Chapter 252 God Comes
  Time is like water, years are like shuttle, and several months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Just as Luo Yuan was collecting the remaining scales, the Third God and the Sixth God of the Divine Eye Clan rushed to the Ninth Abyss World in an absolutely powerful manner. They were still transmitting messages with their divine power as they rushed.

"We finally arrived at the Frozen Lake Tinghuo of Yanshui Lake. Further up is the endless abyss. Let's follow the map marks and fly directly to the ninth abyss world. We can be said to be the fastest and strongest in the universe. Well, even if a strong person arrived here first to detect the treasure, he would still be able to do so faster than possible.

This ninth abyss world is extremely wide, and most of the areas inside cannot be detected by mental power or domain power. It will also take a long time to find treasures in it. If we discover it, we can only become our prisoners. "

"The Third God is right. Let's speed up and complete the tasks issued by the Eye God, so that we can feel at ease."

  The two gods of the God Eye Clan directly took the peak flying palace treasure and started to accelerate crazily. Soon they broke through ten thousand times the speed of light, crossed the endless frozen lake and rushed towards the endless abyss, but when they reached the black hole of the abyss When entering, they can only slow down immediately. The devouring power of the two here is extremely powerful. If they still maintain high speed, their flying treasure will only be torn into pieces.

After slowing down the speed, they controlled the spacecraft and sucked it in along the black hole. The strongest people in the universe usually use the most powerful treasure to fight, but the ultimate treasure can only exert its maximum power in the hands, especially when the divine power is used. The strongest people in the universe have a small universe as a source of energy, so they travel at an alarming speed.

"We accelerated all the way, even at the expense of burning our divine power, and finally arrived at this abyss." The Sixth God said happily.

The Third Lord also had a sharp light in his eyes, and he said coldly: "This time, the Lord of Hunyuan and the treasure of Wuhun will be in our possession. If we meet that guy who takes advantage of the opportunity, let's He tried our tricks and dared to steal the treasure of our Divine Eye Clan, he really didn’t know how to live or die!”

The Third God also nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, although our God Eye Clan, as the first universe in the reincarnation era, is approaching its end, we are not someone that can be provoked by that force. This time we have to conquer this unknown universe." The strongest one kills the chicken to scare the monkeys!”

The two strongest men in the universe from the Divine Eye Clan angrily entered the ninth abyss world. The seven gods of their Divine Eye Clan had all obtained the strongest secrets among the three Jedi. After they understood and digested these secrets, The means they have to fight against the enemy can be said to be very rich. They dare to say that they don't have to fear anyone except the original ancestor who was permanently suppressed.


At the core of the Ninth Abyss, Luo Yuan is currently controlling the Star Tower to search for the remaining scales of the Chaos Divine Armor. This Chaos Divine Armor has a total of nine million scales. He has only collected a few scales. He can only collect all of them. Only when all the scales are collected can the secret method on the entire set of divine armor be perfectly activated and its strongest power can be exerted.

Luo Yuan was a little anxious at this time, because he knew that many of the strongest people in the universe from different forces were coming to him at this time, and there was not much time left for him, so he felt a little stressed. After all, With the strength of his clone, it is still a bit reluctant to fight against the strongest people in the universe. Even if the original body comes, he can't say that he can completely defeat them.

Luo Yuan could feel the positions of the remaining scales. These scales were far away from each other and were not in the same place. He could only use the distance to determine the next route. The Star Tower was flying at high speed in the depths of the abyss. , but the position sensing of this divine armor can only be within half a light-year, so he had no choice but to continue detecting.

While Luo Yuan was looking for the scales, the Third Allah and the Sixth Allah were also looking for the treasure fragments in the abyss, and he also moved forward according to the place where the treasure fragments fell, because this would have the greatest chance of encountering Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan drew a map based on the place where these scales were picked up. He searched around the edge first, and did not dare to cover the power of the Chaos Cage in too large a range, otherwise if he was detected by the strongest people in the universe, , wouldn’t that directly lead them to kill him, so he quickly reduced the scope of the Chaos Cage. With a thought in Luo Yuan's mind, he reduced the Star Tower to the size of a mote of dust and kept flying at super speed. Wearing the Chaos God Armor, he sensed the location of the last two scales. He was also careful, and based on time, it must have been there by now. The strongest person in the universe came here, which made Luo Yuan become cautious. It was like a wolf suddenly mixed in among the sheep, making him feel a sense of crisis.

The strongest people in the universe may encounter them at any time, and if he doesn't collect the last two pieces, he won't be willing to do so. Moreover, he still has three dangerous places that he has not yet explored.

In order to avoid the strongest people in the universe, Luo Yuan chose routes that were not marked in detail on the map. This would make those strong people avoid it and not dare to enter and explore easily. They could only rely on themselves to take risks to see. , so it’s not that easy to discover yourself.

A few days passed like this, Luo Yuan stabilized his mind. He now felt like dancing on the tip of a knife, controlling the star tower to move forward steadily. The strongest people in the universe have the ability to temporarily dispel the original law, which means that they You can allow yourself to do whatever you want without being suppressed by laws in a certain area, and even follow the laws as you say. This is also an ability that makes the universe irresistible.

Even though the peak Lord of the Universe has the strength to compete with the strongest person in the universe, he is not on the same level as the strongest person in the universe in terms of the operation and control of laws. That's why Luo Yuan keeps sending clones out. He is a very For a steady person, nothing is as important as his own life. As the pinnacle master of the universe, if he falls, even the strongest person in the universe will not be able to resurrect.

Once Luo Yuan discovers a special powerful power fluctuation in this abyss world, he will immediately hide temporarily, remain still, and let all the aura of the Star Tower disappear. In this way, even the strongest man in the universe will not be able to detect him. Easy thing.

Suddenly Luo Yuan felt that a token on his body was vibrating. He took out the token and looked at it with doubts on his face. This token was taught to him by the mountain guest. It can communicate with the mountain guest, even here. The cosmic sea can also do this, which is amazing to think about.

"Why did the teacher suddenly come to see me?" Luo Yuan asked respectfully.

The gentle voice of the mountain guest came: "Where is your clone now?"

Luo Yuan thought for a while and replied seriously: "I am currently collecting treasure fragments in the ninth abyss world."

"Then you have to be careful and tell me your specific location. I am now in the ninth abyss world. I found that the two gods of the Divine Eye Clan have arrived. I will come to pick you up!" Mountain Sitting Guest said.

Luo Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this. The mountain guest actually came to pick him up in person, which made him feel relieved.

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(End of this chapter)

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