe will also participate in this battle for the treasure?" The Third God of the God Eye Clan asked seriously.

The Sixth God of the Divine Eye Clan replied seriously: "There is no doubt that although the founder of the giant ax is said to be very strong, I heard that he does not have the most powerful treasure yet. If he takes action, I will not be afraid of him. I, the Divine Eye Clan, But there are seven powerful ones, and the secret techniques obtained from the three Jedi for countless epochs have also been comprehended for countless epochs.

In this cosmic sea, it is estimated that only the original ancestors who have been permanently suppressed by the origin of the universe can pose a threat to us. Who else do we have to be afraid of? Since many of the strongest people in the universe have come this time, it is also convenient for us, the Divine Eye Clan, to establish our authority. This guy Wuhun has embarrassed our Shenyan clan this time. This is another reason why the First God sent us out. "

The Third Lord nodded when he heard the words, and the two communicated with each other. They quickly teleported to the space ship, and then rushed in directly.


At the peak of the cosmic sea, the turbulent water that covered the sky and the earth was attacking the founder of the giant axe, who looked like a savage. Countless boulders were colliding with it, each of which was hundreds of millions of kilometers long, comparable to A blow from the pinnacle Lord of the Universe.

The creator of the giant ax looked calm at this time. He raised the giant axe-shaped supreme treasure he had just obtained, and then activated his divine power. Suddenly, the giant ax turned into a sky-covering giant ax with a length of nearly 100,000 kilometers. There are ancient mysterious lines on the ax that are flashing, emitting a light that reaches the sky, and a terrifying fighting spirit is sweeping around.


The creator of the giant ax transformed into a sky-reaching giant, raised the giant ax and struck hard at the boundless water curtain, as if Pangu created the world, tearing apart the surrounding space, smashing the huge rocks, and even the water curtain was split and retracted. The power of the original laws everywhere will automatically disappear.


The creator of the giant ax roared, and the powerful voice resounded throughout the world. After he split everything here, a void space appeared directly, and even the laws receded. Then he directly reached the speed of hundreds of thousands. The speed of light travels through this space and disappears.

Other strong men have to be careful to avoid the various dangers here, but the creator of the giant ax simply uses the giant ax to split all obstacles. This indomitable and domineering momentum is his unique way of doing things.

The creator of the giant ax consumed a huge amount of divine power in this domineering way, splitting open any obstacles he saw, and then teleporting at super-light speed. In this way, it took him more than three months to leave Qingfeng Realm. His deep eyes looked at Looking in the direction of the space ship, he thought: "The Divine Eye Clan is now approaching its end. They have become a group of lunatics. Plus they are arrogant and complacent. If Luo Yuan slaps them hard in the face this time, they will definitely take revenge even more crazily."

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(End of this chapter)

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